View Full Version : Twilight Vanquisher!

24-02-2009, 07:35 PM
Managed to get Sartharion and 3 Drakes down yesterday evening after quite a few attempts:

http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9007/wowscrnshot022309204228.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/wowscrnshot022309204228.jpg/1/w1680.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img24/wowscrnshot022309204228.jpg/1/)

Yes I have no buffs on me because the add tank failed towards the end but he managed to hold them amazingly! I wouldn't normally post an achievement here anymore because I don't want to seem smug but this was a really great fight. Going for the normal version now which is 10x harder but I think it is manageable.

24-02-2009, 08:15 PM
We got 10man a week or two ago, it actually sucks as there's much less room for mistakes.

24-02-2009, 10:18 PM
We got 10man a week or two ago, it actually sucks as there's much less room for mistakes.

Thanks and yeah we had about 12 tries on 10 man yesterday straight after the 25 man and we got down 1 drake and were close to the second. It's going to happen soon - at least I hope so. Just need our dps to push out more damage.

24-02-2009, 11:04 PM
ooh gratz will ^^

how long did it take?

25-02-2009, 03:29 PM
A few raids which are each a few hours long but the good thing is they start late ish and we don't raid at all saturdays so plenty of chance to see my mates if I want to go out overnight and any day before a raid or on one of the days we don't raid/I don't sign (probably 1/4)

25-02-2009, 04:00 PM
Thanks and yeah we had about 12 tries on 10 man yesterday straight after the 25 man and we got down 1 drake and were close to the second. It's going to happen soon - at least I hope so. Just need our dps to push out more damage.

Yeah after the second is down it's downhill from there. We did it with a 3 tank (druid; sarth, warrior; drakes, DK; adds), 4 dps, 3 healers setup. Mostly all of the time we didn't get the first drake down before the second set of whelps but it wasn't really a problem as we allowed the DK to get aggro on the newly hatched ones before we AoE'd. Also had reports from our healers from severe oom-age at about 25% on Sarth.

**** fight, good rewards ;p

25-02-2009, 04:07 PM
What tactic did you use? ;o
lol @ 4 mages

25-02-2009, 04:18 PM
My UI :D! Nice Modificaitions to it aswell :)

Grats on the Achivement.

Were still yet to try 3D cos people seem to not care and not log in for raids they have signed for :(

26-02-2009, 06:58 AM
Hmm... I've PuGed both 25man and 10man. But I didn't really know what I was totally doing so I dont know if we sucked or not.. But still, we didn't wipe at all on either.

26-02-2009, 04:56 PM
Yeah after the second is down it's downhill from there. We did it with a 3 tank (druid; sarth, warrior; drakes, DK; adds), 4 dps, 3 healers setup. Mostly all of the time we didn't get the first drake down before the second set of whelps but it wasn't really a problem as we allowed the DK to get aggro on the newly hatched ones before we AoE'd. Also had reports from our healers from severe oom-age at about 25% on Sarth.

**** fight, good rewards ;p

We found popping Heroism for the first drake instead of the second or third worked better suprisingly.

26-02-2009, 05:26 PM
We found popping Heroism for the first drake instead of the second or third worked better suprisingly.

Well yeah, but that only helps with the whelps. Whereas popping it on the Second reduces the threat of Sarth's buffed Flame Breath's cos of Shadrons Acolyte spending time chillin' in the portal. This lowers the time of the tank having to rely on life saving cooldowns when dps get cracking on Shadron.

26-02-2009, 07:31 PM
Well yeah, but that only helps with the whelps. Whereas popping it on the Second reduces the threat of Sarth's buffed Flame Breath's cos of Shadrons Acolyte spending time chillin' in the portal. This lowers the time of the tank having to rely on life saving cooldowns when dps get cracking on Shadron.

Theoretically it should be better to pop it on drake 2, yes due to the flame breaths - but we found for us that night that on drake 1 it was better :P However it doesn't make sense and I would rather blow CDs trinkets etc on drake 2.

27-02-2009, 07:22 AM
My Guilds doing 3D tonight ;O! Been farming 2D for a while to get the tactics down.so should be a fun night tonight ^_^

28-02-2009, 12:03 PM
Gl squashyjoshy :P

Hope it goes down for you!

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