View Full Version : Forum Updates 22nd March 2009

22-03-2009, 08:21 PM
Again more FAQ errors so ill post them and nvrspk4 will add the introduction of the features Manager.

23-03-2009, 05:59 AM
As another part of New Habbox (What? That's still going on??) the position of Features Manager has been introduced!! This position combines VIP Manager (previously called VIP Editor) with the new positions of Donations Manager and Arcade Manager.

Heading up the new position will be brandon, the VIPs Manager and our new Features Manager, Yoshimitsui! The position of Features Manager will include:

Managing Donators and any related issues
Setting up those who Donate in a Friend's Name
Setting up SMS Donations (when we activate this)
Setting up VIP requests from managers in accordance with quotas
Adding VIP Features
Dealing with VIP Name Changes
Sorting out VIP Issues
VIP/Donator Cleanup
Dealing with the Report Reputation Thread
Watching over any arcade issues
Setting up occasional tournaments and brackets
Any other issues with regards to Donations, VIP, or the Arcade.

Many things to do but I'm confident they will both be able to handle the challenge!

Good luck to the both of them and hope everyone enjoys this new change!

26-03-2009, 12:08 PM

Only VIP's (http://www.habboxforum.com/vip.php) can change their usertitles to what ever they want. Staff will have their job as their usertitle and normal members will have their rank (http://www.habboxforum.com/faq.php?faq=new_faq_item1#faq_new_faq_item_userpos tranks) based on their posts as their usertitle.


Only VIP's can change their usertitles to what ever they want. Staff will have their job as their usertitle and normal members will have their rank (http://www.habboxforum.com/faq.php?faq=new_faq_item1#faq_new_faq_item_userpos tranks)based on their posts as their usertitle.

The VIPS link has been removed as it no longer exists!

26-03-2009, 12:19 PM

If you are a VIP, you can get a name changed to anything, as part of your VIP features. To ask for your forum name to be changed, use this (http://www.habboxforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=638) thread.

If you are not a VIP, you are only allowed to change your forum name if its to match your Habbo Hotel UK name. To do this, PM (Private Message) nvrspk4 and ask him for your name changed to whatever your Habbo name is. He will ask you to send him a friend request on Habbo Hotel UK to prove you are the true owner of the account.


If you are a VIP, you can get a name changed to anything, as part of your VIP features. To ask for your forum name to be changed, use this (http://www.habboxforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1198) thread.

If you are not a VIP, you are only allowed to change your forum name if it's to match your Habbo Hotel UK name. To do this, PM (Private Message) Bomb-Head and ask him for your name changed to whatever your Habbo name is. He will ask you to send him a friend request on Habbo Hotel UK to prove you are the true owner of the account.

The link has been changed as the original link linked to the Features requests.
Bomb-Head now does the name changes if you are not a VIP. This must be the same as your Habbo username.

26-03-2009, 01:39 PM

Reputation is something that enables other members to see what other people have rated you. How well a member is rated is shown with green/red blocks. A new member starts with 50 reputation points.

Reputation is split up into 2 different categories. Green and Red.

Green Rep

People give out reputation for things such as: -
-Good threads / posts
-Good room design
-Good idea
-Good graphics / alterations<

This is known as Green rep. (This is good)

When you view your rep comments, Green rep is displayed as a Green block.http://img430.imageshack.us/img430/8067/greenrep1vg.gif .

Red Rep
When you do something bad you will most likely receive Red rep which is classed as bad. This will also cause your reputation count / points to decrease. You may be bad (Red) repped for the following reasons: -
-Pointless Posting
-Double posting
-Being rude
-Breaking the forum rules

Red reputation is displayed as a Red block. http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/8009/redrep6yc.gif.

Neutral Rep
Neutral reputation is Grey. This is received when a member does not have any rep power (More information below) or has a bad reputation level. Neutral rep Does Not affect your reputation level. If you receive some it is nothing to be worried about.

Grey rep is displayed as a Grey block. http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/4369/greyrep4aa.gif.

Adding Rep / Removing Rep
To add / remove some one's reputation: -

-Click on the image that looks like scales on top of some one's post. http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/1777/scales9hk.gif.
-Depending on whether you want to give out good or bad reputation click the appropriate button.
-Also leave a comment. Some users like to leave their name at the end of the
comment as well.
-Click the submit button.

