View Full Version : KyleBolton Design

04-05-2009, 08:54 PM
Well I launched my site a few minutes ago, still making improvements but tell me what you think of it so far, and if you want enquire about my services! :)

Click Here (http://kyle-bolton.co.uk)

04-05-2009, 09:30 PM
Like, I said on twitter the site is beautiful.

04-05-2009, 09:52 PM
I would never be interested in your service because your content is awful.

Hello, I'm Kyle and I design stuff.

Spelling mistake:
are under thirty pound

Your website doesn't consist of any big words. It's screaming out to me that you need to rehabilitate the content.

The design is good, not appealing, just good. It doesn't convince me you are a good designer, especially at £30. I would just move on if I was a potential client. The content is below par.

Good luck with your business.

04-05-2009, 09:54 PM
Hello, I'm Kyle and I design stuff.

I'd have to disagree with the "unprofessional" comment. Not unprofessional at all. Many companies use the term "stuff".

He is obviously aware that his target audience is teenagers (since he's advertising his services on Habbox Forum), and "stuff" is a word teenagers (over)use.

My two cents.

04-05-2009, 10:04 PM
I'd have to disagree with the "unprofessional" comment. Not unprofessional at all. Many companies use the term "stuff".

Do you have any examples of these companies that state they design "stuff" as a service?

He is obviously aware that his target audience is teenagers (since he's advertising his services on Habbox Forum), and "stuff" is a word teenagers (over)use.[/QUOTE]

Stuff is for children, not teenagers. Unless the world of typical knowledge has downgraded. In that case god help our generation.

Never ever have I came across a professional company/business offering stuff as a service, or demonstrating that they offer stuff as an opening message or consecutive statements on their web page.

I respect that this is for teenagers and young adults a like, however I don't come across many teenagers who would pay £30, or a double sum figure after browsing a website as such. Do you?

Look at it from a potential clients point of view. There is nothing that wants me to use his service.

My opinion and experience anyway. Just my 2 nibbles. :P

04-05-2009, 10:21 PM
To be honest, I was trying to make it sound fun and zainy, rather than your boring old content, and awful content? There is ONE spelling mistake, describes what I'm offering perfectly, and about the £30 bit, the designs are normally £15, it's just incase they want some really complicated stuff.

Cheek to talk about content as well, you have four lines of text on your front page. Nice.

As well, thanks a lot Jaysun.

05-05-2009, 06:31 AM
To be honest, I was trying to make it sound fun and zainy, rather than your boring old content, and awful content? There is ONE spelling mistake, describes what I'm offering perfectly, and about the £30 bit, the designs are normally £15, it's just incase they want some really complicated stuff.

Cheek to talk about content as well, you have four lines of text on your front page. Nice.

As well, thanks a lot Jaysun.

I'm sorry, this is about your web page, not mine. Learn to handle criticism, I was trying to help you. Not slate you.

My web site is perfect. I have experience and qualifications in this sector, so please - take it like a wise kid and be thankful that I am pointing out improvement areas for you.

It does describe what you are offering, but not in a way that it will gain you many clients. Seriously, if you want some business to be done, listen to my advice and start over again, as if you are a potential client.

If you are not good at English, then fair enough. Get somebody else whop knows what they are doing to help you.

05-05-2009, 01:45 PM
Looks allright, simple and easy to navigate aroung.
Off topic: aren't you the one who stole Britz' layout?

05-05-2009, 02:11 PM
Looks allright, simple and easy to navigate aroung.
Off topic: aren't you the one who stole Britz' layout?

Nope, don't even know who he is! :P

If you are not good at English, then fair enough. Get somebody else whop knows what they are doing to help you.

There was ONE grammatical error, the punctuation is all correct, and there are NO spelling mistakes. I study Higher English (which is A level I think in England not too sure) so I don't know how you can say I'm not good at English.

As well, your website is far from perfect. You wouldn't be selling it if it was perfect, and your layout is terrible. Also, your navigation links to directories that don't exist; perfect? I think not.

Posts merged by Xarea (Forum Moderator): accidental double post.

05-05-2009, 09:52 PM
There was ONE grammatical error, the punctuation is all correct, and there are NO spelling mistakes. I study Higher English (which is A level I think in England not too sure)

Let's start off from your advert.

Error number 1:

"Click Here" - Why have you gave "here" a capitol?

Error number 2:
"I code all layouts/designs in valid CSS and xHTML, so your site functions properly and " - Why have you inserted a comma? Remove it.

Error number 3:
"But, is he affordable?" - Why do you have a comma? Remove it.

Error number 4:
"under thirty pound" - It is pounds, not pound. You are talking about thirsty pounds.

Error number 5:
"If you're interested in anything from web design, coding, graphic design or even uploading a script and setting up for you, I'm your guy"

Read that sentance out loud, read it to somebody in person. It doesn't make sense what so ever.

