View Full Version : [Building] HAFTA's - Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom.

27-02-2009, 11:36 PM
This is one of my rooms for the HAFTAs, it's Indiana Jones: The temple of doom. :)
The area with the petals is the campsite, so let me know what you think.


27-02-2009, 11:40 PM
next time i go camping, please remind me to bring my giant desk with typewriter and lamp as well as my kitchen table set with eight chairs and tea for my mates

27-02-2009, 11:40 PM
Omg, Naomi that is so good +rep!

27-02-2009, 11:41 PM
Somehow, I don't think the desk is 'giant'. It's also not a Kitchen table, it's a picnic table, and the chairs could easily be taken there. Obviously you've never seen the Indiana Jones movies, he's hardly just going camping.

27-02-2009, 11:42 PM
OMG, wicked room.

27-02-2009, 11:44 PM
if you're going to get technical, obviously you've never seen the indiana jones movie as last time i watched it i don't seem to recall giant pillars holding single candles scattered throughout a forest (!?) made of palm trees (!?!) surrounding a pyramid (!?!?!!) run by pirates (!!??!?!?!). lovely though!

27-02-2009, 11:46 PM
its nice but over the top

27-02-2009, 11:47 PM
i've played habbo long enough not to get excited by a lodge corner pyramid amidst a room of yukkas ... it's only been done for like every room design comp ever held.

27-02-2009, 11:48 PM
I think you need to find a bit more imagination and creativity Visa, because I can hardly make an exact replicate of the movie set on Habbo, can I? The Pillars are there for effect, it makes it look more lost and dangerous with the skull candles on top of it. Next, the Palm Tree's make it look more wild and in the film the temple was surrounded by Tree's, It's not a Pyramid, it's a Temple. Obviously you don't know the difference between a Temple and a Pyramid, because the one I've built looks much more like an Aztec Temple than an Ancient Egyptian Pyramid. Also, it's not run by Pirates, it's run by Bandits. :)

27-02-2009, 11:53 PM
oh man, you've known me for how many years and you still mess up the name? lovely.

don't tell me i need an imagination when the best thing you can come up with is a room with a lodge corner pyramid surrounded by yukkas. i've seen about fifty variations of it created for around the world, globetrekkers, trade rooms, habbowood, theme park challenge and so on and so forth.

ps: just as a side note, dollie, you don't add an apostrophe to make something plural.

27-02-2009, 11:56 PM
Thanks for that, but it was me that made it for Around the World, and it was me that made it for GlobeTrekkers, it's never been made for any of the other things apart from maybe Trade Rooms but I've never seen it done with Lodge Corners. If you're telling me what I have made isn't imaginative, then you need your eyes tested, you can walk to the top of the Temple. It's also not a pyramid for the 2nd time. You clearly have a habit of exaggerating things, fifty variations? Are there 50 ways to make a Pyramid?

27-02-2009, 11:59 PM
right, i know i speak for the majority of the forum when i say i've seen more than my fair share of lodge corner pyramids in rooms full of yukkas. i'll leave it at that - i'd rather not spend my night rolling around in mud with a dog over a habbo room.

best of luck and .. uh .. speaking of dogs, i hope this makes it further than your hotel for dogs ever did.

28-02-2009, 12:01 AM
Thanks for that, but it was me that made it for Around the World, and it was me that made it for GlobeTrekkers, it's never been made for any of the other things apart from maybe Trade Rooms but I've never seen it done with Lodge Corners. If you're telling me what I have made isn't imaginative, then you need your eyes tested, you can walk to the top of the Temple. It's also not a pyramid for the 2nd time. You clearly have a habit of exaggerating things, fifty variations? Are there 50 ways to make a Pyramid?
familytree won atw with a chichen itza made of tubmasters and every trade room consists of a pyramid made of various furniture....

ps: it's a step pyramid, therefore yes, it is a pyramid.

28-02-2009, 12:01 AM
I didn't enter the Hotel for Dogs competition because I had tonsillitis, I had more important to things to consider, i.e. my health. Like I said, mine isn't a Pyramid, it's an Aztec Temple that you can walk up, I'm sorry but you can't roll around in mud on the internet, it's a glass screen, and I'm not a dog, but thanks for the childish, playground name calling. Kyle, it's an Aztec Temple, what Pyramids have you seen with a room at the top? FamilyTree didn't make the Chichen Itza properly, it was a few unstacked tubmasters scattered in a room with a couple of blue rugs and yukka tree's.

