View Full Version : Query: 54-60 Mining (+rep)

08-05-2009, 07:43 PM

I'm a noob player around here - but hey everyone's gotta start somewhere.

I'm not sure where I should get 54 to 60 Mining - and I want to Powermine. I need as soon as possible so if anyone knows any fast ways but not too crowded I'll be very greatful. I'm also not sure WHAT I should mine. +rep for good answers.

Thanks :)

08-05-2009, 07:53 PM
Maybe powermine gold?

08-05-2009, 08:01 PM
Maybe powermine gold?

Hmm I think it might be quite slow due to the fact that I tried coal the other day and that was pretty slow :P
I think I'm going for Iron - I only have to mine 3298 and seeing as I'm powerming it shouldnt be hard. Wish me luck!

http://www.rsbandb.com/goalsigs/classic-orange/mining/273742/ze_zink.png (http://www.rsbandb.com/runescape_goal_signatures)

08-05-2009, 08:06 PM
Are you a member?

At your level, the best exp would be to powermine iron.

If you're F2P, you should powermine it at the mine north of Al-Kharid. There are three iron rocks there close to each other, although it can get very crowded.

If you're P2P, you'll have more choice.

There's a mine south of Piscatoris Fishing Colony where there are three iron rocks. If you have 57 Summoning, you can use a Kyatt to teleport you there, or if you can use the Fairy Rings, you can use the code AKQ to get you there.

Another place is the mine North East of Ardourgne. There are also three iron rocks there.

08-05-2009, 08:13 PM
Yeah I am a member and I am indeed powermining iron :P

But I am in the mine north of the Dark Wizard's Tower - again with 3 mining spots. But I might try the one in North East of Ardy, oh and btw +rep to you both :D

08-05-2009, 08:20 PM
I think the mine north west of Ardourgne would be better because there you don't have to move when you're mining the rocks - their all in a triangle-shape.

08-05-2009, 08:59 PM
I think the mine north west of Ardourgne would be better because there you don't have to move when you're mining the rocks - their all in a triangle-shape.

Ok I will go there now :) Thanks for your help - I know you are a real legend around these places!

08-05-2009, 09:03 PM
And any iron you make could help out fellow smithers... *coughs* oh I need to buy cough medicine :(

Yeah I mined coal/iron but that's mainly because I was smithing at the same time so looks like you're on track already! Good luck :D

09-05-2009, 07:27 AM
And any iron you make could help out fellow smithers... *coughs* oh I need to buy cough medicine :(

Yeah I mined coal/iron but that's mainly because I was smithing at the same time so looks like you're on track already! Good luck :D

Hey Mike,

I've actually been giving away the iron just so it makes my life easier but y'know :P. Isn't that bad actually, I got 55 today so I'm pretty pleased seeing as I wasn't on for much. Tryna get 60 today.

09-05-2009, 06:26 PM
why has no-one mentioned granite mine in the desert? a hell of alot quicker xp than iron. ive mined every possible method you could think of and i found the fastest mining xp an hour you could get without using 'falling stars' is roughly 40-60k using varrok lvl 3 armour powermining in the desert. take an enchanted water tiara and you can stay there endlessly or use waterskins and you can stop there for afew hours. if youve done the Enakhra's Lament (http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Enakhra%27s_Lament) quest you can use the camulet from that to teleport you right under the mine instead of using flying carpets.

09-05-2009, 06:27 PM
Ah right thank you, I've got 60 mining now (even though it isnt showing...) but thanks for letting me know anyhow :D - could be good as future reference.

09-05-2009, 06:37 PM
Powermining granite in the desert is only good exp for levels 70-80+

For levels below that, powermining iron is the best exp.

Powermining iron gives you upto 40k/hour.

Powermining granite can give you up to 55k/hour but that's only at higher levels.

09-05-2009, 06:45 PM
get someone to try it.. even at lvl 50-60 mining granite is quick and usually one hits.

09-05-2009, 07:21 PM
yep granite is fastest

09-05-2009, 07:23 PM
Many people have tried it, and have said that powermining iron is faster at lower levels.

To name a few places where people have said this:


At about level 80, granite becomes faster than iron for powermining.http://www.zybez.net/community/index.php?showtopic=1213763&hl=powermining+iron+granite

Granite- Please note that you can gain up to 60k experience per hour if you have a high mining level of 80+. From my personal experience, i got about 35k experience per hour at 70 mining.

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