View Full Version : Religious Brainwashing of Children - How can this be right?

09-03-2009, 04:55 PM

This video is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen. It's absolutely despicable. These children can't be more than 10 years old and they are being indoctrinated with all that serious serious stuff. It's so much for them, I feel for them so much just sat there crying.

What you think?

09-03-2009, 05:02 PM
What do you think about the "speaking in tongues" aspect of it? (the part where they talk utter nonsense)
It's actually a language, hebrew I believe. Not really utter nonsense.

And of course, is Harry Potter really evil?
AHAHAH! THIS PART WAS SOOOOO FUNNY! 'If it had been in the old testiment, Harry Potter would have been put to death!" "Warlocks are EVILLL!" Omg, utter crap tbh.

What about the seriousness of the talk of Govenment and then that the kids are given a hammer.
Omg he says that cup is the power of the enemy! Government is wrong? They are teaching these kids to kill the government.

What do you think about what these people are doing to these children?
This is the same thing they're doing in third world war camps to the children, teaching them their way is right and to kill all the others. Are we really any different from them? Or are we viewed as terrorists to them.

My views while watching the movie: (Watch it and follow along with these notes.): The fat leader is basicly telling everywhat what they're going to do, not asking them if they want to. OMG DID SHE JUST CALL THOSE 10 YEAR OLDS PHONY HIPACRATES? She's crying, omg. Water of your word? I need to drink that stuff. Now the kids are crying. F__king putting the kids down, omg! Oh now it's a guy speaker. This movie is really scary so far. 7:00 and I'm crying now. What's with the painted faces and costumes? THIS MEANS WAR! Omg get the guns. Omg she's talking to strangers in the bowling alley. That woman looks scared. Ahh, the girl at the end IS weird. PMSL! -sigh

This is my view. I'm neutral on my beliefs btw.

09-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Wow those kids really believe that crap.

Things like these are reasons for why im Atheist..

09-03-2009, 05:19 PM
It's really really sad. They're brought up listening to that stuff, and they believe it's the only thing there is out there. I just have to say wow.

09-03-2009, 05:23 PM

Edited by MattGarner (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post pointless comments.

09-03-2009, 05:32 PM
I know. You can watch the full movie free by searching "Jesus Camp Part" on youtube and going through 1 - 9. I'm getting ma tissues.

09-03-2009, 05:48 PM
(Admin Merge)
I'm watching the full version, and this is just scary. I'm only 15 minutes into it.

09-03-2009, 07:06 PM
i saw the full version last year in my sociology class, its pretty scary. they are obviously taking advantage of kids' learning and naive minds, the adults should know better than that.

but the sadder thing is that there's worse brainwashing done to kids, particularly in africa.

09-03-2009, 07:07 PM
I just finished watching the whole movie.
All I have to say is wow.
These people are intense.
It's scary.

09-03-2009, 07:13 PM
These kids are really stupid, it's pretty much common sense from when you're 8 onwards that you don't blindly follow stupid belief systems that are set to restrict your freedom and your liberties. People have to think for a second, "Why am I following someone that I have never saw, never heard and will send me to 'hell' if I don't want to believe in him anymore, he also WANTS ALL MY MONEY!" Sorry for the rant there, but it's true.

09-03-2009, 07:15 PM
Wants all your money? Where does it say that...
Anyways, they were taught that from a young age, maybe 5 or younger.
In the movie they explain how if you start young, that's all they know and are basicly forced to believe it. They really don't know any better.

09-03-2009, 07:22 PM
Wants all your money? Where does it say that...
Anyways, they were taught that from a young age, maybe 5 or younger.
In the movie they explain how if you start young, that's all they know and are basicly forced to believe it. They really don't know any better.

I wasn't talking specifically about the video there, I was talking about Christianity in general, the Church asking for money, the Pope/Vatican City getting millions if not billions of dollars the list goes on.

09-03-2009, 07:24 PM
Actually, they only ask for 1/10th of what you earn per week.

