View Full Version : Y is my iphone so slow :@!

20-05-2009, 11:31 AM

I am just so sick of my iphone tbh! I have a 2g 8gb jailbroken and my iphone just seems to be SO SLOW and laggy like all the time!! :@ I'm not even talking in terms of internet speed or anything... even just opening aps!

I don't have a HUGE amount of aps or anything, and even though I jailbroke it all the aps I do have are the free ones from the apstore anyway! Jailbreaking it seems to have been pointless so far...

Anyway, if I get a text or something and I click to open it that takes like a minute within itself! Or if I click SMS or whatever it opens the sort of outline then takes another bit to actually load what I want! then it takes even longer when I click a message convo to go into!!

This is the same with everything, whether it be just accessing my contacts, calendar, sms, camera or whatever - it takes so long to get in it is so frustrating :@

I am really at the end of my tether with the iphone atm and it seems a bit of a waste of money. Im pissed that I wont even get mms or bluetooth just because I got the 1st gen... and also jailbreaking it has been pointless!
It's so aggrevating that I pay so much for a phone that takes about 2 minutes to even get into sms :@


20-05-2009, 11:49 AM
get the 3g no problems for me, if you can't then it probably needs a good cleaning, so restore your iphone to factory settings (remember to backup your phone before hand mind!:))

also remove any additional stuff that you don't use, like unwanted apps, music, and videos.

all this information will speed your iphone up.

if none of it works though, send it back to Apple. They'll send you another one or something.

20-05-2009, 12:46 PM
Try restoring it in iTunes. If that cures the slowness, try jailbreaking it again. If it's slow after the jailbreak then it'll be the jailbreak that's causing the problems.

20-05-2009, 04:33 PM
How do I restore it?

20-05-2009, 04:35 PM
Before hard resetting it do a soft reset, hold down the home button and the power button together til the screen flashes off, it should make a huge difference.

20-05-2009, 04:35 PM
plug into itunes and click 'restore'

20-05-2009, 04:38 PM
Before hard resetting it do a soft reset, hold down the home button and the power button together til the screen flashes off, it should make a huge difference.

I have to do that like every second day because it's so slow and ends up freezing all the time also. For instance, sometimes I am doing stuff then it suddenly brings up my calls bit, like lal my recent calls and stuff, and I can't click anything.

It doesnt matter if I click the home button it wont close, or try to open any other ap or anything it just ignores it - so I have to hold in home and the power button to reset it.

If I do this restore through itunes thing, will I need to backup all my stuff or that? :S (sos im a noob when it comes to this)

20-05-2009, 04:44 PM
iTunes makes auto backups, sync it before you restore.

20-05-2009, 05:56 PM
why go through the hassle of syncing your phone? just right click yourname iPhone 3G and click 'backup' then click the button that says 'restore'...

dun dun dunnn!!! simple :)

20-05-2009, 06:42 PM
Okay so if I do the backup where does it all get held or whatever?

20-05-2009, 08:17 PM
I restored my 3G a few days ago because I had forgotten the pass for my lock. It wasn't jailbroken or anything and I did back it up. When it was all done I still had my contacts, pictures, notes and SMS chats but no apps! I can get the ones that I paid for free though since itunes know that I previously bought them. So yes I would recommend restoring it and maybe not bothering with jailbreaking it again.

20-05-2009, 09:00 PM
When you restore it, it should ask you if you want to back everything up and then put everything back on it again automatically after the restore.

20-05-2009, 09:18 PM
When you restore it, it should ask you if you want to back everything up and then put everything back on it again automatically after the restore.

It did ask me and I said yes. It did back up quite a lot of things, just not my apps.

24-05-2009, 05:40 PM
My iPod touch is like that too, especially Youtube1!!!!

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