View Full Version : Virgin Media Modem Died?

02-06-2009, 08:05 PM

Well I've been with Virgin Media a while now started of with their 20MB's package which was fine than upgraded to 50MB's when it became available in my area also worked fine untill the last couple of days.

I think and I'm pretty sure my modem has gone kaput.

For some annoying reason in the morning I will be sitting on my PC browsing just fine than around 12am everyday now it just dies goes off and on and adventually dies permantly and comes back on around 8:30 - 9:00pm.

It's been doing this for 3 days now so I rang up and their sending someone around on thursday which I assume he will give us a new modem if that is the problem hopefully it's nothing bigger.

I just pulled the logs of my modem and this is what appears during the problem times:

Time Not Established Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=00:22:68:f0:0f:0f;CMTS-MAC=00:1d:70:b0:3d:50;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

Time Not Established Time Not Established Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - initializing MAC;CM-MAC=00:22:68:f0:0f:0f;CMTS-MAC=00:1d:70:b0:3d:50;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

Just thought i'd post it incase anyone here was technical enough to understand what it meant exactly.

Would love anyone who knew slightly what it meant and took the time to reply even if you don't know and still replied I send my love and cookies! :O

02-06-2009, 08:09 PM
"No ranging response" I THINK means something about the connection being sent to your area.

I dont have any problems with the 20mb package at virgin media at the moment. I believe they have a few issues with the 50mb. Maybe ask the technician when he comes round on Thursday if he knows what the error message means and if not, call them again going through to PROPER technical support and getting help there. (Given that its not a router problem.)

(Diagnosis provides by the sheer instinct of "no response received" that your area isnt receiving any connection during these times.

02-06-2009, 08:11 PM
"No ranging response" I THINK means something about the connection being sent to your area.

I dont have any problems with the 20mb package at virgin media at the moment. I believe they have a few issues with the 50mb. Maybe ask the technician when he comes round on Thursday if he knows what the error message means and if not, call them again going through to PROPER technical support and getting help there. (Given that its not a router problem.)

(Diagnosis provides by the sheer instinct of "no response received" that your area isnt receiving any connection during these times.

Yeah well I wont let the technician that comes on thursday to leave unless he fixes it or give me a good explenation of why it's not working but fingers crossed it wont come to that and he will come in the door identify the problem straight away and fix it.

02-06-2009, 08:31 PM
After searching google and looking for a thread, this seems to show a friendly helper's answer to your problem.

Click here to see the thread (http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=132196)

Well it looks like its your "head end" or UBR as the SYNC timing is the one thats killing the connection. Could be an overloaded UBR and/or a damaged cable but ether way i would say that its not your modem as you can connect when its not having a little fit.
All you can do is phone Virgin and give them hell about it. It sucks but there isnt anything else however they will continue to push the problem on to you (aka, is your computer got any Viruses, are you an idiot computer used etc.)
Just keep a note of all the time lost as you should be able to claim a reduction in the price for Virgin not supplying you with an "always on, unlimited connection". If its disconnecting then its not always on

I suggest you talk to the technician and get his views on this on Thursday.

02-06-2009, 08:33 PM
After searching google and looking for a thread, this seems to show a friendly helper's answer to your problem.

Click here to see the thread (http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=132196)

I suggest you talk to the technician and get his views on this on Thursday.

Nice one dude! The help is much appreciated. :)

02-06-2009, 08:34 PM
You are welcome, and I hope the problem gets fixed for you on Thursday! :)

02-06-2009, 08:48 PM
We used to have this problem
Phones them up and we were on hold for like half on hour decided to hang up.
Works now out internet dont die, they used to tell us the usual "Turn it off at the plug, wait a min, plug it back in"
They dont even do anything
Virgin are jokes

02-06-2009, 08:52 PM
Please tell us what happend in the end and what was wrong - i'd like to know. Hope you get this fixed! ;)

02-06-2009, 08:52 PM
Phone them up and question them about what was said in the piece above.

Ask them about the "Just keep a note of all the time lost as you should be able to claim a reduction in the price for Virgin not supplying you with an "always on, unlimited connection". If its disconnecting then its not always on"

Make sure you are talking to a proper technician though.

04-06-2009, 02:26 PM
Please tell us what happend in the end and what was wrong - i'd like to know. Hope you get this fixed! ;)

As you asked.

The guy just came round and I told him what was happening he un-plugged my modem, plugged his box in it and identified the problem straight away it was our signal was ****** up and to low he said it could be fixed by going down to the box and doing some bits and bobs.

As usual I seem to find when VM send people to your house they know what their talking about. Thank god.

Anyway he went back out and went down to the local box where we was plugged in and came back and said that he found our line and sorted the problem and it should be fixed now but may still happen due to the cable where we live being a bit old and that he had got us a guy who is coming round and is going to rip the old cable from our road out and put a new one in for us so I was like woo ty.

Than I asked him about moving the box because at the moment the cable comes in down stairs and feeds our cable tv and broadband and I wanted to move the broadband up stairs so he went out and gave me some cable and all the crap i'd need to do it and explained how which I knew already but listened anyway so I happy seen as he was very helpful and was glad I don't have to go buy some cable now.

Him getting my cable from van. Sorry had to take it through curtains didn't want to get caught taking a picture :P


Random photo of when he arrived (Don't ask. :P)


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