View Full Version : So annoyed at my mum -.-'

28-04-2009, 06:37 PM
She's so ******* irritating, yeah I love her to bits and stuff. But she clearly doesn't listen to a word I say. She doesn't know anything about me, none of my favourite foods, colours etc. She doesn't know anything about how I'm doing in school, even though I tell her so much. She thinks I'm pretty much a failure in school and that I don't work or anything, But she's seriously wrong. She doesn't know any of my friends names, even though I've probably explained my best friends names to her a million times. Even yesterday, she mistaked a girl I HATE to be my best friend. It's actually so ******* irritating. She's supposed to pay attention to me.

Even today, not so long ago, she came home and I went downstairs to say 'hi' or anything really. She asked me to put more albums on her ipod, 'cos last time i tried putting more on my laptop didn't seem to know it had as disk in it :l But anyway, she said to me that she bought me a 'suprise' for putting stuff on her ipod. Soo first thing i said ''it'll be **** won't it, or something I hate?''

I was right. She bought me a Bob Dylan cd, no offence if anyone likes him. But I ******* think he's ****. I can't stand listening to him either. I asked her if she bought that for me to put on her ipod also and she was just like ':S i bought that for you' i replied with the fact I hate him, and she said that yesterday I clearly said to her to buy me a Bob Dyland cd? ***. No I didn't. Yesterday I said to her ''Look, it's Bob Dylan, you like him, don't you? Going to buy him?'' Yeah maybe she misheard me. But still she does really know nothing about her daughter. :l

K SORRY IT'S SO LONG. just needed to complain a bit and get that all out.

28-04-2009, 06:44 PM
Have you actually said any of this to your mum? She's not exactly a bad person as it happens with alot of mothers and their kids, they just let us get on with our teenage lifes most of the time and don't have a care about what we do (to an extent of course). Why don't you sit your mum down and ask why she doesn't pay attention to you? Is she doing it on purpose to annoy you? Mothers are just like that sometimes, just sit her down and explain to her without the distractions of a third person or a active television in the room to make sure she isn't ignoring you. Good luck.

28-04-2009, 06:51 PM
if she thinks you're so much of a failure, prove to her you're not. She isn't exactly gonna know your favourite things, i know for sure my mum doesn't? She can't just know straight away you've gotta bond and stuff before she'll know. So what? just because she doesn't know your friends names doesn't mean she's a bad mum, my mum still thinks i'm friends with my enemy no matter how much times I tell her :lol:
She's supposed to pay attention to you? that's quite selfish, she could have other things on her mind and feel like you can manage on your own, you'd probably moan if she was over protective all the time or never left you alone, it's what teenagers mostly want right?

She bought you something as a treat, you could have at least pretended you like it, you shouldn't have said it would be **** even though it was, especially before you got it because that just sounds spoilt and pathetic to me. What's so wrong with her getting something wrong, I'm sure she's a lot older than you and obviously doesn't know this kind of generation music and probably didn't hear you right :S:S yeah, mums are pain in the arses sometimes but you'll be like that one day maybe, like mother like daughter? then how would you feel if your daughter wrote and ***** about you like that :rolleyes:

not having a go and not meaning to sound cliche but don't moan about stuff you have until they're gone. you'll never get anything done by moaning, spend a day with her once a week or something, appreciate her more and she might start to notice things better.

28-04-2009, 06:52 PM
o.o Just like my mum :S She sits in the kitchen all day on facebook on her laptop

I need to shout out her name atleast 50 times befor she awnsers She keeps asking me to download her songs hello? Heard of youtube

28-04-2009, 06:55 PM
o.o Just like my mum :S She sits in the kitchen all day on facebook on her laptop

I need to shout out her name atleast 50 times befor she awnsers She keeps asking me to download her songs hello? Heard of youtube

i wouldn't let my mum on social networking sites, she can't even use a computer though so i'm fine. it's like i rebooted my computer one day and she blamed me and thought i'd rebooted the world wide web, yeah, mums and computers? i don't think so.

