View Full Version : Mechanics +REPZ

08-04-2009, 08:52 PM
right i have all day free now because its impossible to get a job and i cant be bothered playing xbox all day until i go to college.

does anyone know any like good books or dvds ect on engines putting in mods ect.

+ links if possible.

im not doing a course and preferably not net sites because i dont have access to net all the time. Thanks:rolleyes::)

08-04-2009, 10:07 PM
Its all about experience i think, unless you get down to doing it you dont really learn from dvds, they do help but nothing like doing it and all cars/bikes are different. Thats what i think anyway. I dont know any dvds sorry, just thought id say that. Why not buy a **** heap for like £100 and practice on that? Or do what i done and get a sat job in a garage.

09-04-2009, 09:16 AM
Thanks but its impossible to get a job round by me theres nothing anywhere :l

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