View Full Version : Watch a Film and Win a Prizw

02-03-2009, 04:36 PM
The HAFTAs have returned and this time they are bigger and better than ever before!
Get along to the HAFTAs Group now to find out exactly how you can submit your YouTube video award entry and/or your Movie Scene Room design entry. We have added all the information you need ahead of this afternoon's HAFTAs launch party, which kicks off Monday 2nd March at 4pm in the Theatredrome.
If you can't get your creative juices to flow or are struggling to get to grips with your video software, then don't worry. We have some smaller prizes on offer that can be grabbed simply by doing the below.

Help Us Find A Winner!
1. Search YouTube for videos tagged with HabboUK
2. Find one you think is good
3. Submit it to us following the simple guides on the HAFTAs Group (http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/haftas).
4. If YOUR suggestion wins, then YOU will win a prize too!
5. One submission per Award per Habbo. So make sure you are happy with your suggestion before sending it to us.

Don't worry all you budding film directors and room designers. The prize is far greater for those who actually create as opposed to those who find, however, a prize is a prize and if you want one then you'll need to get cracking.
What are you still doing here? Get over to the HAFTAs Group fast. We only have a week! (http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/haftas)


opps spealt Prize wrong in thread title :o

02-03-2009, 04:48 PM
Basically guess who you think will win, then you do aswell? :L

02-03-2009, 05:03 PM
I want to win a Prizw.

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