View Full Version : Pets you've had?
13-06-2009, 12:37 AM
I just wondered about all the pets people have ever had, wether you still have them and if you don't, what happened?
I had two ginuea pigs, Milly and Fluffy and they were my first pets years ago and I think Fluffy was preggers and then I think they all died of mange, some skin disease we think they got from either the farm we bought them from or the wood my dad used to build their hutch.
I had a budgie called Billy and eventually it died.
I had a rabbit called Basil and my mum got rushed to hospital and I wanted to put Basil away before me and my grandad and mum went in the ambulance but my grandad said no there wasn't time or something so he was left outside for ages and when we got back he had dissapeared. I miss that rabbit he was so lovely.
I had two goldfish called Shimmer and Fishlips and they both died after a while.
I had some hamsters and they bred and we had like more hamsters then they bred and we had more hamsters and we had so many hamsters that we had to give them all to an animal shelter in the end because it was just too many lol
And I have a dog now, a black miniature poodle called Rosie.
13-06-2009, 12:48 AM
Dog - Charlie, died.
Hamster - Charlie (Named after the dog :rolleyes:), died.
Dog - Gizmo. About 1 and a half years old, pain in the neck :P
Rabbits - Snowy, Rabbit (My mum came up with some really original names :rolleyes:) - both still alive, about 2 and a half years old. Also had a third rabbit called Fluffy, that died a few days after we got it.
Tons of fish in our indoor tropical fishtank thing, and outside pond with koi fish.
13-06-2009, 01:59 AM
About 6 cats that run away.
Couple of fish from the fair that die 3days later
And a cat what i have now.
13-06-2009, 08:41 PM
Hamster that dissapeared, probably down this hole round the back of the toilet.
And my current dog.
13-06-2009, 08:48 PM
About 6 cats that run away.
Couple of fish from the fair that die 3days later
And a cat what i have now.
Hamster that dissapeared, probably down this hole round the back of the toilet.
And my current dog.
lmao were you that bad they had to get away?!
hamster - dead (phew it bit me lol dead)
dog called mitch - bad paw atm :(
cat called sunny - shes wickedddddddd
13-06-2009, 08:50 PM
Goldfish - mum put them in nans pond and they froze
rabbit - died
dog - got her now :)
13-06-2009, 09:03 PM
lmao were you that bad they had to get away?!
hamster - dead (phew it bit me lol dead)
dog called mitch - bad paw atm :(
cat called sunny - shes wickedddddddd
We had it for ages, we think it went away to die somewhere :)
14-06-2009, 12:02 AM
Had numerous fish - All died
2 cats, Smudge & Sweep - Both died :(
2 Hamsters, Chandler & Joey - Had to give them away
Had some more fish, Janice, Gunther & Mr Heckles - All Died
A dog called Muffin - Still alive :)
14-06-2009, 12:10 AM
a mongrel. she was great, died at 17. got a springer spaniel she's 2 atm. both ******* (the gender, and descriptive kind). i also had like 40 million fish but they're dead.
I had a Dog called Jacob. Sadly he died when I was 8.
alot of fish, a mouse for like 3 days lmao, a turtle, and ma CATTTTTT:)
14-06-2009, 02:54 AM
a cat for a month.. it was actually our neighbours cat but i got to look after him while they went away and i loved him sooo much.. felix :') he was white.
fish.. most recently fish & chips, but they both died after 2 weeks because apparently i overfed them :(
when i was 3-5 we had a dog named nemo but he got hit by a car :(
im bad luck when it comes to pets
14-06-2009, 12:18 PM
dog, smudge, died.
rabbit called rabbit, died.
rabbit called coco, died.
hamster called sandy, died.
hamster called misty, died.
hamster called molly died at xmas.
yeah i don't have much luck with animals.
14-06-2009, 12:29 PM
I have 2 dogs. Ones like 4 months old others about 10.
14-06-2009, 12:56 PM
I've had way too many animals. I remember I had a dog named Lucky, he was my older sisters. I also had one of those little black fishes with the big head. I remember when I was 5, my best friend (can't actually remember his name LOL) gave us a cat, I THINK her name was Clutterina lulz.
Then we moved to the country, I remember my mum got us three bunnies, one was ginger (dunno about the other two)
I remember we had two Guinea Pigs, one was black and one was ginger. They had babies together (but they all died!) Then we gave them away to a friend.
Our Bunnies had died by this stage (I don't know why!)