09-03-2009, 07:30 PM
These kids are really stupid, it's pretty much common sense from when you're 8 onwards that you don't blindly follow stupid belief systems that are set to restrict your freedom and your liberties. People have to think for a second, "Why am I following someone that I have never saw, never heard and will send me to 'hell' if I don't want to believe in him anymore, he also WANTS ALL MY MONEY!" Sorry for the rant there, but it's true.

nah. if you ever take a psychology class, they breaks down stages of life and how we think in them. firstly, there is no such thing as "common sense." it does not exist. secondly, in teenage years, especially in early teenage years, kids are looking for something to follow. you can see it everywhere, its why kids follow trends. its why they tend to idolize celebrities. virtually all of them do these things, but many do it in different ways. these adults are taking advantage of the vulnerable stages of these kids' lives. they arent "stupid," they are just looking for something to be a part of, which is what all kids are looking for.

09-03-2009, 07:34 PM
Exactly what I said. +REP

09-03-2009, 07:41 PM
People also believed the crap Hitler came out with...

Hitler worked on a policy that if you tell someone a lie enough times, eventually they'll believe it.

I'm imagining these kid's parents have been feeding them this rubbish since they were born. Afterall, a kid of that age won't choose to go to a camp like that - their parents would send them.

09-03-2009, 07:46 PM
Exactly. They've been taught, kept in a bubble, and forced to believe this stuff. When I watched the movie it was, "I homeschool my kid because I don't like what the public school offers". Bunch of crap tbh.

09-03-2009, 07:55 PM
These kids are really stupid, it's pretty much common sense from when you're 8 onwards that you don't blindly follow stupid belief systems that are set to restrict your freedom and your liberties. People have to think for a second, "Why am I following someone that I have never saw, never heard and will send me to 'hell' if I don't want to believe in him anymore, he also WANTS ALL MY MONEY!" Sorry for the rant there, but it's true.

You are incorrect there. The kids are targetted because they believe whatever they hear, if they'd grown out of it, younger children would be targetted.

09-03-2009, 07:56 PM
Sorry Kyle!, you got busted.

09-03-2009, 08:08 PM
Sorry Kyle!, you got busted.

"Busted"? It's a competition now? I was saying what I believe in, and what I'd be like if I was in there position. I honestly, can't see myself, no matter if I was being brought up like what they were from the age of one, blindly submitting to God, being the person I am, and always have been, I would think, question and then question again.

So before we start turning this into a competition of what's right and what's wrong, it was my opinion.

09-03-2009, 08:11 PM
In all honesty Kyle, how much of that crap do you actually believe the kids UNDERSTAND?

09-03-2009, 08:14 PM
"Busted"? It's a competition now? I was saying what I believe in, and what I'd be like if I was in there position. I honestly, can't see myself, no matter if I was being brought up like what they were from the age of one, blindly submitting to God, being the person I am, and always have been, I would think, question and then question again.

If you were 1 year old and I told you that your penis was actually called a vagina, you'd believe that for a little while. If I told you that for a whole year, every hour I was near you, you'd believe it for the rest of your life, believing that everyone else is a freak.

However, there is real proof that it's called a penis. There's nothing to prove with the 'God' thing, that's why so many people believe it and feel others are crazy.

(And I'm not saying you have a vagina, it's just a way of telling you what I mean.)
(LOL at whoever -repped me for 'u have a vagina u noob' <3)

09-03-2009, 08:45 PM
If you were 1 year old and I told you that your penis was actually called a vagina, you'd believe that for a little while. If I told you that for a whole year, every hour I was near you, you'd believe it for the rest of your life, believing that everyone else is a freak.

However, there is real proof that it's called a penis. There's nothing to prove with the 'God' thing, that's why so many people believe it and feel others are crazy.

(And I'm not saying you have a vagina, it's just a way of telling you what I mean.)
(LOL at whoever -repped me for 'u have a vagina u noob' <3)

LOL I nearly pee'd.

09-03-2009, 09:06 PM
So before we start turning this into a competition of what's right and what's wrong, it was my opinion.

You were wrong. :P

09-03-2009, 09:11 PM
You were wrong. :P

Ha ha... funny.

