View Full Version : Magic - User System Framework

19-05-2009, 08:56 PM
Hey peoples,

As a by-product of procrastination I've begun work on an idea I had a while back, which was to develop a simple yet functional User System framework, to rapidly speed up development times when creating a dynamic site.

The system works by including a class within your page, providing an abstracted set of functions you can use to create a fully fledged user system.

Since this is still in the early development stages i wanted to know what features people think it would need.

NOTE: This is not a user system itself, but instead a framework to build user systems with.

So far:

- true / false as to whether user is logged in

- return username or guest if not logged in

- get avatar url of user

- log user in

- log user out

- Return array of users details

- updates profile feild

- Update profile info

- Create new user in the system

- remove user from system


Any other important, functions of features wanted. the system works both with flatfiles only or with a MySQL database :)

19-05-2009, 09:02 PM
This is very good and will help a lot of people out, you should go ahead with it.

19-05-2009, 09:04 PM
Sounds good, go for it.

Cant think of any stuff, maybe a chatbox where you can discuss stuff? idno :)

21-05-2009, 03:17 PM
Yeah, would be a great help as I find Habbosofts useless, firstly you cant intergrate it into your own website with massive coding and secondly more features!

21-05-2009, 03:48 PM
smarty support? im sure you can extend the smarty class to add new functions into it? i dont know, but i think you can.

21-05-2009, 04:47 PM
Adding smarty would bloat the hell out of what I think should be a simple library to help build systems.

21-05-2009, 05:49 PM
Adding smarty would bloat the hell out of what I think should be a simple library to help build systems.

no i meant a seperate class for smarty so you could do like


21-05-2009, 07:03 PM
Oh right, a class to set smarty up for basic usage of the user system. That could be beneficial.

21-05-2009, 07:59 PM
Smarty definaly looks like it could be a good choice for adding in as i was concidering writeing my own skinning engine :p
Im trying to write Magic so its highly abstracted enogth that the front end is almost completely customisable in how its impleneted. So far to use smarty the only change needed would be to import smarty along with the magic class's at the top of your page, but more direct intergration is definitly somthing to think about.

Anyway, i started creating a test script for it (ugly as hell) but shows how you would interact with the usersystem magic class so far. (i know its badly done but its mainly to demo the interactions and for me to test stuff on the fly)


$userSys = new UserSystem('config.php');

$profile = $_GET['profile'];

<div style='background-color:black;padding:10px;margin:0;color:#ffffff;fo nt-weight:bold;'>

echo "Welcome back <a href='?profile=".$userSys->getUID()."'>".$userSys->getName().'</a> - - logout';
echo "Please Login";


<div style='float:right;padding:5px;margin:15px;backgro und-color:black;color:white;width:200px;'>
<strong>Users List</strong> <br>

$userslist = $userSys->getUserList();
foreach($userslist as $username => $uid){
echo "<a href='?profile={$uid}'>{$username}</a><br>";

<div style='padding:20px;'>
$user = $userSys->getUserInfo($profile);
if($user !==null){
$profile = $user->getAttributeArray();
foreach($profile as $att => $val){
echo $att.' : '.$val.' <br>';

echo 'invalid profile';



Any comments on how the userSys methods work?

21-05-2009, 09:57 PM
Havnt seen how the class is written but, wouldn't it make more sense to merge




into something like $userSys->getInfo( 'UID' )/( 'name' ); ?

21-05-2009, 10:14 PM
pure rip source

a function like this is good

$userSys->getInfo( Column, Where, Return );


Receive the username for user ID 1

$userSys->getInfo( 'UserID', 1, 'Username' );

(I'll keep in your camel case)

21-05-2009, 10:32 PM
Havnt seen how the class is written but, wouldn't it make more sense to merge




into something like $userSys->getInfo( 'UID' )/( 'name' ); ?

Hmm, i originally though having those two as separate functions would make working with it a little easier to novice users, although looking back you may have a point. Currenlty the method call for the info your after would be


pure rip source

a function like this is good

$userSys->getInfo( Column, Where, Return );


Receive the username for user ID 1

$userSys->getInfo( 'UserID', 1, 'Username' );

(I'll keep in your camel case)
pure rip source??

