View Full Version : i want a mac but..

19-05-2009, 02:41 PM
what are the main differences between Mac and Windows (:
because yano, some people really love them and others are just like ARHHG!

19-05-2009, 06:57 PM
Im not sure about the new macs, but i've got an 07 Macbook and habbo run's appallingly, and very few games are released for mac. On the other hand, web design and graphic design packages are a beauty on a mac, and also the Hardware and the GUI of macs are so much more beautifull than a pc.

I run both a macbook and a pc, so i'm never at a disadvantage

19-05-2009, 10:23 PM
what are the main differences between Mac and Windows (:
because yano, some people really love them and others are just like ARHHG!

Buy a mac and run boot camp then you're good to go.

19-05-2009, 10:33 PM
Mac is much more secure

19-05-2009, 10:33 PM
I think Mac has better graphics, effects and better programs that are already installed...(and Safari, don't know if that's better than I.E)

Windows, I think, is more easy to use (start menu) and more of a popular choice to pick if you want a computer. And if you like to play games on a computer, then Windows would be your choice, but with this new Vista crap, it will set you back a bit.

If it were me, i'd go for Windows. :)

19-05-2009, 10:42 PM
I think Mac has better graphics, effects and better programs that are already installed...(and Safari, don't know if that's better than I.E)

Windows, I think, is more easy to use (start menu) and more of a popular choice to pick if you want a computer. And if you like to play games on a computer, then Windows would be your choice, but with this new Vista crap, it will set you back a bit.

If it were me, i'd go for Windows. :)
Aye? Compare the cost of a computer to that of a Mac and there's a big difference... Also, what Vista crap?

If you've not had a play around with a Mac, then it's probably best not to buy. Have a muck around with one and see what you think, asking people on forums normally results in just opinions being chucked around when really it should be down to you. In some cases, a PC is better, and in other cases a Mac. It all depends what you requires from a computer.

19-05-2009, 10:45 PM
Aye? Compare the cost of a computer to that of a Mac and there's a big difference... Also, what Vista crap?

If you've not had a play around with a Mac, then it's probably best not to buy. Have a muck around with one and see what you think, asking people on forums normally results in just opinions being chucked around when really it should be down to you. In some cases, a PC is better, and in other cases a Mac. It all depends what you requires from a computer.

By Vista crap I mean the constant lag you get when you are trying to play a game on the computer (a game that is bought from a shop, and installed). I prefered Windows XP from Vista, that's what I'm saying. And yeah you're right about the forum thing.

19-05-2009, 10:49 PM
My computer doesn't lag when playing games... Are you sure it's not your computer, rather than the OS?

When does Windows 7 come out anyway? It's probably best to wait till then to decide between a Mac and a PC.

24-05-2009, 08:21 AM
My computer doesn't lag when playing games either, that's just you I'm afraid.

Could be anything from lacklustre hardware to too many applications running in the background that it causing it - Vista is certainly not the root cause though!

People always whine about Vista, but I have never had any serious problems with it! It works well for me in general, other than a few times...

24-05-2009, 10:23 AM
Okay ill put it down as simple as i can. as i got a mac now its it was the best move i have ever done.

Okay OSX is fast and is very safe. its good for making movies editing photo's etc. but you can also run windows on it as boot camp so if you need windows you can still use it on your mac so there is no real lose.

24-05-2009, 10:35 AM
Im not sure about the new macs, but i've got an 07 Macbook and habbo run's appallingly, and very few games are released for mac. On the other hand, web design and graphic design packages are a beauty on a mac, and also the Hardware and the GUI of macs are so much more beautifull than a pc.

I run both a macbook and a pc, so i'm never at a disadvantage
I have an 07 MacBook and Habbo runs smoothly in Safari. Your MacBook has issues, dude. As for the games issue, I use CrossOver Games.

Rcss, try to get some hands on experience with a Mac before you buy. There is a lot of love/hate and bickering between Mac/PC fanbois, so try to steer clear of that and go with your own gut instinct. :)

24-05-2009, 10:45 AM
It's what you like and don't like, personally, I wouldn't mind owning a Mac but I wouldn't want to use it as my main PC.

Mac is much more secure

Common misconception, the flaws just haven't been found yet, just like the major Java flaw found in Safari for Mac last week.

Aye? Compare the cost of a computer to that of a Mac and there's a big difference... Also, what Vista crap?

If you've not had a play around with a Mac, then it's probably best not to buy. Have a muck around with one and see what you think, asking people on forums normally results in just opinions being chucked around when really it should be down to you. In some cases, a PC is better, and in other cases a Mac. It all depends what you requires from a computer.