28-02-2009, 12:05 AM
I didn't enter the Hotel for Dogs competition because I had tonsillitis, I had more important to things to consider, i.e. my health. Like I said, mine isn't a Pyramid, it's an Aztec Temple that you can walk up, I'm sorry but you can't roll around in mud on the internet, it's a glass screen, and I'm not a dog, but thanks for the childish, playground name calling. Kyle, it's an Aztec Temple, what Pyramids have you seen with a room at the top? FamilyTree didn't make the Chichen Itza properly, it was a few unstacked tubmasters scattered in a room with a couple of blue rugs and yukka tree's.

28-02-2009, 12:06 AM
Grow up. :)

28-02-2009, 12:07 AM
don't tell me to grow up when you can't even use a comma or an apostrophe correctly.

edit: i'm not just being a grammar nazi - there are easily twenty-five mistakes. i'm gonna stop posting here now. bye!

28-02-2009, 12:09 AM
Kyle, it's an Aztec Temple, what Pyramids have you seen with a room at the top? FamilyTree didn't make the Chichen Itza properly, it was a few unstacked tubmasters scattered in a room with a couple of blue rugs and yukka tree's.

I've seen plenty ~ I've been to the Yucatán peninsula in mexico thanks...

Definition of pyramid:

(in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America) a quadrilateral masonry mass, stepped and sharply sloping, used as a tomb or a platform for a temple.

you may also wish to look at pictures of el castillo - a step pyramid

28-02-2009, 12:10 AM
Sorry but this is a thread about a room, not about apostrophe's and comma's. Cheerio. :)

Kyle, the Aztec Temples were based around the design of a Pyramid, but they're not Pyramids. El Castillo is an Aztec Temple, part of the Chichen Itza, it's also commonly known as the Pyramid of Kukulkan, but this is only because it's a Pyramid type structure. It's a temple.

28-02-2009, 12:13 AM
Sorry but this is a thread about a room, not about apostrophe's and comma's. Cheerio. :)
okay, i lied; i couldn't resist. here i go: apostrophes* commas*

and see kyles post for a correction to the rest of your mistakes, babe.

28-02-2009, 12:15 AM
Kyle, the Aztec Temples were based around the design of a Pyramid, but they're not Pyramids. El Castillo is an Aztec Temple, part of the Chichen Itza, it's also commonly known as the Pyramid of Kukulkan, but this is only because it's a Pyramid type structure. It's a temple.

I will refer you again to the definition of a pyramid

(in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America) a quadrilateral masonry mass, stepped and sharply sloping, used as a tomb or a platform for a temple.

28-02-2009, 12:19 AM
Like I said, this isn't a grammar lesson. Which is rich coming from you, did nobody tell you that sentences begin with a capital letter? I'm not going to argue with you, I posted this thread so people could comment on my room, not my grammar or wether or not it's an Aztec Temple or a Pyramid.

28-02-2009, 12:24 AM
the difference is that i don't (and haven't for as long as i can remember) write online using capital letters. that doesn't mean i don't know the proper mechanics for constructing a sentence with capital letters. you, on the other hand, continually attempt to use apostrophes and commas but keep making grave mistakes each time that you do. while i know how do something but choose not to for time and effort's sake, you don't mind taking time to attempt to use punctuation. despite your best efforts, the results are grim.

28-02-2009, 12:27 AM
Visa, why don't you grow up and stop trying to step up on people everytime they make a post on the forum. Like I said, this is a thread about a room, not grammar, so I'd appreciate it if you kept on topic and stopped mentioning commas, apostrophes and punctuation. Now, back on topic...

Kyle has proven me wrong :P He's right, it's a Pyramid but it's not an Ancient Egyptian Pyramid or is not typical of the form of a usual Pyramid like visa was brushing it off as. It's a step pyramid, but is commonly known as an Aztec Pyramid or an Aztec Temple.

28-02-2009, 12:31 AM
Visa, why don't you grow up and stop trying to step up on people everytime they make a post on the forum. Like I said, this is a thread about a room, not grammar, so I'd appreciate it if you kept on topic and stopped mentioning commas, apostrophes and punctuation. Now, back on topic...

Kyle has proven me wrong :P He's right, it's a Pyramid but it's not an Ancient Egyptian Pyramid or is not typical of the form of a usual Pyramid like visa was brushing it off as. It's a step pyramid, but is commonly known as an Aztec Pyramid or an Aztec Temple.
forgive me, if i find it hard to read post's, that are written, like this.

i was never brushing it off as any form of pyramid. i simply said i wasn't impressed by a lodge corner pyramid which is exactly what it is. end of.