Reputation Power
Rep power is the amount of points that you can take or give to some one's reputation. Your rep power increases by 1 point for every:
- 5000 posts
- 600 reputation points
- 365 days (1 year) registered on the forum

Reputation Blocks
You need 100 reputation points for 1 reputation block - You also need at least
100 posts and 30 reputation points before your reputation is activated.

Reputation Ranks
-100 is infamous around these parts
-50 can only hope to improve
-10 has a little shameless behaviour in the past
0 is an unknown quantity at this point
55 is on a distinguished road
75 will become famous soon enough
100 has a spectacular aura about
125 is a jewel in the rough
150 is just really nice
175 is a glorious beacon of light
200 is a name known to all
300 is a splendid one to behold
400 has much to be proud of
500 has a brilliant future
600 has a reputation beyond repute
700 has much dedication towards Habbox
1000 is a great example to all
4000 has almost made it to legendary status
5000 is a Habbox Forum legend!

Disable Rep
In your user control panel you are able to disable other members from viewing your reputation level. (Note: Even when disabled admin can still view!)

To disable your reputation please click the following link which will take you to your account options.

You then just need to uncheck the first box and click submit at the bottom of the screen.

When looking at someones post you can tell if their reputation is disabled as their reputation looks like a black block. http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/4128/disabled0ko.gif.

Note - Even with your reputation disabled other members can still good and bad rep you. But they will not be able to see your reputation.

Viewing Rep Level + Comments
To view your reputation level and comments simply going into your user control panel. Just click the following link.
After you have clicked on this link your reputation level should be displayed.

The different color blocks mean the following: -
http://img430.imageshack.us/img430/8067/greenrep1vg.gif Green Rep – It adds points to your reputation level.
http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/8009/redrep6yc.gif Red Rep – It lowers your reputation level.
http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/4369/greyrep4aa.gif Grey Rep – This does not affect your reputation.

What are those green blocks under my profile information?
Those blocks show the amount of reputation you have. There are 4 different
coloured reputation blocked.

This is a dark green reputation block, you get these the first 500 reputation
This is a light green reputation, you get these for every 500 reputation points
after you past 500 reputation points.
This means the user has disabled his reputation.
This is a red reputation block, this user has received many bad reps and has no
rep power

VIP Feature
Members that are VIP can view who left them reputation. To view who left you reputation simply view your comments in the usercp.

-Once you have repped someone you must rep another 50 people before you can rep the same person again.
-You may only rep 10 people a day


Reputation is something that enables other members to see what other people have rated you. How well a member is rated is shown with green/red blocks. A new member starts with 50 reputation points.

Reputation is split up into 2 different categories. Green and Red.

Green Rep

People give out reputation for things such as: -
-Good threads / posts
-Good room design
-Good idea
-Good graphics / alterations<

This is known as Green rep. (This is good)

When you view your rep comments, Green rep is displayed as a Green block.http://img430.imageshack.us/img430/8067/greenrep1vg.gif .

Red Rep
When you do something bad you will most likely receive Red rep which is classed as bad. This will also cause your reputation count / points to decrease. You may be bad (Red) repped for the following reasons: -
-Pointless Posting
-Double posting
-Being rude
-Breaking the forum rules

Red reputation is displayed as a Red block. http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/8009/redrep6yc.gif.

Neutral Rep
Neutral reputation is Grey. This is received when a member does not have any rep power (More information below) or has a bad reputation level. Neutral rep DOES NOT affect your reputation level. If you receive some it is nothing to be worried about.

Grey rep is displayed as a Grey block. http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/4369/greyrep4aa.gif.

Adding Rep / Removing Rep
To add / remove some one's reputation: -

-Click on the image that looks like scales on top of some one's post. http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/1777/scales9hk.gif.
-Depending on whether you want to give out good or bad reputation click the appropriate button.
-Also leave a comment. Some users like to leave their name at the end of the
comment as well.
-Click the submit button.