I love you. LOL

By Vista crap I mean the constant lag you get when you are trying to play a game on the computer (a game that is bought from a shop, and installed). I prefered Windows XP from Vista, that's what I'm saying. And yeah you're right about the forum thing.

It's only you, as other have said. I'm always playing games and actually get better performance in Vista than in XP etc. in games like TF2, CSS, Crysis.

Okay ill put it down as simple as i can. as i got a mac now its it was the best move i have ever done.

Okay OSX is fast and is very safe. its good for making movies editing photo's etc. but you can also run windows on it as boot camp so if you need windows you can still use it on your mac so there is no real lose.

Theres no real loss if you have a Mac Pro, the hardware lets that bit down, if the hardware was sold to consumers at the RRP set by the manufacturers and was a decent spec then that would be the answer. As it is, unless you get a Mac Pro my PC thats a year and a half old still out does all your MacBook (Pro)s, iMacs, Mac Minis.

So as I say, it's what YOU want, these threads are pointless because you get what everyone thinks, you need to go to an Apple store or a friends house and try OS X for a while, if you like it, then go for it! If not then find something else.

24-05-2009, 01:18 PM
Common misconception, the flaws just haven't been found yet, just like the major Java flaw found in Safari for Mac last week.

It isn't a common misconception, it's fact. Mac OS X is a built on a more solid, secure UNIX base, which is more secure than Window's OS's.

24-05-2009, 02:06 PM
It isn't a common misconception, it's fact. Mac OS X is a built on a more solid, secure UNIX base, which is more secure than Window's OS's.

Ya know, it's funny how all these Mac users are running without ANY security WHAT SO EVER, not even a half decent firewall... :rolleyes:

I'm not replying anymore because I don't want this to turn into some argument... which I managed to not do with one of my posts above for once, then you come in and ruin it all :(

Agnostic Bear
24-05-2009, 04:02 PM
It isn't a common misconception, it's fact. Mac OS X is a built on a more solid, secure UNIX base, which is more secure than Window's OS's.

No. Windows is a hell of a lot more secure than OS X will ever be in the next decade if it even lasts that long. It's just that Windows has, oh, say, several billion people using it, leading to there being a lot more people sitting there picking at the insides. When OS X starts getting more (it's already started happening) market share and those people who write stuff for Windows sit about and say to themselves "Hey, OS X seem to have a lot of people, and they don't have any protection, lets go infect them" OS X will simply crumble because it's not a mature, stable OS like Windows is, it has ridiculously poor security updating procedures and the like.

Also what the hell are you on about "On a UNIX base", it's not on UNIX at all, Apple just paid the fat cats at The Open Group to get them to say it, FreeBSD is a UNIX-LIKE system, if you're referring to FreeBSD then yes it's stable as hell, but the crap that Apple pile on top of it turn it into a jello mound of insecurity and instability.

Windows has been and always will be the better platform for quite literally everything because of the sheer number of developers, customers and app writers (non-os developers). OS X is already starting to lose market share to Windows because the guys at Redmond finally decided it was time to start doing some work and stop counting their faceroll amount of cash by developing Windows 7, partially to show OS X how it's supposed to be done, and partially to get more faceroll amounts of cash.

Cuddle up to your precious aluminium box if you will, but what I say is true and you damn well know it.

25-05-2009, 06:03 PM
My computer doesn't lag when playing games either, that's just you I'm afraid.

Could be anything from lacklustre hardware to too many applications running in the background that it causing it - Vista is certainly not the root cause though!

People always whine about Vista, but I have never had any serious problems with it! It works well for me in general, other than a few times...

I absolutely adore vista, I don't understand what people whine about either!?

25-05-2009, 06:16 PM
.... When OS X starts getting more (it's already started happening) market share ....

.... OS X is already starting to lose market share to Windows because the guys at Redmond ....


Also, I say this a lot but, yes, maybe OS X has a low market share which means no virus makers want to bother with it, wouldn't somebody make a virus for it just to be the first person to do it? I think so. If it was much more insecure than Windows, like you are making it out to be, I'm sure lots of malicious code would be flying about because you make it sound easy to find a vulnerability.

25-05-2009, 06:25 PM

Also, I say this a lot but, yes, maybe OS X has a low market share which means no virus makers want to bother with it, wouldn't somebody make a virus for it just to be the first person to do it? I think so. If it was much more insecure than Windows, like you are making it out to be, I'm sure lots of malicious code would be flying about because you make it sound easy to find a vulnerability.There is some known virus's to Mac OSX now though...

25-05-2009, 06:25 PM
It isn't a common misconception, it's fact. Mac OS X is a built on a more solid, secure UNIX base, which is more secure than Window's OS's.