28-02-2009, 12:32 AM
Arguing about Habbo is worst than arguing over Habbo. Your room is okay I guess, I couldn't do much better because I probs don't have the attention span.

28-02-2009, 12:34 AM
Unless you read posts aloud, then I don't see how it's difficult. It's not a lodge corner Pyramid, it's a lodge corner Temple, hence the name 'Temple of Doom' Also you said: "surrounding a pyramid" and sorry but I didn't make it to impress you. We're not even friends... lol. :)

28-02-2009, 12:34 AM
I like it :) although not the most original, but fits Indiana Jones well :)

28-02-2009, 12:38 AM
Thanks [DC]eption :)

28-02-2009, 12:41 AM
Wouldn't expect anything less from you Blissa,

It would be cooler in my opinion if you did Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.

It's more recent + Use skull candles?

28-02-2009, 02:00 AM
hi, i'm FamilyTree or was before i got permed what's a chichen itza?! lool
i remember my tub room, i made that 6 months after i started habbo and just kept it because i thought it was pretty, so i didn't tear it down.. i won japanese quest comp in 07 with it, but that's it, it was just a random stack idk what a chichen itza is cries u guys lost me :( but ye, i think your room's pretty blissa ;-)

28-02-2009, 03:12 AM
good luck naomi :8

28-02-2009, 04:00 AM
Ok, I'm not saying this just because i hate you, But the room didnt work for me atall it's pretty rubbish but you will probly win *REMOVED*

Edited by Yoshimitsui (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude.

28-02-2009, 04:00 AM
Ok, I'm not saying this just because i hate you, But the room didnt work for me atall it's pretty rubbish but you will probly win because you basicly rim staff. But yeah who am i to judge.
i love you ian lmao

28-02-2009, 04:02 AM
love ya too! :)

28-02-2009, 04:32 AM
the difference is that i don't (and haven't for as long as i can remember) write online using capital letters. that doesn't mean i don't know the proper mechanics for constructing a sentence with capital letters. you, on the other hand, continually attempt to use apostrophes and commas but keep making grave mistakes each time that you do. while i know how do something but choose not to for time and effort's sake, you don't mind taking time to attempt to use punctuation. despite your best efforts, the results are grim.

oh, good point.

the room is quite nice.

28-02-2009, 09:42 AM
the study desk looks out of place and the plant are just kinda there it's nothing to special because no imagination has gone into it. It's good but could be alot better.

28-02-2009, 10:15 AM
Unless you read posts aloud, then I don't see how it's difficult. It's not a lodge corner Pyramid, it's a lodge corner Temple, hence the name 'Temple of Doom' Also you said: "surrounding a pyramid" and sorry but I didn't make it to impress you. We're not even friends... lol. :)

So you just try and win competitions to make friends? Haha.

In my opinion, this looks a lot like my storage room :S:S:S:S

28-02-2009, 10:18 AM
Ian, thanks for the childish comment but I don't think the room's rubbish, and I don't rim staff, there's only a few staff members that I talk to and I don't even mention any competitions or anything, it's general conversation. Would you rather I ignored them just because they have a staff badge? They're still Habbos and I'll talk to them the same as I'll talk to any of my non-staff friends.

Lucy, thanks for the comments :) I don't think the Study Desk looks out of place but you're entitled to your opinion. The plants are there because the Temple is set in a jungle in the film, they're not just there for the sake of looking pretty and by the way lots of imagination went into the room.

Invincible, where did I say I win competitions to make friends? I said I'm not visa's friend.

28-02-2009, 10:32 AM

Edited by Yoshimitsui (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude.

28-02-2009, 11:12 AM
It's alright I guess, I wouldn't say it's something amazingly special so I wouldn't be shocked if it didn't win but wouldn't be surprised if it did if you get what I'm saying.
I think there's too many trees though...

28-02-2009, 11:14 AM
I thought the temple was made of stone

I think more stone is needed cause erm, as I remember there was like a big stone temple, and a stone kinda-like village near it?

not sure though

28-02-2009, 11:16 AM
WOW, that room is simply amazing. It's great - well done.

28-02-2009, 11:16 AM
Nice, but too much overuse of the yukkas. It actually makes it look good but people who make rooms/used to make rooms, know it's a simple thing.