Hmm, i think with that your moving more towards it simply being a layer in front of a database, which would really only service to limit what a user could normally do with SQL without really making it any easier.
Currently all database interaction is completely abstracted, the system in the demo for example is currently running on the flat file engine :)

21-05-2009, 10:59 PM
Care to put what you have of the class on pastie.org ? No particular reason, just intrigued into the development.

23-05-2009, 04:14 PM

The Magic user system framework is going ahead as planned, I've created a project on google code to track the progress, so if your interested in this project feel free to download the current version off SVN.


If any of you want to get involved with this project the help would be welcomed.

Also if any designers amongst you are willing to do a little spec work it, it would be great to get a nice looking default template for the demo. Aside from simply contributing, designing a template would also give you the option to have a template by link back to your own website placed in every copy of Magic replaced :)

Changelog since last night;
] User class re abstracted, all modifications to a users profile are now handled through the user object.
] Register function completed
] Login function completed
] update profile function completed
] Fields to be used in profile can be specified in config. The profiles can be customised totally to your own likeing.
] Default profile layout updated.
- uid,name,email,dob,register_date
] Additional fields specified in config updated
- Usertitle,avatar,description,signature,postcount
] Validator class added
] Exception handler added
] None editable profile fields created

23-05-2009, 04:20 PM
If you really wanted to stay true to OOP then you should make it so that you can get a object for the user then have functions in that user class like getEmail, getTitle, etc.

23-05-2009, 04:30 PM
If you really wanted to stay true to OOP then you should make it so that you can get a object for the user then have functions in that user class like getEmail, getTitle, etc.
It is OOP? though somewhat more abstracted than your examples.


$userSys = new UserSystem();

//get user 2 (me) (all hardcoded for example)
$userObject = $userSys->getUserInfo(2);//2 being my id

echo 'Accounts name is'.$userObject->getAttribute('name');
echo 'Accounts dob is'.$userObject->getAttribute('dob');
echo 'Accounts avatar is'.$userObject->getAttribute('avatar');

//equally if u were logged in you could get your user object via
$me= $userSys->getCurrentUser();//will be guest if not logged in
$myarray= $me->getAttributeArray();//return attributes as array

//some things are accessed via direct accessors though.
$permObj = $me->getPermissions()

//or if we wanted to we can get common options as an array via
$common = $userSys->getCurrentUserCommon();


The only code outside objects at all inside magic itself is the autoloader and config import (plus an installer redirect)

23-05-2009, 05:44 PM
I like how development is going. Also, I think I could give up some time to do some designing.

23-05-2009, 07:09 PM
I couldn't see a function to get the user id from the username so perhaps:

getUID($UName) To get the user id

Also a plugs system would be useful

23-05-2009, 07:22 PM
I couldn't see a function to get the user id from the username so perhaps:

getUID($UName) To get the user id

Also a plugs system would be useful

The systems a little bit early on to be thinking about plugins, although it would be a great thing to have in the long run.

Getting a user from there username is quite inefficient on the flat file db, so its reasonably well hidden. Currently you would need to make a call to the UserSystem method with the second parameter set as 'name'

$name = 'ted';
$userObj = $usrSys->getUserInfo($name, 'name');

If you think it'd be useful i could easily add a wrapper object for example getUserByName('name'); or something.


@Jaysun: thanks, any inputs good :p

24-05-2009, 08:39 AM
The systems a little bit early on to be thinking about plugins, although it would be a great thing to have in the long run.

Getting a user from there username is quite inefficient on the flat file db, so its reasonably well hidden. Currently you would need to make a call to the UserSystem method with the second parameter set as 'name'

$name = 'ted';
$userObj = $usrSys->getUserInfo($name, 'name');

If you think it'd be useful i could easily add a wrapper object for example getUserByName('name'); or something.


@Jaysun: thanks, any inputs good :p

A getUserByName() functions seems reasonably sensible - the key with these framework probjects, in my view, is to make it is as easy as possible to integrate into any site in any situation.

It seems that really the best way to do that is to add as many functions as possible for accessing data, even if they do bloat the framework - the tiny difference in loading time is probably worth it...