09-03-2009, 09:15 PM
That's disgusting.

09-03-2009, 10:11 PM
thats some crazy :rude:
And +rep to RedStratocas, completely agree with you :)

09-03-2009, 10:19 PM
The 'Army of God'?
She should be arressted for mental abuse, or atleast the parents should.

09-03-2009, 10:28 PM
I honestly, can't see myself, no matter if I was being brought up like what they were from the age of one, blindly submitting to God, being the person I am, and always have been, I would think, question and then question again.

well you cant really say "no matter how i was brought up" because whether you think you are or not, you are trained on how to think by adults. its why liberal parents raise liberal kids and conservative parents raise conservative kids. as children, we biologically look up to adults for guidance. i can still remember as a 5 year old looking up to my dad thinking that he's always right and isnt scared of anything. im sure a lot of people have similar experiences. so to these kids, these adults are teaching them and adults are always right. these 6, 7, 8 year olds, they dont know about politics. they dont even know there is another side to this issue. its what theyve been brought up to believe, as hard fact. to them, denying jesus is the equivalent of denying the sky is blue. there arent areas of grey. what these parents are doing is exposing and taking advantage of these kids at one of the most vulnerable stages of life.

further, these kids' knowledge of jesus and christianity wasnt introduced to them at this camp. obviously the parents of these kids aren't relaxed christians or athiests who just said "hey lets send our kids to a hardcore jesus camp." theyve been brought up since birth to be a hardcore christian, and thats the way the world is to them. the camp just reaffirms and expands on ideas they've already been taught.

10-03-2009, 11:55 AM
They target them young because thats when you learn to obey, it's quite sad that they don't get to make their own choices really.

10-03-2009, 12:28 PM
as a satanist, (dont ask about it just beleive it isnt what you think.) ii despise this program, if it was legal i would go in there and kill everyone of those cult leaders. its disgusting what they do to them children, let them grow up and choose the road for themself, fall or fly.

this is the worst type of christianity i have seen. the start of this reminds me of what a serial murder once said in an interview "jesus spoke throught me, jesus told me to do it. i did. what is justified by my lord jesus is justifiable by me. it wasnt murder it was purification of satan from the so called victims minds, victims my *** theyre just victims of the antichrist" i cant remember his name, but the quote is on my wall (R.E. revision.) these kids will grow up to be murderers, i guarentee it.

10-03-2009, 01:28 PM
wow @ above

But yeah, I hope the fat ***** falls on the church and crushs it.
Then magikly the children are all still alive.
Most of them anyways.

10-03-2009, 01:41 PM
Cant belive they belive all that crap thast fat woman is saying

10-03-2009, 01:42 PM
They're 5 years old, hear it every hour, every day, every week of their whole life. I can understand how they believe it. It's the only thing they know.

11-03-2009, 06:58 PM
Its sick, very very sick!
I watched this documentary last night on bbc3 about "Gods child" about some 13 year old girl running around thinking she was god, she never watched TV, didn't know one single celebrity it made me mad at the parents.

11-03-2009, 07:53 PM
What do you think about the "speaking in tongues" aspect of it? (the part where they talk utter nonsense)
It's actually a language, hebrew I believe. Not really utter nonsense.

Nah it's actually tongues, why would they be speaking hebrew, the language of judaism. The religion of the lovely people that killed their christian saviour jesus christ.

Tongues is suppose to be the language of the holy spirit (don't quote me on this).

Worst part is that this is suprisingly common in the states, one of my good friends is american, he came from texas and florida and used to attend churches similar to this (or as he described it, the one in Borat).

Thing is brainwashing or not it's still the childs choice, he was told the same crap as these kids.

When he grew up he had the intelligence to analyse his religion and came to the conclusion that based on simple logic there is no way god can exist and is now an athiest (despite that his parents are still christians).

This video is no worse then what occurs in other faiths, they all have their propaganda and they all wish that the children born into families that have a faith follow the same faith.

The only injustice is that this looks like a summer camp and frankly I would be real pissed if I had to sit there on my ass and talk about god for my summer when i could be enjoying the time off school.

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