View Full Version : How to keep your computer clean

25-04-2009, 12:28 AM
Note This is not mine! I am just posting for people that haven't seen it!

Heya HabboHutter's.
Here's a little guide to keep your computer safe, secure, virus, adware and spyware free!

What Is Adware?

Adware is an application that is installed on your computer which display many advertisements and worst of all, pop-ups. Adware is installed usually without you knowing when you install a seemingly harmless program. Programs which instal adware tend to be free programs. The reason adware is installed on free programs is so the creators of the "free" program you have installed can have a source of income, as advertising companys pay to have their pop-ups and ads put into the adware application.

What Is Spyware?

Spyware, like adware is installed on your computer usually without you knowing normally when you install another program. Spyware moniters your computer usage and collects information about you and this information is sometimes stored in a database. Spyware can also generate pop-ups and ads. Also, spyware can gather your personal details so it's best to have your computer spyware and adware free!

How Do I Know If I Have Spyware And How Do I Remove It?

There are many programs on the internet which will scan your computer for spyware, adware etc. and safely remove it from your computer such as Spy Sweeper which you can purchase from www.webroot.com (http://www.webroot.com/).
You can get a free trial of Spy Sweeper but eventually you have to buy it.
I personally recommend Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (BETA).
This AntiSpyware program is free and very very usefull. You can download it from: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/secu...e/default.mspx (http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx)
Please not that you need to Validate Windows to make sure you have a genuine version of Windows (Validation also is free.)
Microsoft AntiSpyware does everything to protect your computer from Spyware and Adware and also gives you round the clock protection.

Virus Protection

A computer virus and a human virus are similar in some ways. Sometimes viruses spread througout your computer, like how a virus spreads in the human body. Viruses also infect other programs on your computer.
Virus protection is very important because if your computer is virus infected then your system could be at serious risk and could stop working. To make sure your beloved computer does not get infected you should always have an Anti-Virus software running on you computer.
Some of the best are Symnatec, McAfee and Bullgaurd. These all cost money (some MAY offer free trials) but are very worth paying!
If your parents will not let you buy an anti-virus software then I recommend AVG Free Edition which is downloadble from http://free.grisoft.com (http://free.grisoft.com/).
You should regularly scan your computer for viruses and pull out all stops to remove them and prevent your computer from getting them.


Firewalls are software applications that protect your computer from unauthorized access coming from another computer, eg- a hacker.
There are many great firewalls on the market such as McAfee and Symnatec but these are only purchaseable and not free. Some MAY offer free trials. If you are not allowed to buy a firewall then ZoneLabs provide a free firewall which is downloadable from: http://www.zonelabs.com/store/conten...=dbtopnav_zass (http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/catalog/products/sku_list_za.jsp?dc=12bms&ctry=US&lang=en&lid=dbtopnav_zass)

Many anti-spyware/adware/virus and firewalls are downloadble from www.download.com (http://www.download.com/)

This is just a small guide with some of the many ways on how to protect your computer.
Hope it helps http://habbohut.com/board/images/smilies/smile.gif

The Professor
25-04-2009, 05:27 PM
Some very basic stuff in there and quite a bit I don't agree with. It recommends buying security software and it says Norton is worth paying for. You can get software that does the same as most paid programs for free. It also recommends a Microsoft security product, which if it's anything like the stuff built into XP/Vista is woefully inadequate.

Methinks the author meant well and the stuff in there is technically correct but its by no means the best way of going about things.

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