24-05-2009, 11:07 AM
I was refering to the suggestions made by other users on how to write the system ;).

Ill just write a bit about OOP for the benifit of anyone reading this thread:

Classes should really define a single "thing" with that object having methods, typically verbs, that relate to that single thing.

Lets take a rather simple example. We're making a simple war game and we have different units. One unit might be a tank and the other might be a fighter jet. There would be two different classes for both the tank and the fighter jet e.g

class tank {
/* Functions.. blah... blah */

class jet {
/* Functions.... */

Now, the tank can fire its cannon or fire its machine guns, so we might have:

class tank {
public function fireCannon($target) {

public function fireGuns($target) {
Similar setup for the jet, it can fire its missiles or guns.

We would not do something like:

$army->fire("tank", "guns", 1);

Where the army object controls the entire game and just stores the data internally and each unit is identified by a ID (1 in this case). Although we might use an army object that stores the other unit objects and creates them (This is called a factory pattern).

It is OOP? though somewhat more abstracted than your examples.


$userSys = new UserSystem();

//get user 2 (me) (all hardcoded for example)
$userObject = $userSys->getUserInfo(2);//2 being my id

echo 'Accounts name is'.$userObject->getAttribute('name');
echo 'Accounts dob is'.$userObject->getAttribute('dob');
echo 'Accounts avatar is'.$userObject->getAttribute('avatar');

//equally if u were logged in you could get your user object via
$me= $userSys->getCurrentUser();//will be guest if not logged in
$myarray= $me->getAttributeArray();//return attributes as array

//some things are accessed via direct accessors though.
$permObj = $me->getPermissions()

//or if we wanted to we can get common options as an array via
$common = $userSys->getCurrentUserCommon();

?>The only code outside objects at all inside magic itself is the autoloader and config import (plus an installer redirect)

24-05-2009, 05:10 PM
Version: 2009.05.24 v0.5.6

# Password algorthum updated to be more secure
# getUserInfo method replaced with getUserById($id) and getUserByName($name)
# getCurrentUserCommon method removed (used volitile feilds)
# getCurrentUserInfo renamed to getAttribute
# SaveUserDetails renamed to updateCurrentUser
# updateUser Method added
# CreateUser renamed to makeNewUser
# v0.4 Mysql Database driver completed (no installer)
# More code comments added by general bug fix's
# Config altered. Install check now on path's rather than independant value.

Known issues:
#Session wondering: Session data from two differnt installs on the same server will transfer.
#Mysqls lack of zero id cause guest to need forgeing. (will need to redo how guest user is handled.)

Major features to add before first release.
#Permissions System
#Safemode option
(in safemode dangerous and possibly unwanted actions are prevented. This can be turned off by advanced users who know what they are doing and want to be able to handle issues within there own code.)
#Installer to generate config and create database's
#Demo site skin that doesnt burn peoples eyes

24-05-2009, 05:30 PM
Well good luck with this, on first release I'm going to hug your code and use it as a learning tool.

25-05-2009, 12:00 AM
Version: 2009.05.25 v0.5.9


# SessionID now determined by hash (no more conflict's)
# Safemode implemented
# 4 more exceptions handled
# Additional commenting and bug fix's
# Config file reorderd and contains additonal keys
# mysql db now supports create and edit users (full functionality)
# Ability to lock profile feilds from general purpouse updates.

Known issues:

Major features still outstanding

# Installer to generate config and create database's
# Demo site skin that doesnt burn peoples eyes
# Permissions System

It wont be long before im going to need a few skilled testers to have a few goes at implementing basic user systems useing Magic to check it works? Anyone interested as the alpha isnt far off now.

Equally if anyones interested in getting involved in the project, any help would be great. Providing a nice looking skin (just html layout) for use in the projects demos would be great. Plus ideas for a logo :)

25-05-2009, 08:22 AM
I offer what pathetic services and skills I have, designing not included. I suppose I'm aright with ideas and I'm experienced with PHP & HTML, so I could give testing a go? (:

25-05-2009, 01:15 PM
I offer what pathetic services and skills I have, designing not included. I suppose I'm aright with ideas and I'm experienced with PHP & HTML, so I could give testing a go? (:
lol no

25-05-2009, 01:31 PM
lol no

Don't 'lol no' me, or, y'know people in this thread will dislike you for your pointless contributions - as they do in every other thread.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind alpha testing but you're free to choose whoever.

