View Full Version : what do you think of school?

07-06-2009, 07:49 PM
do you like school ?

do you like seeing mates?

do you like the lessons?

whats your overall opinion?

why do we all have diffrent opinions?

Answer :eusa_danc

07-06-2009, 07:51 PM
yes i like school else i wouldn't go.
yes i like seeing mates else they wouldn't be mates.
yes i like lessons else i wouldn't go.
my overall opinion is school is good.
we have different opinions because of our upbringing.

07-06-2009, 07:55 PM
do you like school ?

do you like seeing mates?

do you like the lessons?

whats your overall opinion?

why do we all have diffrent opinions?

Answer :eusa_danc

Yeah, I love college.

Yeah, I love seeing my friends.

Yeah, I love lessons esspically ICT.

College is a lovley place :) I love it seeing as I choose the subjects I wanted to do and really enjoy them. :eusa_clap

07-06-2009, 08:08 PM
do you like school ?

do you like seeing mates?

do you like the lessons?

whats your overall opinion?

why do we all have diffrent opinions?

Answer :eusa_danc

Most of the time no if I'm being honest.
Most of the time, no.
I don't like the education aspect but I enjoy the socialising aspect.
Depends on your attitude towards it; you wont enjoy it if you don't expect to.

07-06-2009, 08:14 PM
do you like school ?

do you like seeing mates?

do you like the lessons?

whats your overall opinion?

why do we all have diffrent opinions?

Answer :eusa_danc

1. It was okay somtimes.
2. Ofc I like seeing mates.
2. Yeah looking back on it they were funny.
3. Okayish.
4. If we all had the same opinions we would be like robots? It would be no fun.

07-06-2009, 08:14 PM
do you like school ?
do you like seeing mates?
do you like the lessons?
whats your overall opinion?
i like the lessons n stuff but don't like the "school life" you're meant to have just for some reasons

07-06-2009, 08:19 PM
do you like school ?
yes, i love my school. Been here for eleven years, got another two left.
do you like seeing mates?
do you like the lessons?
whats your overall opinion?
kind of a major part of life.

07-06-2009, 08:27 PM
4)It's fine, I like it some of the time and don't like it some of the time but I'm there for a few more years so I may as well enjoy it.
5)We're all brought up to have a different attitude towards it.

07-06-2009, 08:41 PM
do you like school ?
do you like seeing mates?
do you like the lessons?
whats your overall opinion?
why do we all have diffrent opinions?

08-06-2009, 03:57 PM
didnt like my school as it was a boarding school -.-'
and i dislike my mates cause u see those faces 24/7 for years -.-''
the lessons were okay..
i dunno why we have diff opinions..maybe we go to diff schools no?

08-06-2009, 05:57 PM
My school is average, pretty old and boring and has too many stupid one way systems though.

Of course I like seeing mates, one of the few reasons I kinda like going to school.

Seeing as I've just started my new timetable, it's hard to come to a set in stone opinion of the lessons. All of them seem good so far though.

My overall opinion is that school is school, you have to go, it's rubbish but it's worth going to see pals and of course to get a damn education.

We all have different opinions cos we're not all the same person.

08-06-2009, 06:37 PM
do you like school ?

do you like seeing mates?

do you like the lessons?

whats your overall opinion?

why do we all have diffrent opinions?

Answer :eusa_danc

1. Yeh its allright.
2. No not really, they're all fake *******
3. The lessons are allways good
4. Glad ive left now but the past 5 years was great, can't wait to go to college tho.

08-06-2009, 07:00 PM
no i dont like school

yes i like seeing my mates

i like some certain lessons

my opinion is school is something to do to pass time, and piss about in the lower years when it doesnt matter

why are roses red?

08-06-2009, 07:16 PM
I liked school :] and I miss it now!
Loved seeing my friends!

Id go back if i could lol :D

08-06-2009, 08:11 PM
do you like school ?
do you like seeing mates?
do you like the lessons?
whats your overall opinion?
why do we all have diffrent opinions?

some people clearly dont like school. :)

My answers..

1. Yes

2. Yes Obviously. ;)

3. Yes, I Also miss primary school. :)

4. i thin kwe all are brought up diffrent & have our own personal opinions.

08-06-2009, 08:17 PM
do you like school ? - it's alright i suppose :P

do you like seeing mates? - of course.

do you like the lessons? - some of them i suppose.

whats your overall opinion? - it's good if you like all the subjects (i don't ^^)

why do we all have diffrent opinions? - we're human, people have different aspects of stuff.

08-06-2009, 09:32 PM
do you like school ?
It's alright
do you like seeing mates?
do you like the lessons?
Media with Miss Sine. Sexual excitment tends to increase when ever I am near her
whats your overall opinion?
Its alright. college in September (Y)

Yeah its alright

08-06-2009, 09:51 PM
I like work

11-06-2009, 06:47 AM
do you like school ?
no & yes
do you like seeing mates?
yes but lately they to seem to be lying loads to me so...
do you like the lessons?
no. but i like what i do during the lesson. like playing counter strike.
whats your overall opinion?
if anybody pressures me to go to school/attend lesson, i wont. (:
why do we all have diffrent opinions?
dno. u tell me

11-06-2009, 04:08 PM
no i dont like it

i only go to school to see mates so yes

nah i hate the lessons, only liked p.e, chemistrys ok

overall picture is school is bad

i dunno why people say different

11-06-2009, 05:06 PM
do you like school ?

I love school :P

do you like seeing mates?

I always hang and laugh with my friends at school haha.

do you like the lessons?


whats your overall opinion?

It's not bad, i enjoy it most of the time!

why do we all have different opinions?

no cluez.

11-06-2009, 09:27 PM
do you like school ?

do you like seeing mates?

do you like the lessons?

whats your overall opinion?

why do we all have diffrent opinions?

Answer :eusa_danc

No - I don't need people to enjoy myself, loner ftw
School sucks ofc
It's culmination of Random and Evolution (Yes you can theoretically blame everything on evolution)

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