I remember then we had a multi-coloured cat called Puddles. She had two babies (three really, but one died) Her babies were called Pepsi and Olly. Pepsi ran away and we gave Olly to my cousin (He's still alive, but he's a ***** of a cat)
I remember then Clutterina had babies, but I can only remember Michéal, he was black and white, and he loved mushrooms =S
I remember for my birthday I got a pony called Lady, she was all white (even though they call that grey me thinks)
I remember then we had a labrador called Bouncer, but we had to give him away 'cos he was too vicious.
Then we moved back to the city, so we had to leave Lady behind, Clutterina was gone at this stage, Puddles was no where to be seen. So Michéal and Lucky came back to Waterford with us.
Michéal then ran away, when we lived in my mums house for a bit 'cos the house was getting done up. Then when we moved to the house I live in now Lucky was like 15 at this time, and disappeared.
Then our house got renovated and we moved into a little house and got two jack russells called Imp & Dippy. We had them for like a year but had to give 'em away 'cos the house we were living in for the time being was too small.
Then we moved into our old house and got our first pomeranian Bon Bon, a few months later we then got our second pomeranian, Betty.
THAT'S IT! That took so long lmao.
14-06-2009, 01:20 PM
k um
- dog called Gywn that got run over
- a rabbit called Beauty that my brother "set free"
- a cat called Ninoo (IT WASNT MY IDEA:eusa_whis) when i was like 1 n he lived until i was 11 n he was 12, yay he as older than me :eusa_danc he got shot dunno what with but it was lil 10 yr olds or sumthin
- 4 horses called Sunny, TJ, Pure and Rolo but I had to sell them all and Sunny died:(
- lots of fish
- a german sherpard called Benji but he got put down not long ago
- frogs + mice coz my brother liked them
- a corn snake dunno if we ever named it but my brother got rid
and before my other brother moved out he bought a ******* scorpion
14-06-2009, 01:31 PM
A long white hair cat - had her since I was a baby and she had to get put down 9 years ago.
2 ginuea pigs - they always used to wee on me :( gave them away to our cousins
Tropical fish - one of the guppy fish had loads of babies and the angel fish ate some of them in the end we gave them to our cousins
14-06-2009, 03:10 PM
I've had two gold fish, Tom and Jerry which died a few years ago, and a dog Rosie who is 11 and still kicking :P.
14-06-2009, 03:18 PM
I honestly don't remember them all. I had quite a couple of cats that ran away but I think it's cause we moved so much, especially when I was younger.
I remember my cat called Fudge who died, idk why she just got really sick all of a sudden :(
Rabbit called Pringle who was so hostile and wouldn't go back in his hutch so the fox got him
A hamster who died of old age
Oh and I used to have a dog called Brandy but we had to give her to another family
At the moment I have my Cat called Wanda and kitten, Leo :D
I've had:
- Loads of fish. Most died because they were eaten / swam into the pump so we kept replacing them and still have about 4 left.
- Cat. Wasn't actually ours but we were looking after it for a friend because they moved away. It was really old so didn't last long. I have no idea what his name was but it lived outside.
- Hamster called Biscuit which died of old age :(
14-06-2009, 07:30 PM
Ive only ever had one dog and shes still alive
shes been in the family longer than me
16 in september
awww i love my doggy :D
When I was 2 I got my first pet, a tabby cat called Arnie.
Then when I was three we goth 2 other cats, they were brothers, George and Wilfie, George was grey and Wilfie was black and white.
Wilfie got knocked over by a car when I was 4 :(
Then a few months later we got two black cats, Rueben and Morris, but after a few years Morris went missing, we think he got knocked over :(
Then we got Oscar, who is black and Grey :P
Arnie died when I was in year 8 at school, then about a year Later we got Max who is white and fluffy with blue eyes :D
George then died last October as he was so old he couldn't enjoy life and he needed to be put down.
Oh and when I was in like year 7 I got a rabbit for like 2 years but he stamped his feet on the concrete and paralized himself :(
Six or so years ago i got 2 cats princess & mimi and we had to give them away last year because of where we moved.
I have had my dalmation named domino, since she was a puppy and she will be 9 soon!!
I had a miniature pinscher named suko and we gave him away this year because im moving again! lolol.
I also have a black lab/cocker spaniel mix named tinkerbell and she is 2 going on 3.
So i only have 2 dogs domino and tink!
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