28-04-2009, 07:15 PM
o.o Just like my mum :S She sits in the kitchen all day on facebook on her laptop

I need to shout out her name atleast 50 times befor she awnsers She keeps asking me to download her songs hello? Heard of youtube

**** off, I get nagged all day to put songs on a disc for her.

28-04-2009, 07:16 PM
Hmm. It's not as if everyone's parents know everything about them and you're the exception. Many people aren't that close to their parents but the point is she probably does know you, just doesn't go around chanting your favourite colour. I know my parents don't know my friends' names, in fact it irritates me when they try to.
I agree with buttons about the cd, be grateful she got you a cd at all.
Quite funny that other parents confuse enemies with friends too, I have the same problem often.

28-04-2009, 07:20 PM
Have you actually said any of this to your mum? She's not exactly a bad person as it happens with alot of mothers and their kids, they just let us get on with our teenage lifes most of the time and don't have a care about what we do (to an extent of course). Why don't you sit your mum down and ask why she doesn't pay attention to you? Is she doing it on purpose to annoy you? Mothers are just like that sometimes, just sit her down and explain to her without the distractions of a third person or a active television in the room to make sure she isn't ignoring you. Good luck.

Yeah, i've said it to her alot of the time, but she just kinda ignores what i say.. I don't really want to actually sit her down, because from knowing my mum, she'll find it hilarious..

if she thinks you're so much of a failure, prove to her you're not. She isn't exactly gonna know your favourite things, i know for sure my mum doesn't? She can't just know straight away you've gotta bond and stuff before she'll know. So what? just because she doesn't know your friends names doesn't mean she's a bad mum, my mum still thinks i'm friends with my enemy no matter how much times I tell her :lol:
She's supposed to pay attention to you? that's quite selfish, she could have other things on her mind and feel like you can manage on your own, you'd probably moan if she was over protective all the time or never left you alone, it's what teenagers mostly want right?

She bought you something as a treat, you could have at least pretended you like it, you shouldn't have said it would be **** even though it was, especially before you got it because that just sounds spoilt and pathetic to me. What's so wrong with her getting something wrong, I'm sure she's a lot older than you and obviously doesn't know this kind of generation music and probably didn't hear you right :S:S yeah, mums are pain in the arses sometimes but you'll be like that one day maybe, like mother like daughter? then how would you feel if your daughter wrote and ***** about you like that :rolleyes:

not having a go and not meaning to sound cliche but don't moan about stuff you have until they're gone. you'll never get anything done by moaning, spend a day with her once a week or something, appreciate her more and she might start to notice things better.

I do try to be with her alot, 'cos I'm the only kid living at home, and it's just two of us most of the time, but she gets really annoyed with me..

and like, the thing with me is, she's never been over-protective and since i was younger [11ish] i've always wanted her to be, i feel she lets me do too much by myself. i hate the fact since i've been 13-ish she's left me on my own for like a week or two. Like, now, it's alright if she left me, but I'd much prefer if she didn't trust me as much as she does, I know it sounds strange.

Yeah, I did really overreact and act like a cow to her. Yeahh, I guess you're right Jen. Thanks [:

28-04-2009, 08:20 PM
Rebotted the world wide web *****!

28-04-2009, 08:26 PM
My mum always goes into town and comes back saying 'Dan I got you this fantastic shirt from Primark' I'd tell her how much I like it wear it for an afternoon and put it in my drawer never to be seen again :P

28-04-2009, 08:54 PM
i wouldn't let my mum on social networking sites, she can't even use a computer though so i'm fine. it's like i rebooted my computer one day and she blamed me and thought i'd rebooted the world wide web, yeah, mums and computers? i don't think so.

At first he took like 5 - 10 mins to type something like this long, but now shes typing fast and is a addict to facebook

She used to go bed around 9 - 11pm and wake up at like 6 now she goes bed at 6am an gets up at like 3

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