Reputation Power
Rep power is the amount of points that you can take or give to someone's reputation. Your rep power increases by 1 point for every:
- 5000 posts
- 600 reputation points
- 365 days (1 year) registered on the forum

Reputation Blocks
You need 100 reputation points for 1 reputation block - You also need at least
100 posts and 30 reputation points before your reputation is activated.

Reputation Ranks
-100 is infamous around these parts
-50 can only hope to improve
-10 has a little shameless behavior in the past
0 is an unknown quantity at this point
55 is on a distinguished road
75 will become famous soon enough
100 has a spectacular aura about
125 is a jewel in the rough
150 is just really nice
175 is a glorious beacon of light
200 is a name known to all
300 is a splendid one to behold
400 has much to be proud of
500 has a brilliant future
600 has a reputation beyond repute
700 has much dedication towards Habbox
1000 is a great example to all
4000 has almost made it to legendary status
5000 is a Habbox Forum legend!

Disable Rep
In your user control panel you are able to disable other members from viewing your reputation level. (Note: Even when disabled admin can still view!)

To disable your reputation please click the following link which will take you to your account options.

You then just need to uncheck the first box and click submit at the bottom of the screen.

When looking at someone's post you can tell if their reputation is disabled as their reputation looks like a black block. http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/4128/disabled0ko.gif.

Note - Even with your reputation disabled other members can still good and bad rep you. But they will not be able to see your reputation.

Viewing Rep Level + Comments
To view your reputation level and comments simply going into your user control panel. Just click the following link.
After you have clicked on this link your reputation level should be displayed.

The different color blocks mean the following: -
http://img430.imageshack.us/img430/8067/greenrep1vg.gif Green Rep – It adds points to your reputation level.
http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/8009/redrep6yc.gif Red Rep – It lowers your reputation level.
http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/4369/greyrep4aa.gif Grey Rep – This does not affect your reputation.

What are those green blocks under my profile information?
Those blocks show the amount of reputation you have. There are 4 different
coloured reputation blocked.

This is a dark green reputation block, you get these the first 500 reputation
This is a light green reputation, you get these for every 500 reputation points
after you past 500 reputation points.
This means the user has disabled his reputation.<br>
This is a red reputation block, this user has received many bad reps and has no
rep power

VIP Feature
Members that are VIP can view who left them reputation. To view who left you reputation simply view your comments in the usercp.

-Once you have repped someone you must rep another 50 people before you can rep the same person again.
-You may only rep 10 people a day

All the errors are bigger then the rest of the text for you all to see.

26-03-2009, 01:44 PM

Heres a short list of the features you gain:

- Access to exclusive VIP Forum
- A coloured name of your choice from the selection
- A custom user title
- To be able to change your forum user name
- An avatar of 150 pixels x 150 pixels
- A signature of 700 pixels wide x 300 pixels high
- A PM storage of 600
- Exclusive access to the the arcade
- See who gave you reputation
- Option to make yourself invisible
- Be able to close your own threads
- Post your birthday/events on the Habbox Calender


Heres a short list of the features you gain:

- Access to exclusive VIP Forum
- A coloured name of your choice from the selection
- A custom user title
- To be able to change your forum user name
- An avatar of 150 pixels x 150 pixels
- A signature of 700 pixels wide x 300 pixels high
- A PM storage of 600
- Exclusive access to the arcade
- See who gave you reputation
- Option to make yourself invisible
- Be able to close your own threads
- Post your birthday/events on the Habbox Calendar

26-03-2009, 01:49 PM

You can not see your usernotes, only an administrator and super moderator can.


You can not see your usernotes, only an administrator and (super) moderators can.

26-03-2009, 01:52 PM

Infractions are like the old system of usernotes. But unlike them they have the advantage of keeping forum members much more aware of their offences. This awareness is what we hope will prevent users from re-offending and therefore preventing themselves from getting banned.

Every time a user receives an infraction it stays for 2 months unless reversed before time by a super moderator or an administrator. Forum moderators and super moderators do not have the ability to alter the infraction length. It is kept for 6 months so that there is a reasonable log if you break rules constantly then stop for a few months then start to break rules again.

Along with the infraction a Private Message is sent to the user to help them understand exactly why they were infracted. The PM is sent because when an infraction is given a moderator has a choice of categories which they are infracting a user on, as the catagories are slightly vague a Private Message is sent to give a more detailed report on the offence.

