View Full Version : Who plays "Sims 2, Double Deluxe?"

13-03-2009, 01:14 PM
Who plays Sims 2 Double Deluxe? I personally love that game! My little brother bought me that game for my last birthday, after he realised that I was just about addicted to The Sims.
I think all the games in this brand are five-star and a huge success.
I'm familiar with them all, and i'll probably be playing them for a lengthy time into the future!
Woohoo for the Sims!:eusa_danc
Well done Maxis,:eusa_clap

22-03-2009, 01:55 AM
OMG SAME! I got it for Christmas and I've loved the sims since they came out. My brother and I are splitting the pay for The Sims 3 (but technically his dad's paying for my half as a bday present :D) Do you download custom stuff? I do, it makes the game alot more personalized and fun to create a sim! :D I'm only missing Bon Voyage. I have Pets and Open for Business but I can't find the codes! :( I also have University which used to work, but when I installed it it didn't. Lol. Anywhose, ttyl!


25-03-2009, 06:19 PM
i have a large amount of sim games but im mostly anticapating sims 3. gonna be released in June which is gonna be awesome. sims 2 is great though. i get annoyed with orginal sims now. way 2 dull

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