28-02-2009, 03:27 PM
Dont like it sorry. Looks abit OTT.

I prefer simple n effective rooms.

28-02-2009, 03:36 PM
Ignore the haters Naomi x

28-02-2009, 04:30 PM
alternatively, you might consider listening to what the "haters" are saying because we are right.

28-02-2009, 04:45 PM
alternatively, you might consider listening to what the "haters" are saying because we are right.

Who's we? From the previous 5 pages I've read, it's been mainly you getting frustrated over apostrophees and commas. You're simply trying to dig a hollow hole here, looking to cause trouble, purely because you cannot find an error with the room. You realised that your fight over the appearance of the room was failing, and thus continued it by picking at her spelling and grammar. But why? Anyone else would have simply walked away from the thread...not you, though.

I think for the benefit of everyone here, it'd be appreciated if you just left the thread, and not tempt yourself to navigate back here. Sure, you will undoubetdly respond to my post, but at least I will be able to refrain myself from furthering an argument, eventually spiralling out of control.


Onto the room, so far it looks really well designed. I can see that you've put a lot of thought into the room. Well done.


28-02-2009, 04:47 PM
alternatively, you might consider listening to what the "haters" are saying because we are right.

it's cute to see you get so hyped up on a habbo related forum.

28-02-2009, 05:07 PM
visas obv jelous, and all the others who have said its not good are obv stupid.

Its a great room, Good luck and ignore all the nobheads!

28-02-2009, 05:19 PM
the fight over the appearance of the room was never failing - i dislike it, other people dislike it and at the same time others like it. that is called an opinion and arguments based on opinion never leave the subjective. it's pointless to go very far with them. excuse me for being bothered when, people's type, like, thi's.

and yes, skadoosh. what a brilliant contribution; everyone who disagrees with you is jealous and/or stupid. that is so likely and so proactive.

28-02-2009, 05:32 PM
right ok, i wasn't going to come down the route of dissing the room, but all im saying now is that some people are allowed their opinion

Skadoosh, visa is not jealous, he simply doesn't like the room because maybe it looks nothing like the real thing?

Who's we? From the previous 5 pages I've read, it's been mainly you getting frustrated over apostrophees and commas. You're simply trying to dig a hollow hole here, looking to cause trouble, purely because you cannot find an error with the room. You realised that your fight over the appearance of the room was failing, and thus continued it by picking at her spelling and grammar. But why? Anyone else would have simply walked away from the thread...not you, though.

I think for the benefit of everyone here, it'd be appreciated if you just left the thread, and not tempt yourself to navigate back here. Sure, you will undoubetdly respond to my post, but at least I will be able to refrain myself from furthering an argument, eventually spiralling out of control.

I think you'll find, there's probably an error with every room, it's just people finding it.

There's my talking :)

28-02-2009, 05:34 PM
the fight over the appearance of the room was never failing - i dislike it, other people dislike it and at the same time others like it. that is called an opinion and arguments based on opinion never leave the subjective. it's pointless to go very far with them. excuse me for being bothered when, people's type, like, thi's.

and yes, skadoosh. what a brilliant contribution; everyone who disagrees with you is jealous and/or stupid. that is so likely and so proactive.

You know what. why dont you stop putting other people down, all you had to say was you didnt like the room fair enough, its your opinion, so why dont you try growing up?

Ardemax, get out of visas arse and see the sun, i never meant jelous of the room, try thinking with your head before your fingers

28-02-2009, 05:37 PM
The room works well :) well done

28-02-2009, 05:43 PM
lol visa's attempts at sarcasm are hilarious. Never liked the guy.

Anyway. Room is lovely. I never thought barrel stools could look so nice. Well done.

28-02-2009, 05:55 PM
lol visa's attempts at sarcasm are hilarious. Never liked the guy.

Anyway. Room is lovely. I never thought barrel stools could look so nice. Well done.

Well done! for saying what everyone else was thinking :D

28-02-2009, 06:01 PM
don't tell me to grow up when you can't even use a comma or an apostrophe correctly.

edit: i'm not just being a grammar nazi - there are easily twenty-five mistakes. i'm gonna stop posting here now. bye!

You forgot to put a capital letter at the start of your sentences.

28-02-2009, 06:15 PM
Skadoosh, I don't seem to be up visa's bum, and erm, there's no sun because its 6:15


28-02-2009, 06:31 PM
right ok, i wasn't going to come down the route of dissing the room, but all im saying now is that some people are allowed their opinion

Skadoosh, visa is not jealous, he simply doesn't like the room because maybe it looks nothing like the real thing?

