View Full Version : [Bobba] Hacked

28-05-2009, 12:39 PM
When I was hacked, I sent a letter asking what to do to the Habbo staff. A few days later I recieved a reply saying I must of given them my password. I was not given a refund or any help.

I was just wondering if it is possible for someone to get your password, because habbo thinks it's impossible for anyone to hack them. I spent good money that could of gone to better use on credits, only to find all that gets taken away by people I don't even know.

This is why I have left habbo once and for all.

28-05-2009, 01:08 PM
When I was hacked, I sent a letter asking what to do to the Habbo staff. A few days later I recieved a reply saying I must of given them my password. I was not given a refund or any help.

I was just wondering if it is possible for someone to get your password, because habbo thinks it's impossible for anyone to hack them. I spent good money that could of gone to better use on credits, only to find all that gets taken away by people I don't even know.

This is why I have left habbo once and for all.

Money that could have gone to better use IRL?

Tbh, it is true.. it has to be on your end.. Either by keylogger or Fake sites.. So, in a sense it is your own fault and theres nothing you can really do about it.. get over it.

YOU could email them giving them various details.. like..

HC - How do you buy/ when/ how/ how long
ISP - What ISP was the acc made on.
IP - What IP was the ACC made on.

Things like that..

28-05-2009, 02:50 PM
K, thanks. I just think that habbo doesn't really help at all.

28-05-2009, 05:09 PM
Habbo don't think its impossible to get hacked, as they have been hacked a few tiems themselves haha :)

28-05-2009, 05:51 PM
i doubt they said you cant get hacked, they probs said that you it was your fault for getting hacked.

Glen Coco
29-05-2009, 02:01 PM
If you get hacked it is in a way your own fault. You must of done something to get hacked.
And Habbo can't give you a refund. Think of the amount of people they'd have to give their money back to !

31-05-2009, 01:44 PM
If You change Youre Password regulary then it shoudlnt happen

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