View Full Version : Ripping off friends.

14-07-2005, 10:13 AM
I recently started a 'business' with someone on runescape that I've known over Habbo/messenger for a year or two, I 'THOUGHT' they where a good friend. Anyway, I mined a load of coal, smithed it, and he used Alchemy to get cash. Long story short, I found out per run he was ripping me off around 100k. Now I'm a 'noob' for not letting him rip me off, don't you think it's sad how money-hungry people are on rune? It's like Zebila getting her whip stolen by a 'friend' people are willing to ruin long time friendships over pixel coins.

14-07-2005, 11:04 AM
Well I think it's good you found out and actually saw he wasn't even you friend. Yes people are sad, no matters what kind of money is in ''the game'' pixel or real people are just sad and lame. <3 Want some sharks? :rolleyes:

tbh imo no m8
14-07-2005, 11:04 AM
yea i know what you mean what is the point?

14-07-2005, 11:09 AM
Mmmph yea its happened to me before too :/
Greed is an illness and a lot of people suffer from it. I always have to remember though people are only human and in some situations self preservation is put first.

14-07-2005, 11:23 AM
i still think my friend in real life scammed me he knew my recovery questions (i got scammed on runescape)

tbh imo no m8
14-07-2005, 11:27 AM
mitch where r u?

14-07-2005, 11:51 AM
I hate people that do that.

14-07-2005, 11:55 AM
Nets always asks me to use my phat, he wants my gp...
Warlord made that up to just let people know he has a phat, I think it makes him feel special? :rolleyes:

14-07-2005, 12:01 PM

14-07-2005, 12:03 PM
Don't fake quote me.
I dont think I need proof because its kind of obvious you did post that, but any way - You edited your post after I quoted you.
You will probably edit your post again.. but hey! Your a noob =]

stop the spamming and flaming please [snapshot]

Please learn what spam and flaming means [Nets - Aka the person who just pwned you]

14-07-2005, 12:13 PM
Well I think it's good you found out and actually saw he wasn't even you friend. Yes people are sad, no matters what kind of money is in ''the game'' pixel or real people are just sad and lame. <3 Want some sharks? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the offer but I'm good<3

14-07-2005, 01:13 PM
Nets your a noob. Warlord could own your *** in a second.

14-07-2005, 01:48 PM
Nets your a noob. Warlord could own your *** in a second.
Do you have any thing to do with this? I think not. Does any one want you to do with this? I think not. Does any one even like you? I think not.
And do you only think about RuneScape, I think so.
Please get a life, and dont talk about me again - It makes me look a fool you even knowing my name.
Thanks - Nets.

Ps. I could PWN you, your the bigest noob on rs. Literally.

14-07-2005, 01:51 PM
Please don't fight, me and Nets are friends, we just joke... :(

tbh imo no m8
14-07-2005, 01:55 PM
yea plz dont fight keep it a friendly enviroment :)

14-07-2005, 02:06 PM
Biggest nerd in rs? Yeah i'm sure I am. Think whatever you want to noob.

14-07-2005, 03:18 PM
Bit like what happened to me, I thought me and this person were mates, then he keylogs me..
Sorry about what happened :(

14-07-2005, 03:41 PM
Think whatever you want to noob.
Thanks for making me laugh <3.

14-07-2005, 08:04 PM
nets i just got in the mail that you pwned me? lol *rolls eyes* and flaming is having a go at somone and starting or carrying on an argument, spamming is making really aimless posts, thankyou you have been owned by snap :)

14-07-2005, 08:06 PM
yea plz dont fight keep it a friendly enviroment :)

I agree keep it friendly :)

14-07-2005, 08:12 PM
AHHHHH My eyes are burning stop it!!

14-07-2005, 08:16 PM
The same kind of thing happend to be, but on Habbo. Basically, my "friend" who I had known on habbo for about a year and a half took all my furniture.
Well, it was only about a hc worth, but BAH.

14-07-2005, 08:19 PM
nets i just got in the mail that you pwned me? lol *rolls eyes* and flaming is having a go at somone and starting or carrying on an argument, spamming is making really aimless posts, thankyou you have been owned by snap :)
You just got in the mail? What is that suposed to be? Funny? :eusa_snoo

And any way; if you know what spam means then why did you edit my post saying I spammed? Ps. Do you know what Moderator means? Some one who is suposed to make sure there isnt arguments etc on the forum, I cant say that you are doing the best job at that.
And so for the owned part? Just read my post again.

14-07-2005, 08:19 PM
The same kind of thing happend to be, but on Habbo. Basically, my "friend" who I had known on habbo for about a year and a half took all my furniture.
Well, it was only about a hc worth, but BAH.

Did you ever get him back

14-07-2005, 08:22 PM
Whilst he was "Hacking" me I went on his account but he didn't have any furniture. I couldn't changed the password or anything so I just changed his clothes and put in his mission "I am a noob" Lol. -Sigh-
I wish I had done more, but it was hard to think of things to do in the rush of things, lol.

14-07-2005, 09:09 PM
rofl nets you should make friends with james-solori or whatever he likes having a go at people for no reason sheesh please stop the arguing or ill have to close the thread and how can you define a moderator if you are not one :S

14-07-2005, 09:17 PM
rofl nets you should make friends with james-solori or whatever he likes having a go at people for no reason sheesh please stop the arguing or ill have to close the thread and how can you define a moderator if you are not one :S
10 points to Snapshot!
Well played

14-07-2005, 09:17 PM
rofl nets you should make friends with james-solori or whatever he likes having a go at people for no reason sheesh please stop the arguing or ill have to close the thread and how can you define a moderator if you are not one :S
To be honest why would I want to be one? And I think I have the ability to define somthing which I am not. And Jamus_Solari is my freind, in real life - And Warlord cant say much, as Jamus_Solari also gos to his school.

14-07-2005, 09:21 PM
don't preach what you do not understand then dude :)

14-07-2005, 09:24 PM
don't preach what you do not understand then dude :)
Perhaps try to make yourself more clear on what you are trying to say, and then I will give you a propper responce.. :eusa_eh:

14-07-2005, 09:32 PM
How about Nets you put your claws away, and Snapshot close thread?

14-07-2005, 09:33 PM
How about Nets you put your claws away, and Snapshot close thread?
How about you stop looking for an arguement, and Snapshot you close the thread.

14-07-2005, 09:34 PM
Nets you're really pushing it mate

15-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Nets you're really pushing it mate
Look, I havent' done any thing; You just randomly edit my post for no known reason. Warlord edits his posts trying to frame me for posting fake quotes - When we can obviously see that he has edited his posts. And yet you call me telling the truth SPAM? Flaming? :eusa_eh:

15-07-2005, 11:50 AM
Look, I havent' done any thing; You just randomly edit my post for no known reason. Warlord edits his posts trying to frame me for posting fake quotes - When we can obviously see that he has edited his posts. And yet you call me telling the truth SPAM? Flaming? :eusa_eh:
1) I only edited one post, and that was BEFORE you posted. So there is nothing wrong with that. If there was, there would be no edit button.

2) You can't shout about people editing, you know that you edited all your posts in that other thread, I won't post the link. However I will if you say something like that again without a decent case.

15-07-2005, 02:10 PM
Look basically i edit any posts i find against the rules or spam if warlord spammed i would have edited his post, i can't get every single one of them so if you find anything offensive or spam worthy please use the report key, thankyou, snapshot :)

15-07-2005, 02:17 PM

15-07-2005, 04:04 PM

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