Maybe, just maybe because we're using pixelated furniture here. Who knows, though. For example, the temple, how could you make that realistic given there is no stone furniture?

I think you'll find, there's probably an error with every room, it's just people finding it.

Which is true, but that's not what I meant - it was my wording to blame here.

the fight over the appearance of the room was never failing - i dislike it, other people dislike it and at the same time others like it. that is called an opinion and arguments based on opinion never leave the subjective. it's pointless to go very far with them. excuse me for being bothered when, people's type, like, thi's.

and yes, skadoosh. what a brilliant contribution; everyone who disagrees with you is jealous and/or stupid. that is so likely and so proactive.

No need to intimidate me here, mate. Of course arguments are based upon opinions, isn't that just slightly in the obvious? It was never to that extreme with the commas anyway, it broke up the sentence, which to me made complete sense. OK, at times it did go a little over the top, but the fact you picked at that sentence to the extreme was a little too far.

I believe what Skadoosh said is true, you do have a sense of jealously within you here. Usually when one is jealous, they pick up on tedious points in order to cause trouble, steering the conversation away from the subject - or at least that's how I have usually experienced jealously. There's no need to become defensive and also aggressive - it's what turns a good thread into an argument - coming across with your point is everything, there is by no means to act in such a way.

Frankly, the thread has been derailed onto a whole new line. In the interests of everyone, I think it would be best if we all navigate away from the thread and not return.


Well done Blissa, as I said previously, the room looks as if it could go far.

28-02-2009, 06:45 PM
Its awsome

28-02-2009, 07:45 PM
Maybe, just maybe because we're using pixelated furniture here. Who knows, though. For example, the temple, how could you make that realistic given there is no stone furniture?

Which is true, but that's not what I meant - it was my wording to blame here.

No need to intimidate me here, mate. Of course arguments are based upon opinions, isn't that just slightly in the obvious? It was never to that extreme with the commas anyway, it broke up the sentence, which to me made complete sense. OK, at times it did go a little over the top, but the fact you picked at that sentence to the extreme was a little too far.

I believe what Skadoosh said is true, you do have a sense of jealously within you here. Usually when one is jealous, they pick up on tedious points in order to cause trouble, steering the conversation away from the subject - or at least that's how I have usually experienced jealously. There's no need to become defensive and also aggressive - it's what turns a good thread into an argument - coming across with your point is everything, there is by no means to act in such a way.

Frankly, the thread has been derailed onto a whole new line. In the interests of everyone, I think it would be best if we all navigate away from the thread and not return.


Well done Blissa, as I said previously, the room looks as if it could go far.

your comments are failing you in many ways
lmao we're using pixelated furni? so, I think we have done for about 8 years?

and there's no stone furniture?
i'd think you'd like to re-consider

28-02-2009, 08:03 PM
Ardemax, have you ever seen the Indiana Jones movies? If you're telling me that my room doesn't look anything like it then you obviously haven't. The lodge corners are supposed to represent stones/bricks/rocks, simply because I've never seen an Aztec Temple/Pyramid made of wood so you need to use your imagination. There is no stone furniture that would be suitable for what I was aiming to make, there's greek furniture - but it comes in walls of 2. His comments aren't failing him at all, he has actually made some very valid points which I mentioned earlier on in the thread, you can't make an exact replicate of a real life scene on Habbo, there will always be something different in the Habbo room than there is in the film/setting.

For the people who were saying the trees look wrong there, the film was set in the middle of a Jungle so if I hadn't used as many trees you probably would have said "You call that a Jungle?" I wanted the room to have the setting of a Temple of Doom in the midst of a deep Jungle.

Thanks for all of the other comments :)

28-02-2009, 08:25 PM
You know what. why dont you stop putting other people down, all you had to say was you didnt like the room fair enough, its your opinion, so why dont you try growing up?

If he just gave his opinion he would have been asked to justify it...

anyway I think your room is over the top

28-02-2009, 08:47 PM
yes, very over the top. i dislike it.

28-02-2009, 08:48 PM
What's wrong with over the top?

