View Full Version : +REP Movies that i burn onto dvds keep freezing

18-04-2009, 01:34 AM
hey guys,
I use ConvertXtoDVD to burn my movies onto dvds, but i dont understand what i am doing wrong, my movies keep feezing but when i watch them on my laptop there 100% fine, i was thinking the problem may be im burning them too fast theres different burning speeds, does anyone know if i burn them at a lower pace if that may solve the problem, if this is not the problem and you have an idea about why the dvd keeps freezing please let me know.

Also would it be better to burn them at 1x or 16x+ i thought the higher the more likely to be bad quality as its burning faster?

Sorry for always posting in the Technical problems section but i supose this is a Teachnical Problem, also many thanks to the users in this section, you always give great advice.

If anyone can help me please.


20-04-2009, 01:52 PM
Lower speed is usually better quality.

Used to be when i used Nero else.

20-04-2009, 03:52 PM
It could be your DVD player. Try a different one. If the problem doesn't go then I surgest you buy some different DVD's cause these ones may be bad quality or something.

20-04-2009, 06:44 PM
It could be your DVD player. Try a different one. If the problem doesn't go then I surgest you buy some different DVD's cause these ones may be bad quality or something.

Thanks for the help its really weird though because some dvds i burn are fine then others freeze now and then and i doont know what the problem is.

20-04-2009, 08:45 PM
How much room are you leaving on the disc? I used to have the same problem and it was because I was burning too much information. I found that if I strayed to close to the maximum capacity of the disc, it would often freeze up. Rather than sacrifice quality I just cut out the credits and opening titles if it's a long movie.

21-04-2009, 12:03 PM
How much room are you leaving on the disc? I used to have the same problem and it was because I was burning too much information. I found that if I strayed to close to the maximum capacity of the disc, it would often freeze up. Rather than sacrifice quality I just cut out the credits and opening titles if it's a long movie.

that might be it, the dvd can hold 120mins, but most the films are only 100mins and i noticed on films that are shorter they dont really freeze, do you know if its possible to get disc's with a larger capacity?



Is that enough space?

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