25-05-2009, 01:39 PM
dislike me :( diddoms. i think mentor can cope with coding by himself without a accidental backdoor contribution by you. stick to the testing, good boy.

25-05-2009, 02:10 PM
It wont be long before im going to need a few skilled testers to have a few goes at implementing basic user systems useing Magic to check it works? Anyone interested as the alpha isnt far off now.

I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean editing Magic and making back doors in it. Oh, and I never mentioned I wanted to code Magic in anyway, I am pretty sure Mentor can do it by himself, by the way.

25-05-2009, 02:29 PM
soz ur rite just feelin down and pathetic atm just read a bit and didnt finish forgive me

25-05-2009, 03:39 PM
soz ur rite just feelin down and pathetic atm just read a bit and didnt finish forgive me

No problem? >.>
Any more updates for us Mentor? :)

25-05-2009, 03:56 PM
I've got to say this is one of the weirdest load of reply Ive read to date. Whys everyone so down? Also, due to an issue with mortality i still have to sleep occasionally and only just got up :)

Any and all contribution is welcomed, whether it be testing or helping out directly with the wirteing magic source code. Just because you can do something yourself doesn't mean you should, 2 pairs or eyes are better than one, and 2 pairs of hands definitely do the coding a bit faster :p

Even if your not interested in coding/designing directly, help with planning the release would also be great; ie forums with a community that may be interested in the project, or anything else that'll help create a bit of a buzz and actually persuade a few people to try it out.

Jaysun has kindly provided a GUI design which i'm planning to add before my next update :)

All contributions how ever small are a great help to this project, whether it be ideas for methods that would be useful or anything else. Also i want to say a big thanks to everyone thats already helped out :)

<there's also a big storm so if no updates come, the power went out>

25-05-2009, 04:11 PM
What does the GUI look like? Previews would be appreciated.

25-05-2009, 04:28 PM
The GUI that I whipped up isn't the best but I'm working on it. Also I've got a logo concept of maybe a magic wand or hat or something.

25-05-2009, 09:17 PM
Look like theres not going another update for a few days, although when teh update does come its going to be a pretty big one.

If anyones interested in following the projects progress, you may want to checkout my development blog

Also @Jaysun if you come up with a nice logo, it would be great to have one for the project page. :)

25-05-2009, 09:44 PM
I got bored a little while ago, and made this:


Doesn't matter if you don't like, it was just messing around.

25-05-2009, 10:36 PM
That's really nice Source, +rep.

25-05-2009, 10:46 PM
I got bored a little while ago, and made this:


Doesn't matter if you don't like, it was just messing around.

I love it. I was going to create one out of this:

But yours is much more original.

25-05-2009, 11:43 PM
Perhaps you should merge the two...

26-05-2009, 12:00 AM
Perhaps you should merge the two...

I was thinking about that, I'll give it a shot and see how it turns out.

26-05-2009, 01:08 AM
Sorry for the double post can someone merge?

I did a little editing to the logo above and here's what I came up with.





I don't really like how they turned out.

26-05-2009, 01:28 AM
I quite like the first one. Why dont you use the techniques you used for that and make the star glow and have the lens flare things around it?

26-05-2009, 01:44 AM
I don't know exactly what you mean. Can you explain in further detail please =)

26-05-2009, 07:02 AM
Sounds great. Maybe some more functions would be even better? :)

26-05-2009, 08:12 AM
I don't know exactly what you mean. Can you explain in further detail please =)

I like the designs, but hinting on what Source said, you could put the wand on the letter M, or something, and the colours behind it with a few stars around? I'm not sure - but the first one is definitely better.

26-05-2009, 11:40 AM
Wow :o Some awesome logo ideas!

Thanks for the inputs you guys, your doing great work :D
One challenge that comes here though is possibly attempting to integrate the logo (whether it be one of the above or a variant / compilation) which the default Magic template :)
But seriously, there's are all way better that I ever imagined getting :o

26-05-2009, 04:08 PM
Sorry for double post, but there is new info on project and creating another thread seems even more spammy.