Error number 6:
"To get any of these services simply go to the 'Contact' section and tell me what you need, and I'll get it finished in no later than three days; and if you want you can provide me with your IM contact address and I'll stay in contact with you, and let you know what's going on throughout the whole process. "

and, and and and and! Stop! I died for a breather!

My recommendation:

To order any of these services please visit the contact page and specifiy what you would require in your design. Once the order has been placed I will reply back within three days with the completed product.

If you would like to stay in contact with me during the production, then please provide me with your IM email address and keep you informed with the status.

What the hell number 1:
"so you don't have to start breaking the bank if you want a great and functional site. "

Breaking the bank? Where are you from? Is that a popular quote? Do you mean breaking into your bank?

Oh, I also have A level English.

so I don't know how you can say I'm not good at English.

Read my feedback and you will understand why I said that?


As well, your website is far from perfect. You wouldn't be selling it if it was perfect, and your layout is terrible. Also, your navigation links to directories that don't exist; perfect? I think not.

My website isn't even finished. It's not even officially open. I'm accepting orders as people are desperate for free web hosting. So, that little comment failed.

Check the web host section. *little giggle*

Moving onto your other comments on my website, that is your opinion on my layout, I respect that. However does this thread show "30mb" as the title or any purpose?

No? Then please, stay on topic in your own thread. Learn to handle criticism. You'll learn as you get older.

05-05-2009, 09:57 PM
Good points Cixso, but no need to be so defensive ;).

05-05-2009, 10:04 PM
I agree with Cixso, there's no need in ,'s near the '' But '' what so ever it just doesn't look right

05-05-2009, 10:11 PM
Good points Cixso, but no need to be so defensive ;).

I'm defensive over everything.

I tried to help this guy and he turns it back at me via my website which is totally unrelated to this thread and purpose of this debate.

If he would like to have an n argument of cause about my content, then he can create a thread for its purpose.

05-05-2009, 10:36 PM
The design is quite boring and dull in terms of colour and features.

Sarith the term is not unprofessional.

06-05-2009, 09:58 AM
The design is quite boring and dull in terms of colour and features.

Sarith the term is not unprofessional.

I've always been brought up in a professional matter from being a child. It's who I am.

The term "I design stuff" is unprofessional in my books when advertising a service.

Imagine a hosting company stating they provide "stuff", then below they stated what the stuff was.

I can't and have never see(n) it happen.

End of the day Kyle, listen to my advice or ask your teacher because if you think that is a level then where ever you are studying does not have a good educational system in comparison to England.

That's the end of my banter. I've showed you the errors, up to you to correct them and take on my advice.

I don't mind errors on a forum, spelling, grammatical errors etc as it is just a forum. Nobody cares but in a point of sale it matters a lot.

Good day. :)

06-05-2009, 11:12 AM
I've always been brought up in a professional matter from being a child. It's who I am.

The term "I design stuff" is unprofessional in my books when advertising a service.

Imagine a hosting company stating they provide "stuff", then below they stated what the stuff was.

I can't and have never see(n) it happen.

End of the day Kyle, listen to my advice or ask your teacher because if you think that is a level then where ever you are studying does not have a good educational system in comparison to England.

That's the end of my banter. I've showed you the errors, up to you to correct them and take on my advice.

I don't mind errors on a forum, spelling, grammatical errors etc as it is just a forum. Nobody cares but in a point of sale it matters a lot.

Good day. :)Your points are not valid because this is a web development website and not web hosting. Lots of people use witty paragraphs on their portoflios as it gives off a sign that the designer is easy going and chilled.. not some big time bore.


There is just one for you.

06-05-2009, 11:48 AM
Your points are not valid because this is a web development website and not web hosting. Lots of people use witty paragraphs on their portoflios as it gives off a sign that the designer is easy going and chilled.. not some big time bore.


There is just one for you.

You can't clarify your point with just one example. There's hundreds of thousands out there, I need more than just one to persuade me that "professional" web designs use that method of language to communicate that they are professional.

My case of argument are:

All I did was type in the words professional web design service into Google.

Now, the main keyword here is "professional" for this case of argument. I did not come across any of these "howdy, stuff" websites.

Although the link you provided looks like a successfully maintained business, it still does not compare to any of the examples I provided.

It just clearly shows which companies are doing far greater.

06-05-2009, 12:32 PM
You can't clarify your point with just one example. There's hundreds of thousands out there, I need more than just one to persuade me that "professional" web designs use that method of language to communicate that they are professional.

My case of argument are:

All I did was type in the words professional web design service into Google.

Now, the main keyword here is "professional" for this case of argument. I did not come across any of these "howdy, stuff" websites.

Although the link you provided looks like a successfully maintained business, it still does not compare to any of the examples I provided.

