View Full Version : Selling Majestics/Nellies etc...

23-02-2009, 10:01 PM
For a lil' profit, of course!
Some seem to be in demand and hard to buy at the moment...

Selling 38 Majestics: 2 HC+1 Cred per :D 13 HC for 27 HC, 35 Maj for your T.
Selling 3 bronze nellies: 12 HC Per, (35 HC for all)
Selling 1 silver nelly: 11 HC
Selling 1 Red Dragon: 2 HC

Selling Yukkas: 10 per your HC/14 Creds
Selling Lodge Corners: 2 per 3 creds. (So 10 = 15 creds, or HC+2 creds)

If you're interested, please friend request me and leave a message A.S.A.P. - As I will be selling in trade rooms in the hotel, so they might be gone before you make a post.

Be quick!

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