Version: 2009.05.26 v0.7.4


* Functional shift to Active Records interactions
* User object now controls db writes
* new User can be loaded direcly by creating an instance of user
* User Object can perform db writes without call to Usersystem
* User class returns shell or guest on bad id. (abstracted from UserSystem)
* User's are saved by calling write on user.
* calling write on nonexistant user will trigger new user creation
* getAttributeArray() renamed to getAsArray()
* user->getAttribute changed to user->get
* method set added: user->set(attribute, value)
* Static method User::passwordHash added.
* Database class added, loads and interacts with specific db drivers
* Database class and database drivers have been abstracted to general purpous functions
* get_row( table, colum, value)
* get_rows( table, Values_array )
* set_row( table, key_to_value_array)
* create_row( table, key_to_value_array)
* Database low level query's added (sql db's only, on flatfile will throw exception)
* query( sql )
* fetchRow()
* countRows()
* cleanString ( string )
* Signifcant enhancement to autentication systems
* Guest handling now within User class
* Shell based user creation now supported
* Securty enhancements
* Session reauthenticaed each pageload
* permission systems now implemnted
* high level querys auto-sanatise values passed to them

Known issues:
* Check for user already useing name not implemented
* Users can be created without a name.

Major features still outstanding

* Installer to generate config and create database's
* Permissions System
* flat file database no longer works. needs rewrite to work within new system

26-05-2009, 07:09 PM
Looking good, thanks for the update! :)

26-05-2009, 07:31 PM
@ Source and Jayson

Possibly a hard request but is it possible to change the tagline in the logos to "community site engine"

People generally read fraimwork and assume the systems somthing its not, so i though a name such as the above would help make it clear exactly what magic did. Though i can imagine issues with attempting to fit the longer sentance in to the logo :/ (heh sorry to be a diffacult customer when you guys are doing this for free, I'll be sure include you both in the credits as you guys are helping out alot :D)

26-05-2009, 09:18 PM
I ok I see what you guys mean. I'll need the .psd from Source though before I can do that.

Don't worry this is giving me some practice and work to do =) Also Source has .psd for the original logo, so he may be able to change the logos tagline. I've sent you another GUI draft.

26-05-2009, 09:24 PM
I as joined tha project :)

Alright peeps.

also what do u guys think is better; releasing nightly builds of magic or weekly builds? or even fortnightly or yearly lol

26-05-2009, 11:01 PM
As you don't have to compile it I don't see how you would release builds as such... guess you could provide annon SVN access though.

I as joined tha project :)

Alright peeps.

also what do u guys think is better; releasing nightly builds of magic or weekly builds? or even fortnightly or yearly lol

27-05-2009, 12:03 AM
@Tomm , right on the mark. Since the projects open source google code provide's anon SVN by defualt (read only), so downloading the latest copy is easy - although probabaly not advised. The svn copy often contains a number of bugs and may not even run without knowing what settings to tweek here and there.

Version: 2009.05.26 v0.7.6

* Permissions system added useing AR techniques
* permissions write method implented - for creation / update of permissions objects
* Partal permissions functionalty in Flatfile db (no write or update)

Known issues:

Major features still outstanding

* Installer
* Template
* Flat file completion
* General bug fix's Opermisations

Version: 2009.05.26 v0.7.5

* Bug allowing empty or used usernames fixed. function returns false in such cases
* Bug fix for createuser and updateuser usersystem methods
* Bug fix for writing blank records with FlatfileDB
* Bug fix to password hash. Was getting wrong values.

Version: 2009.05.26 v0.7.4.5

* Minor update. Flatfile Database has been upgraded to new system

27-05-2009, 12:03 PM
As you don't have to compile it I don't see how you would release builds as such... guess you could provide annon SVN access though.

I meant just assure that the build is alright, because if we are working on it and someone thinks to download it and its not working, than people can get confused and a non working version?

You got a point tho

28-05-2009, 01:05 AM
Glad you liked it, here's a dark version of the logo for lighter backgrounds - in a PNG form.


