View Full Version : Rares to collectables?

10-04-2009, 05:39 PM
What happened to the great 1-furni with many colours idea (fans, smokes, screens, ect)?

I thought those items were great, and the prices were constantly changing and looked great.

Now we've got these collectable things, like the Kraken, which in my opinion don't look very good at all - I have no interest in buying them.

They dont have a very flexible price since they are very certain room-specific items. (e.g. A Big Ben wouldn't go well in a salon, whereas with the old type of rares you could always find the right colour to fit in).

Anyone know the idea behind the switch?

I don't like it - is it just me?

10-04-2009, 08:03 PM
Well, the main part of Collectibles is that they are only being sold once, other rare's returned. Also, which is major is that these Collectibles don't have recolours.

I think most of the Habbo users don't like recolours and want to see new furni.. These collectibles are always new and will never be sold again.

10-04-2009, 08:08 PM
Due to pressure from the public Sulake changed the scheme and replaced Rares with Collectables. Recolours were becoming very unpopular and people were constantly moaning for something new. The tide, however, has now turned. I did a poll not long ago asking what people preferred, Rares or Collectables. An overwhelming majority stated they preferred Rares.

Collectables are doing alright, but they are nothing special and look similar to some cheaper seasonal furniture. It seems afterall, people really did like recolours.

10-04-2009, 08:30 PM
Yeah. I guess people don't realize how good something really is - until it is gone.

I've always liked the recolours, and I am surprised how much I miss opening the catalogue and seeing a great new colour fan or pillow (ect) to buy.

I don't like the collectables at all... I hope we get some more recolour type furni -
There's some great things they could use as new items to recolour.

After seeing what the next (totem thing) collectable looks like, it makes me wonder what the response will be to it - I'd love to see the amount of recolours people bought compared to the collectables bought.

10-04-2009, 08:33 PM
i like the concept of collectables, however i only liked the around the world range, this new range is not habbo like at all in my opinion :(

10-04-2009, 08:58 PM
Why change what isnt broke?

Collectables unlike rares have a very low price for some reason. Recolours were better than collectables.

10-04-2009, 09:08 PM
Totally agree. I take no interest what so ever in collectibles however when there were rares, I used to buy every single one and bought 35 credits every time there was a new rare which costs 25 credits. Now I dont even look at them. Im that un-interested.

10-04-2009, 09:15 PM
they need to have collectables/rares w.e that come out for a day or even just an hour, that way we get some more valubale items into the hotel

10-04-2009, 09:19 PM
I totally agree collectables are just furni that do nothing to impact your rooms, Rares were just amazinig furni which could be used for anything

10-04-2009, 10:35 PM

wonder if we all emailed habbo enough and got enought people to do it then there might be a chance of rares coming back ?

10-04-2009, 10:53 PM
I preffered Rares to Collectables. They seemed to gain more interest and there was an element of surprise to it - rares were not generally released reguarly like Collectables. I can see a few of the Collectable furnis turning into "junk rares" very soon, stuff people just keep in storage 'cos they can't sell it.

10-04-2009, 11:11 PM
I'd like to see them both, but maybe make collectables extra special by releasing them for one day, say on the first day of each month for 24 hours exact and at a price of 50 credits. Rares were so much more interesting though, in a way it defined each hotels economy as they were all different.

11-04-2009, 09:08 AM
I don't think we will need to e-mail Sulake to ask for rares back - I'm pretty sure they will see the slump in sales soon.

11-04-2009, 09:43 AM
i totally disagree with those who says collectables have no impact, they can bring effects to room and can be used in special things, yes maybes rares could be used it everything, but in my opinion their still boring.

Were as the gnome, i think he has to be the best collectable released, And can add concepts to rooms, e.g. mystical features, and the rest are quite cool i especially love the habblantis one.

11-04-2009, 09:50 AM
i totally disagree with those who says collectables have no impact, they can bring effects to room and can be used in special things, yes maybes rares could be used it everything, but in my opinion their still boring.

Were as the gnome, i think he has to be the best collectable released, And can add concepts to rooms, e.g. mystical features, and the rest are quite cool i especially love the habblantis one.

I agree, some of them are cool - but worth 25 credits?

Maybe for some people - but you wont catch me spending 25 credits on any of them. Most of the seasonal items are even better looking than these new collectables - that's the thing about the coloured rares, the items were unique and you could always find a colour that fits.

11-04-2009, 10:01 AM
and then you have the kraken? where are you gonna put a damn kraken.
collectables are ugly. most only fit into one room theme and even then they dont look good. i mean, we have totem legs coming next. WHY?
old school rares ftw

11-04-2009, 10:05 AM
I hate recoloured V7 rares.

I really think they ruined Habbo from V7 onwards.

That's just my opinion, I like classic.

11-04-2009, 01:46 PM
and then you have the kraken? where are you gonna put a damn kraken.
collectables are ugly. most only fit into one room theme and even then they dont look good. i mean, we have totem legs coming next. WHY?
old school rares ftw

Yeah the kraken is hard to place, but not if your a good room designer.

then it looks cool :)

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