View Full Version : Noticed a change to your Totem?

28-05-2009, 10:03 AM
Noticed a change to your Totem?
Posted 28-May-2009

After spending a week with splinters, I have switched the lights on.
For those who didn't know, after larking about, Lostie and I broke the Totem light swtich.
Boy did it hurt, I had splinters for weeks (no, not rat burgers).
However, with some plaining and sticky tape, the switch was fixed and turned on. I even got Chantelle from Big Brother to turn it on.
So now, when you stack your Totem heads on Totem bodies, the lights should stream through.
To make it work, pick up your pieces, reload your room and then put them back down. Simple ...
The Collectable leaves the Catalogue tomorrow morning so if you haven't got it yet, you better hurry up.

28-05-2009, 10:24 AM
Whats the point in a double thread you could have just edited your last thread or made a new post in the other one eh ?
nonetheless thanks for that :)

28-05-2009, 10:51 AM
LMAO, Init. Just edit youre last one. But again thankyou.

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