28-02-2009, 08:54 PM
What's wrong with over the top?
nothing really its just personal taste

I like simple rooms that make use of less furniture and leave it open to interpretation rather than rooms cram packed with things, bursting through the furni limit just incase people dont understand what the room is supposed to be

01-03-2009, 09:29 AM
Ardemax, have you ever seen the Indiana Jones movies? If you're telling me that my room doesn't look anything like it then you obviously haven't. The lodge corners are supposed to represent stones/bricks/rocks, simply because I've never seen an Aztec Temple/Pyramid made of wood so you need to use your imagination. There is no stone furniture that would be suitable for what I was aiming to make, there's greek furniture - but it comes in walls of 2. His comments aren't failing him at all, he has actually made some very valid points which I mentioned earlier on in the thread, you can't make an exact replicate of a real life scene on Habbo, there will always be something different in the Habbo room than there is in the film/setting.

For the people who were saying the trees look wrong there, the film was set in the middle of a Jungle so if I hadn't used as many trees you probably would have said "You call that a Jungle?" I wanted the room to have the setting of a Temple of Doom in the midst of a deep Jungle.

Thanks for all of the other comments :)

I only pointed out 1 thing?
The rest is ok, all im saying is that the temple would look better in greek furni? :S

01-03-2009, 09:41 AM
visas obv jelous, and all the others who have said its not good are obv stupid.

Its a great room, Good luck and ignore all the nobheads!

There not obv stupid, they do not like the room. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so you should respect everyones opinions or next time dont post the room on a forum.

01-03-2009, 10:03 AM
There not obv stupid, they do not like the room. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so you should respect everyones opinions or next time dont post the room on a forum.

fnx u +rep

01-03-2009, 05:51 PM
There not obv stupid, they do not like the room. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so you should respect everyones opinions or next time dont post the room on a forum.
+rep, so true

01-03-2009, 08:49 PM
Not the first of its kind, but a probable winner.

01-03-2009, 09:12 PM
your comments are failing you in many ways
lmao we're using pixelated furni? so, I think we have done for about 8 years?

and there's no stone furniture?
i'd think you'd like to re-consider

Evidently you chose here to misunderstand me delibrately. You clearly knew what I meant when I said we are using pixelated furniture, in that you cannot always create a life-like impression of a subject.

And, yes, you are correct - there is no stone furniture, or at least there hasn't been for the past 5 years I have been registered.

Frankly, building a pyramid/temple out of pillars would look utterly stupid, and would completely wash away the perspective in which Blissa is attempting to perceive.

There not obv stupid, they do not like the room. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so you should respect everyones opinions or next time dont post the room on a forum.

Of course they are entitled to an opinion, but are not most posts influenced via ones opinion? Why on earth they both +rep you for saying that I cannot understand, as they have yet to respect others opinions, and so defeats the point in them agreeing with you, right?

01-03-2009, 09:22 PM
Nice looking room!

If you have any, replace some of the yukkas with them Bollywood-looking tree things..

02-03-2009, 06:59 AM
Evidently you chose here to misunderstand me delibrately. You clearly knew what I meant when I said we are using pixelated furniture, in that you cannot always create a life-like impression of a subject.

And, yes, you are correct - there is no stone furniture, or at least there hasn't been for the past 5 years I have been registered.

Frankly, building a pyramid/temple out of pillars would look utterly stupid, and would completely wash away the perspective in which Blissa is attempting to perceive.

Of course they are entitled to an opinion, but are not most posts influenced via ones opinion? Why on earth they both +rep you for saying that I cannot understand, as they have yet to respect others opinions, and so defeats the point in them agreeing with you, right?

yeah you're right, every temple ive seen has been made out of wood

02-03-2009, 07:07 AM
Please use your imagination a bit Ardemax.

02-03-2009, 05:09 PM
I would like it, if only you hadn't used that same pyramid for your globe trekkers room, you have just moved it to the side and added in a few yukkas and palm tree's, sorry

02-03-2009, 05:51 PM
That's one of my favourite room designs Elliot. :) Also in the globetrekkers room the steps went up either side, not all around it. It wasn't as simple as moving it to the side and adding a few yukkas and palm trees, because this is in a completely different room than my Globetrekkers entry was in.

03-03-2009, 04:23 PM
Please use your imagination a bit Ardemax.

I know what you're saying, but what im saying, is that the room should be my imagination :P

04-03-2009, 12:45 AM
I don't mean to sound rude, but if you want the room to be your imagination, make one yourself? I'm not Mystic Meg, lol.

04-03-2009, 07:02 AM
I don't mean to sound rude, but if you want the room to be your imagination, make one yourself? I'm not Mystic Meg, lol.

Sorry that might not have made sense.
I'm saying that if the temple was made out of stone then make it out of stone.

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