Many security programs are build on experience on past and current viruses and problems, therefore, as not as many people use Macs, there aren't many viruses, meaning the security software for them would be very limited.

Agnostic Bear
26-05-2009, 04:06 AM

I don't suppose you've heard of things losing then gaining market share? It happens. Look it up in a book for reading not for looking.

26-05-2009, 04:50 AM
If you don't know whether you want a Mac or not; you're best off not getting one. They're overpriced pieces of non-upgradable (if you're not technologically-literate) hardware that pride themselves on looking pretty.

Agnostic Bear
26-05-2009, 04:56 AM
If you don't know whether you want a Mac or not; you're best off not getting one. They're overpriced pieces of non-upgradable (if you're not technologically-literate) hardware that pride themselves on looking pretty.

I like and agree with you. +rep

26-05-2009, 05:27 AM
I like and agree with you. +rep
Well, I am a legend ;).

26-05-2009, 09:00 AM
OS X is just about what you want. I'm a fairly technical person, but I'm buying a Mac. Why? It's just because I like how they look and the operating system is great, in my opinion. There is also, in my opinion, a higher percentage of quality software than there is for Windows.

I'm not under any illusion that it is more secure or that viruses are impossible. If you know how to use your computer properly like many of us on this forum, you would never get a virus, regardless of any protection and firewalls.

26-05-2009, 09:25 AM

I don't suppose you know how to read your own post properly. I'll post it again, so your little brain can have another go:

.... When OS X starts getting more (it's already started happening) market share ....

.... OS X is already starting to lose market share to Windows because the guys at Redmond ....

So, it's getting more market share (it's already happening:rolleyes:) but is already starting to lose market share at the same time? Doesn't make much sense, sorry borry.

26-05-2009, 09:37 AM
So, it's getting more market share (it's already happening:rolleyes:) but is already starting to lose market share at the same time? Doesn't make much sense, sorry borry.

That is how shares work, they don't just rise... ;)

26-05-2009, 09:44 AM
That is how shares work, they don't just rise... ;)
Yes, thanks for that Sherlock. It is impossible for something to rise, and drop at the same time. it either rises, then drops, or drops, then rises. He has said that in the present tense, NOW, right this SECOND, it's rising, and dropping at the same time.

26-05-2009, 09:45 AM
I prefer using the mac for graphics design, photography and web design but I use windows for most things :)

26-05-2009, 09:57 AM
I think OSX is nice but I'd never use it as my main operating system. For me, personally if I had a Mac I would have Windows 7/Vista as my main operating system and then OSX as a secondary one for all my design and development. Mac hardware is nice, reliable, with a long warrenty and lasts practically forever but I dont feel OSX is well supported enough to use it as my main OS.

Just my two cents on the matter.

26-05-2009, 10:01 AM
I think OSX is nice but I'd never use it as my main operating system. For me, personally if I had a Mac I would have Windows 7/Vista as my main operating system and then OSX as a secondary one for all my design and development. Mac hardware is nice, reliable, with a long warrenty and lasts practically forever but I dont feel OSX is well supported enough to use it as my main OS.

Just my two cents on the matter.
The warranty is one year which sucks and no they don't last forever. I've never really come across any compatibility issues with anything (just fyi:D) My screen on my iMac is already ******* up 6 months after warranty is up, it gets weird thin stripes down it (like half a mm) when it's warm, WHAT A JOKE!

26-05-2009, 10:11 AM
The warranty is one year which sucks and no they don't last forever. I've never really come across any compatibility issues with anything (just fyi:D) My screen on my iMac is already ******* up 6 months after warranty is up, it gets weird thin stripes down it (like half a mm) when it's warm, WHAT A JOKE!
I haven't bought a Macbook in ages but I still have my Old'un from around 8-10 years ago and it still works. I thought the warranty used to be 2 years?

26-05-2009, 11:25 AM
Yes, thanks for that Sherlock. It is impossible for something to rise, and drop at the same time. it either rises, then drops, or drops, then rises. He has said that in the present tense, NOW, right this SECOND, it's rising, and dropping at the same time.
Can I just say what a great argument you put across :rolleyes:.

Whilst the market share can go up due to one specific thing it can also decline due to one specific thing - BOTH at the same time as these 'things' are not related in any way apart from the product that they effect. Honestly, grow up and post about Mac's not pissing market share.

26-05-2009, 11:36 AM
OS X is just about what you want. I'm a fairly technical person, but I'm buying a Mac. Why? It's just because I like how they look and the operating system is great, in my opinion. There is also, in my opinion, a higher percentage of quality software than there is for Windows.