Any user who collects high numbers of infractions or constantly breaks the rules will likely find themselves to be banned.


Infractions are like the old system of usernotes. But unlike them they have the advantage of keeping forum members much more aware of their offences. This awareness is what we hope will prevent users from re-offending and therefore preventing themselves from getting banned.

Every time a user receives an infraction it stays for 2 months unless reversed before time by a super moderator or an administrator. Forum moderators and super moderators do not have the ability to alter the infraction length. It is kept for 6 months so that there is a reasonable log if you break rules constantly then stop for a few months then start to break rules again.

Along with the infraction a Private Message is sent to the user to help them understand exactly why they were infracted. The PM is sent because when an infraction is given a moderator has a choice of categories which they are infracting a user on, as the categories are slightly vague a Private Message is sent to give a more detailed report on the offence.

Any user who collects high numbers of infractions or constantly breaks the rules will likely find themselves to be banned.

26-03-2009, 01:56 PM

I have not recieved my activation email off you, can you help?

I have not received my activation email off you, can you help?

26-03-2009, 02:03 PM

If you have forgotten your password then you can use this link to help reset your password.

Click here to reset your password (http://www.habboxforum.com/login.php?do=lostpw).

If you do not recieve an email to reset your password then please send an email to [email protected] including your forum name and the Forum Technician (Jin) will send you a new pass, it would also be helpful if you can send the email from the email address you have registered with us.


If you have forgotten your password then you can use this link to help reset your password.

Click here to reset your password (http://www.habboxforum.com/login.php?do=lostpw).

If you do not receive an email to reset your password then please send an email to [email protected] including your forum name and the Forum Technician (Jin) will send you a new pass, it would also be helpful if you can send the email from the email address you have registered with us.


I have forgotten my password or cant seem to get onto my forum account, can you help?


I have forgotten my password or can't seem to get onto my forum account, can you help?

26-03-2009, 02:11 PM

If you have been banned it would be likely that an Administrator or Super Moderator has deemed your behaviour on the forum as unacceptable.

Usually a clear ban reason is displayed on your screen when you are notified of your ban duration. If you feel that that ban reason is vague or unclear then you may contact us via the contact form (http://www.habboxforum.com/sendmessage.php) for a detailed explanation.


If you have been banned it would be likely that an Administrator or Super Moderator has deemed your behavior on the forum as unacceptable.

Usually a clear ban reason is displayed on your screen when you are notified of your ban duration. If you feel that the ban reason is vague or unclear then you may contact us via the Support system (http://www.habboxforum.com/support) for a detailed explanation.

26-03-2009, 02:16 PM

If you feel that your ban was not justified or is a mistake then you can appeal it by using the contact form (http://www.habboxforum.com/sendmessage.php) or emailing us at [email protected].

Please do not forget to supply your username.


If you feel that your ban was not justified or is a mistake then you can appeal it by using the contact form (http://www.habboxforum.com/support) or emailing us at [email protected].

Please do not forget to supply your username.


I think I have been banned by mistake, What can I do?

I think I have been banned by mistake, what can I do?

26-03-2009, 02:22 PM

The forum integrates AJAX into its pages, AJAX is a way by pages can load information without reloading the page.

The problem you are recieving is likely associated with firewall / browser restrictions that prevent javascript (not Java) from running on habboxforum.com. You will need to enable habboxforum.com to run javascript coding sometimes this is fixed by adding our domain as a "trusted site".


The forum integrates AJAX into its pages, AJAX is a way by pages can load information without reloading the page.

The problem you are receiving is likely associated with firewall / browser restrictions that prevent JavaScript (not Java) from running on habboxforum.com. You will need to enable habboxforum.com to run JavaScript coding sometimes this is fixed by adding our domain as a "trusted site".

26-03-2009, 02:24 PM

If none of the above helped or your problem isnt listed here then you can email us at [email protected] or use the contact us link at the bottom of the forum.

Please add as much detail as you can including, your browser, your username, your firewall and operating system.


If none of the above helped or your problem isn't listed here then you can email us at [email protected] or use the contact us link at the bottom of the forum.

Please add as much detail as you can include, your browser, your username, your firewall and operating system.

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