View Full Version : Bit of bad news :(

13-07-2005, 05:51 PM
Ok, I have a bit of bad news for you all, you wont be seeing me around on habbo for a few months, my friend accidently made a mistake and got me a IP, its not her fault, its my fault for not telling her the rules on what she can and cant do on my account. so ill hopefully be back when I move :)
I'll still be on the forum lots and on habboxradio, I hope that we can all keep in touch :)

13-07-2005, 05:54 PM
No... :( I feel sorry for you.

13-07-2005, 05:55 PM
:( its my own stupid fault :(
I might email habbo and apoligise, im dont think they'll unban me though

13-07-2005, 06:50 PM
Habbo won't do anything as so many people say ''oh sorry it was my little sister (or whoever) using my account'' they will just think your lieing :@

13-07-2005, 07:08 PM
Sorry to hear hun <3

13-07-2005, 07:10 PM
Soooppppphhhiiieee :(
Feel Sorry For Yah Babe

13-07-2005, 07:11 PM
Like OO said habbo probably won't do anything but sorry and good luck if you do email habbo

13-07-2005, 07:13 PM
Soap :(
As i said yesterday, all i can say is .... :( :( :( :(
I'll you loads on there ya brighten up Habbo so much, but hopefully once you move you'll be back in business on Habbo once more! Least you got the forum n radio and messenger to use :D

13-07-2005, 07:14 PM
\soph :Oooo. Silly friend *shlaps*

13-07-2005, 07:23 PM
you are gay..

www.mouseindustries.com and d/l habbit unbanner O WHATS THAT

If that doesnt work, when you go to bed take unplug ur modem and when u wake up re-plug


or renew ip via MSDOS

13-07-2005, 07:29 PM
Hmm...what exactly did your "Friend" do?

Surely you must've had previous 2 hour bans to have been IP'd?

Was your "Friend" scripting/scamming/attempting to hack?, as that can sometimes lead to a straight perm + IP ban.

13-07-2005, 07:38 PM
thx for bad rep.. mouseindustires isnt a fu'cking scripting website its just andys site you to'sser

13-07-2005, 07:40 PM
Hmm...what exactly did your "Friend" do?

Surely you must've had previous 2 hour bans to have been IP'd?

Was your "Friend" scripting/scamming/attempting to hack?, as that can sometimes lead to a straight perm + IP ban.

I know the reason though im not going to say it as i dont no if soph wants every1 to no, but i aint exactly a bad reason compared to all scamming/hacking and scripting...

13-07-2005, 07:58 PM


14-07-2005, 12:50 AM
Sorry to hear you were banned. Hope you manage to sort everything out :)

14-07-2005, 05:58 AM
Habbo won't do anything as so many people say ''oh sorry it was my little sister (or whoever) using my account'' they will just think your lieing :@

well I must of been a lucky one =DDD


habbo was in a funny mood :p

W00T habbo here I come [again]

14-07-2005, 06:00 AM
you are gay..

www.mouseindustries.com and d/l habbit unbanner O WHATS THAT

If that doesnt work, when you go to bed take unplug ur modem and when u wake up re-plug


or renew ip via MSDOS

I agree with all he has said, except the gay part! :p

14-07-2005, 06:11 AM


nope wasnt that :p

if you must know I got banned for letting my friend make the account MOD-soph while I was getting drinks :) I got of it fast though when I came back :eusa_ange

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