View Full Version : Noise Margin And PS3 Signal Stregth Questions

30-04-2009, 08:55 PM
yet another thread in 'technical problems'. i'd probably be lost without it :lol:

anyway, number 1. ive been looking on the internet to find out why my signal strength drops at around 6.00pm-6.30pm, and then stays low for the rest of the night. the answer i seem to have found is that i have a low noise margin. whats a noise margin? how do i find mine? and how would i improve it?(if thats even possible)

secondly, probably extremely basic but heyyy. would my internet speed effect my signal strength? im currently on 2MBs but getting upgraded to 10MBs tommorow.

and thats it for this time. sure there will be another thread from me soon. me and internet connections don't mix well. :@

EDIT: FAILED ON THE TITLE. someone change it to strength for me :lol::lol::lol:

30-04-2009, 09:57 PM
As you've said you're having a problem with your signal strength I am presuming that you are having a problem with your wireless network during the evening.

Problems with your signal strength during certain times may indicate "frequency congestion" which means somewhere nearby someone elses network is using the same channel as yours which may be interfering with your network.

To solve this you will have to log into your router via your webrowser and go to ( or this may differ on your router).
You will then need to navigate to the wireless settings and on that page should be an option to change the wireless channel, change that to a different number and see whether your signal strength improves during the evening.

For your second question, your internet speed won't affect your signal strength.
Most wireless networks run at either 54Mb (g) or 108Mb. (n)

01-05-2009, 03:50 PM
ahh ok
suggestions on what to change my channel to? im on 6 atm, and i know 1 doesnt work because ive tried it with something before. cant remember what

01-05-2009, 04:38 PM
SN Margin is a DSL term that is basically means how much more noice (measured in dB) your telephone line can incur before the line cannot support the speed currently syncronised between your router/modem and the telephone exchange.

This is completly unaffected by your wireless network. However, if you are refering to the signal strength on your wireless network the SN margin is completly unrelevent. However, I highly doubt the speed of your wireless network would slow down after a certain time.

More likely is that you are either being throttled by your ISP during peak times or the traffic is simply so high that you cannot get a higher speed.

01-05-2009, 05:52 PM
thanks :)
+rep to both

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