View Full Version : Brixsta - The concept...

23-05-2009, 11:00 PM
I am considering making a site called brixsta.net/com/whatever.

What it would be is a private beta system.

Basically, you pay either:

£1 monthly,
£2.50 quartly,
or £7.50 yearly,

And you get a space to host.
But this isnt any space to host, it's a space for you to beta your sites.
With a fully working usersystem, you can let people beta your site.

You will get Username and password for admin to your beta area, Including FTP access to your directory, and a username and password for your tester.

Files can be large, but I will only allow beta hosting for 3 weeks, then your site gets removed.
Feel free to add another site later.

Anyway enough with the rules, I'll make them later, when people are actually interested in the site.

But would anyone be interested?

Comments and thoughts on this project (:
Sorry if there are mistakes, its late and im tired.

23-05-2009, 11:30 PM
So basically we pay for a year and have our site removed every 3 weeks? Nice.

23-05-2009, 11:38 PM
So basically we pay for a year and have our site removed every 3 weeks? Nice.
Well you will be allowed to renew, but you must inform me, I'll sort that out via a form.

+ its not to host sites, it's to host beta's with a reliable, quick and clean beta system for testers and site owners.

23-05-2009, 11:40 PM
i'm not feeling for this idea but good luck with it :(

23-05-2009, 11:43 PM
i'm not feeling for this idea but good luck with it :(
Thanks :)

24-05-2009, 12:27 AM
I cant say i actually understand what your offering?

What exactly is a beta system? and what advantage is there in beta testing script A on your host, rather than my own?

24-05-2009, 12:58 AM
I am offering a space for you to upload your site (BETA SITE, NOT the actual site, your beta site), to your alloted space.

Then, when you have chosen who you would like to test your site, you give them a user and password, and they get to view and beta the site.

The idea is that it's private beta, with a 100% working, reliable system for your testers and yourself.

I will also have a team of trusted tester, if you cannot find anyone to test your site.
I will be offering free support with this, if there is any problems.

24-05-2009, 01:12 AM
I am offering a space for you to upload your site (BETA SITE, NOT the actual site, your beta site), to your alloted space.

Then, when you have chosen who you would like to test your site, you give them a user and password, and they get to view and beta the site.

The idea is that it's private beta, with a 100% working, reliable system for your testers and yourself.

I will also have a team of trusted tester, if you cannot find anyone to test your site.
I will be offering free support with this, if there is any problems.

Hmm, i still fail to see where the advantage in this is? Say hypotheiclly im a webdeveloper who created a forum software. I want to perform a private beta. Now i have my own webhost, very stable / plenty of bandwidth, hdd space.
What reason would there be to then pay you to let me store my files on your server, where they would be deleted in 3 weeks, and let users test it there. as opposed to just creating a dir in my own space adding a .htaccess and sending testers there to look at it?

I feel like im missing somthing?

24-05-2009, 01:43 AM
Hmm, i still fail to see where the advantage in this is? Say hypotheiclly im a webdeveloper who created a forum software. I want to perform a private beta. Now i have my own webhost, very stable / plenty of bandwidth, hdd space.
What reason would there be to then pay you to let me store my files on your server, where they would be deleted in 3 weeks, and let users test it there. as opposed to just creating a dir in my own space adding a .htaccess and sending testers there to look at it?

I feel like im missing somthing?
So you don't have to go to the effort.

This system would have a report an error tool, where a tester can tell you the problem.

This system will be entirely secure and easily accesible to testers, and site owners.

EDIT: I have abanded the whole 3 week idea, You can keep it on there for as long as you like, but this is not to host websites, but to host betas.

24-05-2009, 01:48 AM
£7.50 = just under an hours pay, so the 1 mins creating a .htaccess seems better value to me. :p

Best of luck with your concept, hopefully others will see benifits in it that i did not.

24-05-2009, 05:09 AM
This does not seem like it would work. People can just buy there host and beta test it there and then release it.

24-05-2009, 08:41 AM
For this to be usable, you need to find some sort of unique selling point. The majority of people who are developing a script that needs to be beta tested by anyone other than themselves will have their own host when they can conduct the testing, and will have enough knowledge to use a popular bug tracker like Bugzilla.

24-05-2009, 10:02 AM
This is frankly hilarious.

Why would they not just put it on their own hosting?

And they upload, their work, to you, and you have the cheek to give them "Username and password for admin to your beta area", ie, either cPanel, or their own panel that they made themselves for their admin area of their BETA.

Think of your clients: people who can create these sorts of scripts ... Why would you think they don't have their own hosting? Hence, you have NO MARKET.

This is one of the worst ideas there is - an idea with no market.

Quit now.

24-05-2009, 10:35 AM
OK guys, Thanks :)

It was only an idea, and I won't be going through it :P as you can probably guess why.

But thanks everyone for replying! I would +rep but i haven't got any rep power :(

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