28-05-2009, 01:26 AM
Glad you liked it, here's a dark version of the logo for lighter backgrounds - in a PNG form.


I love this one, you haz 1337 photoshopz skillz!

28-05-2009, 01:29 AM
I meant just assure that the build is alright, because if we are working on it and someone thinks to download it and its not working, than people can get confused and a non working version?

You got a point tho
What exactly are you going to be doing?

28-05-2009, 11:52 AM
The best thing for the logo is probably too keep it simple, but creative ;)

28-05-2009, 11:55 AM
What exactly are you going to be doing?

Eating it.

28-05-2009, 03:35 PM
Project status Update
Just to say the lack of visable updates (commits to svn) arnt cause to worry, the projects stil steaming ahead
I've put together a roadmap of project updates;


Major commits etc will appear on those version numbers. Changelogs for unreleaced versions for those interested;

Version: 2009.05.26 v0.7.8

* flatfile db development halted, focusing on sql db system first.
* PMsystem object added (used to send/receave personal message's)
* get_rowcount and remove_row functions added to Database
* Where parameter added to get_rows, takes a keyed array (can be left blank)
* Small bugfix's
* Basic documention + roadmap
* Drafted Demo template's based off concept work of jayson

Outstanding features

* Flatfile Db system (needs general purpseing redesign)
* Installer
* Template
* Documention

Version: 2009.05.26 v0.7.7

* Permission system write method added for flat files.
* Minor bug fix's

@Blob, Great to hear your interested in getting involved? Drop me a PM which what aspect you wana get involved with, codeing, testing, documention, designing etc :)

26-06-2009, 09:42 AM
Sorry if this is a bump or whatnot, I've only just joined.

My idea is that when using getName(), by default if they're not logged in it returns guest. How about a parameter allowing the coder to choose what to display. For instance.

getName('Unregistered Habbo');

If that's not set then by default guest. Just something Habbo users might want...

ONCE AGAIN, Sorry if I have "bumped".

26-06-2009, 12:29 PM
Sorry if this is a bump or whatnot, I've only just joined.

My idea is that when using getName(), by default if they're not logged in it returns guest. How about a parameter allowing the coder to choose what to display. For instance.

getName('Unregistered Habbo');

If that's not set then by default guest. Just something Habbo users might want...

ONCE AGAIN, Sorry if I have "bumped".
Why not just have a setting in the configuration for the 'Unregistered Habbo', because multiple calls to getName would get really confusing if you ever decided to change 'Unregistered Habbo'.

26-06-2009, 01:30 PM
Why not just have a setting in the configuration for the 'Unregistered Habbo', because multiple calls to getName would get really confusing if you ever decided to change 'Unregistered Habbo'.

Good point :) Your way's better.

26-06-2009, 10:47 PM
This kind of already exists. When a call is made to getname of an unregisterd user, the guest name (which is set within the config) is returned.

So changeing the guest_name value in the config will get you the result your after :)

27-06-2009, 10:54 PM
Well, with HxF being down all day I was extremely bored all day, and since I remembered Mentor asking for a 'Community Forum' in the middle of the thread, I thought of nothing better than to make an overmodded phpbb3 forum :D.

http://magicengine.uk.to/community/ :P Unfortunatly evaske is down atm, again. However I managed to track downvery good looking user rank images which is very hard with phpbb3 (People at phpbb3 mostly code, not design). Oh and I even put on TweetBoard for no reason...

27-06-2009, 11:00 PM
It's down for me =(

27-06-2009, 11:04 PM
Yes because the host is down... -.- read it through please :rolleyes:. It was quite funny, I subscribed for the free forum thing and they just gave me plain old cpanel access xD, it's a big package aswell...

27-06-2009, 11:07 PM

My bad. Good job on setting up a forum though.

27-06-2009, 11:14 PM
Here's a live demo of the theme I'm using atm so you can see what it'll be like:


28-06-2009, 12:51 PM
Thar site be back-up now :D, I just need to quickly edit the magic logo and that'll be up any minute now :D

Edit: Just realised I screwed up the guest settings on the forums :P

28-06-2009, 02:04 PM
Bah, the logo is to big...

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