View Full Version : [Request] HearHabbo - Information & Applications

19-04-2009, 01:34 PM
HearHabbo - Latest News

You may/may not have heard about mine and 'Nina's' latest project 'HearHabbo'. Even if you have you'll know that there has been little information given out about it, I'm sure some of you, however large or small the amount, will be wanting some questions answered, these questions will be answered when we have them put in stone! Myself and Nina have had plenty of previous experience owning fansites in the past and have recently been taking on different roles at different sites, often excluding Habbo fansites.

Anyhow, all I will say is things such as 'You won't have to work to work.." and "Don't worry about hearing a song you dislike". These two sentences describe in an odd kind of way just two of our unique features that I'm going to try to get put on the site, however, with this I will need help! That's where the next part of this thread comes in, how remarkable!

HearHabbo - Recruiting Coders & Graphic Designers!

'HearHabbo' is in need of about 3 - 4 Coders and Graphic Designers, no matter what experience, we need you! Because we don't want to disregard any capability we wish to enrol people who have the experience of a guru to people who literally have just come out of 'tutorial' school. This does not however mean we're willy nilly [haha, how crude..] employing people who can't achieve the best for the Site!

So then, want to be an early part of this project, listen up!

In order to get your application in successfully we need you to send it to me 'JustBoss' on the Forum.

Make the subject to your Private Message, HearHabbo Application - Coder/Graphic Designer. Please remove the name accordingly, for instance, if your applying for the Coding job, please remove the 'Graphic Designer' from the Subject, may seem obvious but ey, I bet someone still does it!

Inside your message, please use the following template;

Name [Not your full real name, just a name you wish us to call you]:
Habbo Name:
Experience [Please use Sites/Forums you've actually worked at for the job your applying, for instance, don't apply for Coding and give experience for News, we couldn't care less about the News! Well, not just yet anyhow....]:
3 - 5 Pieces of your work [This only applies to Graphic Designers, if you do not have 3 pieces, we shall need you to create some!]:
What type of coding, such as HTML are you able to do FULLY [obviously applying just to the Coding! By FULLY, we mean that your able to do it without required help to an extent..]:

Good Luck!

19-04-2009, 01:38 PM
Interesting, I might apply. Not to sure yet, still thinking tho.

19-04-2009, 01:43 PM
Ok then, I look forward to the possibility of hearing from you! :)

19-04-2009, 05:53 PM
Sounds Good.
I shall apply for a different role though.

20-04-2009, 05:16 PM
Thanks for showing interest, looking forward to seeing you apply for a role!

21-04-2009, 03:39 PM
Any date when it will open or maaybe a maintenance page?

21-04-2009, 07:59 PM
The Forum is hopefully opening later tonight! Obviously that's not a definite :) When the Forum does open, we shall be concentrating fully on the Site so nope, no deadline created just yet!

As for a maintenance page, one being made tonight :)

24-04-2009, 08:01 PM
The Forum is hopefully opening later tonight! Obviously that's not a definite :) When the Forum does open, we shall be concentrating fully on the Site so nope, no deadline created just yet!

As for a maintenance page, one being made tonight :)
Possibly going to apply for a graphics job.

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