I'm not under any illusion that it is more secure or that viruses are impossible. If you know how to use your computer properly like many of us on this forum, you would never get a virus, regardless of any protection and firewalls.

I know you said in your opinion, but even you know that statement is false.

26-05-2009, 03:45 PM
Can I just say what a great argument you put across :rolleyes:.

Whilst the market share can go up due to one specific thing it can also decline due to one specific thing - BOTH at the same time as these 'things' are not related in any way apart from the product that they effect. Honestly, grow up and post about Mac's not pissing market share.
I was actually just pointing out to Jewish Bear that his post seemed a little strange, saying that the market share is rising and then alter on saying it is falling, all in the present tense. (BTW: You didn't say anything to Jewish Bear, he was talking about market share in the first place so... yno.)

Don't tell me to grow up please. I think you need to look at yourself to be honest, sat on a forum telling people to grow up? LOL!

26-05-2009, 03:57 PM
Just for your info, As he was typing
When OS X starts getting more (it's already started happening) market share 1 mac was bought.
As he got around to typing
OS X is already starting to lose market share to Windows because the guys at Redmond 2macs broke down.

26-05-2009, 09:46 PM
I know you said in your opinion, but even you know that statement is false.

You may say that...but I do believe it. Look at all the amazing looking apps that work brilliantly - Coda, LittleSnapper, EventBox - all built by little companies, but great quality products.

You look at Windows software, and not much of it looks very nice (although I agree this isn't overly important) and most of it I don't feel is worth buying.

As I said though, it's just my opinion.

26-05-2009, 10:14 PM
You may say that...but I do believe it. Look at all the amazing looking apps that work brilliantly - Coda, LittleSnapper, EventBox - all built by little companies, but great quality products.

You look at Windows software, and not much of it looks very nice (although I agree this isn't overly important) and most of it I don't feel is worth buying.

As I said though, it's just my opinion.

Notepad++, Imgburn, The GIMP, Pidgin, Filezilla, VirtualBox etc etc ;P

26-05-2009, 11:18 PM
Notepad++, Imgburn, The GIMP, Pidgin, Filezilla, VirtualBox etc etc ;P
i know looks isn't everything but filezilla is OOGLEH. cyberduck ftw.

Agnostic Bear
26-05-2009, 11:55 PM
i know looks isn't everything but filezilla is OOGLEH. cyberduck ftw.

Filezilla is extremely functional unlike this "cyberduck" which is just pretty by the looks of things.

27-05-2009, 12:10 AM
Transmit is better.

27-05-2009, 12:16 AM
macs are safer
but windows generally are better IMO

Agnostic Bear
27-05-2009, 08:01 AM
macs are safer
Did you not read my post?

27-05-2009, 08:24 AM
Did you not read my post?
They are safer, just not more secure.

27-05-2009, 08:39 AM

Edited by ,Jess, (Forum Super Moerator): Please do not be rude.

27-05-2009, 01:02 PM
They are safer, just not more secure.

What? Do they make you put a condom on any USB flash drive before they'll interface or something? :eusa_eh:

Agnostic Bear
27-05-2009, 02:50 PM

Woah there, calm down this is an internet forum not an argument centre! I make fabulous, valid points because I'm awesome in 7 different ways not including vanilla.

28-05-2009, 09:54 AM
Okay after all this read ill post something short and sweet.

Some people need to pull there heads out and learn there are different OS they are both good. Windows = secure (sometimes/if used right), fast (if you have good hardware) Mac = secure, fast. it all comes down to what you want to do on the computer as the different OS do things better then others.

28-05-2009, 03:35 PM
Okay after all this read ill post something short and sweet.

Some people need to pull there heads out and learn there are different OS they are both good. Windows = secure (sometimes/if used right), fast (if you have good hardware) Mac = secure, fast. it all comes down to what you want to do on the computer as the different OS do things better then others.
Not being gnit picking, but surely it's

Windows = secure & fast AND OSX = secure & fast? They're both as good as each other, provided the meat sack behind it knows how to use it properly :P Other than that, yes you're correct :)

28-05-2009, 08:07 PM
i know looks isn't everything but filezilla is OOGLEH. cyberduck ftw.

Fetch is good, free for students as well :) Transmit is crap imo, need 2 column layout as far as I'm concerned.

28-05-2009, 08:16 PM
What? Do they make you put a condom on any USB flash drive before they'll interface or something? :eusa_eh:
No but it's a fact that there are less viruses built to infect Macs. Therefore they are safer but thats not the OS's fault its because there is a smaller userbase. They aren't more secure but they definatly are safer.

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