View Full Version : Planning to buy a MacBook White...

03-05-2009, 10:33 AM
I am planning to buy a MacBook White after my exams.

Anything I should know? Any good free software I should get? What paid software is most worth getting other than Office 2008?

03-05-2009, 03:52 PM
Adium for msn
Quicksilver for finding things quick
VirtualBox for running Windows seamless
Darwine for running Windows Apps
AppCleaner to remove apps
Limewire to download music (though I don't use this)
Img2Icns for converting pngs to icon files
CandyBar for skinning
GeekTools for Adding clock and weather to desktop
Bowtie for showing what's going on in iTunes
TextMate for coding
The Unarchiver for decompressing weird archives

04-05-2009, 12:52 AM
go on Tim mac ftw xD

iWork's pages is good ;} (i have microsoft and iworks, I find i use them both)
Zuze for downloading
Coda for coding (not free, lovely app)
unrarx for unrarring ;D
Photobook for downloading facebook albums

04-05-2009, 11:35 AM
go on Tim mac ftw xD

iWork's pages is good ;} (i have microsoft and iworks, I find i use them both)
Zuze for downloading
Coda for coding (not free, lovely app)
unrarx for unrarring ;D
Photobook for downloading facebook albums
Zuze? blegh. Use Transmission or uTorrent BETA. I agree that Coda really is a lovely app. My trial has never expired, lucky me.

04-05-2009, 10:37 PM
You sure you guys don't mean Vuze? :P

04-05-2009, 10:39 PM
I'd definatley go with Coda - I love it... it's so fresh and exactly what I need. Spotify for Mac is also great.

I'd also go with Pages - have used Word a few times, but I prefer pages. I'd also recommend uTorrent for downloads.

05-05-2009, 06:26 PM
You sure you guys don't mean Vuze? :P

aha yes ^^

I have had problems with transmission and I found utorrent not the greatest

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