View Full Version : Dads Car Window Smashed By Vandilisers [Read]

28-05-2009, 10:52 AM
Well my dad went to work around 6am today. He comes back in around 5 minutes later and I overhear my dad telling my mum that his car window on the side has been smashed.

The anoyying thing is we are going on Holiday Tomorrow to Linconshire. And we want to leave early as possible but cause some thug or vandilisers smashed my dads care he has to travel to Luton tomorrow morning in the car that has been smashed with all the glass pieces in it. They'res thousands.

And not to mention having to pay for it. My dad may have free Insurance covered but the Exxes pay or something like that cost £75. It's not much but I mean someone just found it funny to smash our car window, open he car door... take nothing and go.

Literally the person took nothing. We had a £200 Sat nav in there. Along with my Nintendo DSI and they didnt even take it. Vandalised it... looked around and just left. Pathetic. My dad had to ring the crime thing and now has to get a new window before we go on holiday.

My dad had to pay £300 on the new disks and new exhaust. And then he gets all this the next day. Pathetic.

28-05-2009, 10:55 AM
I hate people like that, and it majorly annoys me when the people I hang around with think it's funny and do it. :l

28-05-2009, 10:55 AM
oh, it's a hard life. sure it's annoying but it's one of those things.

28-05-2009, 10:55 AM
They smashed your window and didnt nick a £200 sat nav and nintendo :S

Thats just plain stupid.

Hope your window gets repaired for your hols mate! :)

28-05-2009, 10:59 AM
I highly doubt that, they're just going to smash a window at 5AM for the sake of it? But not steal anything? Plus, you're KOOLTOM you got your mate to pretend you had got stabbed before so I don't believe any stories you come up with ;)

28-05-2009, 11:24 AM
It's true. Not even I could think of a story like this without it happening and a Crime Officer came to see the car. and its called vandalisim for a reason. TO do stuff for the sake of it.

28-05-2009, 11:26 AM
I highly doubt that, they're just going to smash a window at 5AM for the sake of it? But not steal anything? Plus, you're KOOLTOM you got your mate to pretend you had got stabbed before so I don't believe any stories you come up with ;)

oh dear. How gay

28-05-2009, 11:27 AM
It is very bad but unfortunately all too common these days. Best thing is to
get it fixed and enjoy your trip! :)

28-05-2009, 12:38 PM
oh dear. How gay


28-05-2009, 12:43 PM
Can't really understand this bit but does it say the window will cost thousands? I don't think so.

28-05-2009, 01:01 PM
I think you should be grateful they didn't take anything rather than seeing it as an insult. Also, I know people don't like it when bad grammar is pointed out but the word is VANDALS, not vandalisers.

28-05-2009, 01:04 PM
probs drunk?>

28-05-2009, 02:15 PM
How inconsiderate of them! They could have at least stolen something to justify smashing the window!

28-05-2009, 02:31 PM
my sister had her car stolen and driven into a ditch a few months ago. her insurance tripled.

stop moaning

28-05-2009, 02:54 PM
my sister had her car stolen and driven into a ditch a few months ago. her insurance tripled.

stop moaning

Tell her i said Haha

28-05-2009, 07:23 PM
pics or it didnt happen

28-05-2009, 08:16 PM
How inconsiderate of them! They could have at least stolen something to justify smashing the window!


also were are you from? that could explain it.

28-05-2009, 08:29 PM

also were are you from? that could explain it.You could probably live in a really posh area and you car could still get broke into lol.

28-05-2009, 09:17 PM
You could probably live in a really posh area and you car could still get broke into lol.

nothing of that sort Happening were i live lol and i live in a sort of rough area

what about waterford :P jokes x

28-05-2009, 09:18 PM

Doesn't necessarily mean this is untrue.:P

Can't really understand this bit but does it say the window will cost thousands? I don't think so.

No he said thousands of pieces of glass. :)

28-05-2009, 09:24 PM
Oidz2 claims not to be Oidz lol Oidz uses the account Oidz

28-05-2009, 09:35 PM
I'm sorry to hear this happened, it's really unfortunate :(

29-05-2009, 11:33 PM
Ouch, sorry to hear :(

My window got smashed as well back in Feburary. I was lucky though, I got a sat nav for Christmas and I hardly ever leave it in the car but that night I did.. Left it in a compartment under the steering wheel but luckily they didn't see it :D For some reason they took my phone charger and the sat nav stand, which are both pritty worthless to be honest lol :S

Just have to pay up and get on with it really, not much you can do :(

29-05-2009, 11:40 PM
The thread title is getting on my nerves. But sorry it happened I suppose.

31-05-2009, 05:54 PM
Where abouts in lincolnshire you off on holiday? :')

31-05-2009, 06:04 PM
nothing of that sort Happening were i live lol and i live in a sort of rough area

what about waterford :P jokes xLmao. Some guy a few weeks back started smashing loads of windscreens, where I live has suddenyl become really rough.

31-05-2009, 06:10 PM
did u have a nice day break?

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