It just clearly shows which companies are doing far greater.I beg to differ. The majority of them layouts that you posted suck. It looks like they have a CEO who has totally overruled the designers decision.

06-05-2009, 12:47 PM
I beg to differ. The majority of them layouts that you posted suck. It looks like they have a CEO who has totally overruled the designers decision.

Let's say this as a scenario.

You are the executive of Microsoft and you have be assigned to enquire about new designs for one of Microsoft's sister websites, would you go for any of the links I provide or the link you provided (or Kyles).

Scenario number two:

You are creating your own web hosting company and you require a design, which one would you choose and why?

Scenario number three:

You are creating a habbo fansite, which one would you choose and why?

Notice how your answer chances for each, therefore this designer must make his website suite all three.

Unless he is just advertising for kids, in that case then good job. My argument is then pointless.

However, take my advice still for when you get older and start up a real designing company.

06-05-2009, 12:50 PM
Let's say this as a scenario.

You are the executive of Microsoft and you have be assigned to enquire about new designs for one of Microsoft's sister websites, would you go for any of the links I provide or the link you provided (or Kyles).

Scenario number two:

You are creating your own web hosting company and you require a design, which one would you choose and why?

Scenario number three:

You are creating a habbo fansite, which one would you choose and why?

Notice how your answer chances for each, therefore this designer must make his website suite all three.

Unless he is just advertising for kids, in that case then good job. My argument is then pointless.

However, take my advice still for when you get older and start up a real designing company.I think you're forgetting a valid point here. He put that there because its witty and shows he has some humour. I would rather buy from somebody who seems layed back rather than some corporate chump.

Once you know about web development on a whole I will invite you back into this section to argue your point.

06-05-2009, 12:58 PM
I think you're forgetting a valid point here. He put that there because its witty and shows he has some humour. I would rather buy from somebody who seems layed back rather than some corporate chump.

That is then determined by personal preferences. I would rather go with somebody successful that uses big words, has good grammar, English etc than somebody who says they do stuff.

No matter what my purpose of website is.

Once you know about web development on a whole I will invite you back into this section to argue your point.I'm not interested in web design, I'm interested in the content. That is the argument. I'm telling you from a professional world of business.

I respect what people seek for web design, however my argument does not change.

The scenarios explains why. It needs to suite all purposes in order to be successful.

As I said, if he is only targeting kids then good job. My argument is pointless.

That is still not a professional statement. "I design stuff"

06-05-2009, 01:04 PM
That is then determined by personal preferences. I would rather go with somebody successful that uses big words, has good grammar, English etc than somebody who says they do stuff.

No matter what my purpose of website is.

I'm not interested in web design, I'm interested in the content. That is the argument. I'm telling you from a professional world of business.

I respect what people seek for web design, however my argument does not change.

The scenarios explains why. It needs to suite all purposes in order to be successful.

As I said, if he is only targeting kids then good job. My argument is pointless.

That is still not a professional statement. "I design stuff"You are still missing the point here. I provided you with a professional design company which used the witty banter. It is a question of ethic and choice who the client will go with. Your argument is fair but is also questionable. Lets not wreck his thread now. If you'd like to continue the topic in a mature manner as you have, PM me for my msn :)

06-05-2009, 03:12 PM
Before u read this. Please don't start on me for saying this.

Why does ''every'' (well nearly every) single topic like this, when its either a mistake or someone says something wrong, it turns into a big argument. Seriously guys...Just grow up :) I know your defending yourselfs but please your ruining good topics.

Kyle very nice designs! I Might buy one there really nice.

06-05-2009, 03:43 PM
Cixco, seriously, I'm a Web Designer, why is the customer going to care if I get a few bits of grammar wrong? It's different when someone is going, "hello my name is jim annd i want to designn your wbesite." But I'm not. I'll fix everything to do with the content soon.

About you earlier on saying that you were offering 'advice', totally un-true. You told me the content was awful you weren't giving me any of that 'advice' you said you were.

06-05-2009, 04:19 PM
I actually like the friendly feel of the site in my opinion, If you obviously want to be dealing with other proffessionals then you'll need to work on that. But i don't see why it has to be proffessional all the time, sometimes clients like to see proffesionalism, others they like to see friendly, inviting websites

06-05-2009, 06:37 PM
I don't really like the colours, try using a gradient as the background instead of a fixed colour. I know this only occurs to people with large monitors, but the logo is all the way to the left of the screen and the navigation is all the way to the right, so you might want to put the whole layout into a centered container too. I havn't really seen any of your designs and your portfolio page isn't up so I can't comment on your skill, but apart from what i've pointed out it looks cool.

09-05-2009, 04:02 PM
"I code all layouts/designs in valid CSS and xHTML, so your site functions properly and consistently on all web browsers."

You may want to fix the fact that your website isn't valid xHTML/CSS.

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