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View Full Version : The Roswell Incident

14-06-2009, 04:58 PM
In the small town of Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th 1947 an incident occured that would change the town forever. Several strange debris were found strewn across the desert, some witnesses claim had strange text on them.


Soon rumours started to circulate that an Alien space craft had crashed there and parts of this space craft had been taken away to a nearby Military base along with alien corpses. There was even a statement from the Military confirming a spaceship was found. However a couple of days later a new statement came out saying what they had found was actually the remains of the Spy Balloon which goes by the name of 'Project Mogul' and the debris found were nothing more than snapped sticks and torn bits of rubber.


The Army did release pictures of the debris found and it does appear to be as they said bits of balloon:


However lots of people who think it was a UFO crash have accused the army of switching the debris and covering everything up

So what do you think?

Was there an Alien Space Ship crash in Roswell or was it just a Spy Balloon?

Personally I am undecided :8

14-06-2009, 05:39 PM
I think there was an aircraft crash, But they are not actually sure if it was 'Aliens' or just an aircraft from earth.

They covered everything up, because just incase it was 'Aliens' then no one would be able to handle it and the whole world would go into a Alien-Frenzy turmoil.

They did it for the good of the earth i suppose, but still i would love to know what it was.

14-06-2009, 05:47 PM
At this time in history all countries were experimenting with flight, they has been disc shaped aeroplanes that have been recorded to fly for only 5 seconds at the time, america might have went 1 step further but kept it secret, The alien would have been a rumour or a local myth since the people who live near the crash site are maniacs + it has a good reason to have crashed next to area 51 as they could have kept the craft their?

14-06-2009, 05:48 PM
Interesting thread. I do believe something happened there. Why else would it be secretive? I do believe in alien lifeforms, and not little green space men, but otherworldly beings. In a universe so infinite, we can't be alone.

14-06-2009, 09:37 PM
I hope one day we meet intelligent life outside of our planet, and we discover how small we actually are.

I hope that day brings on a new era for mankind.

14-06-2009, 09:49 PM
I hope one day we meet intelligent life outside of our planet, and we discover how small we actually are.

I hope that day brings on a new era for mankind.
So they can enslave us or exterminate us? If aliens are anything like humans they will exploit any lesser species and use the earth for its resources.

15-06-2009, 12:07 AM
So they can enslave us or exterminate us? If aliens are anything like humans they will exploit any lesser species and use the earth for its resources.

If they are like humans why wouldn't we exploit them, or if they are like us, surely years of political evoloution would give them a goverment, who can make peace (and love) with ours.

Besides who says 'Aliens' are more advanced than us, their evoloution could be inline with ours or even behind. Out of all of the possible lifeforms, why is ours always considered less advanced than aliens.

If there was a meeting between lifeforms they would be most likely as scared and intrigued as we would be. And the last thing they would what to do is to try to enslave us.

15-06-2009, 09:49 AM
If they are like humans why wouldn't we exploit them, or if they are like us, surely years of political evoloution would give them a goverment, who can make peace (and love) with ours.

Besides who says 'Aliens' are more advanced than us, their evoloution could be inline with ours or even behind. Out of all of the possible lifeforms, why is ours always considered less advanced than aliens.

If there was a meeting between lifeforms they would be most likely as scared and intrigued as we would be. And the last thing they would what to do is to try to enslave us.

Cause theirs not many lesser lifeforms that could create a sustained spaceship that could carry generations of themselves throughout lightyears to our planet >_>

15-06-2009, 02:39 PM
Cause theirs not many lesser lifeforms that could create a sustained spaceship that could carry generations of themselves throughout lightyears to our planet >_>

I was replying to the idea of 'a meeting of lifeforms, and an exploit of us', not this actual instance where obviously if it was a spaceship they would be far more advanced than us.

Out of all the possible planets (which i beleive is 4 with 49 o's on the end all something like that.) there is a huge chance there are lifeforms our there, less advanced and more.

What would be really interesting is, if two lifeforms including ourselves, who are in the same region of evoloution, met, and how different things might/ or not be.

15-06-2009, 06:55 PM
Earth had 2 superior life forms evolving at the same time, neanderfalls & Homosapiens (us).

Nature just didn't agree and ice age ended up wiping out the neanderfalls and the humans used their brains and survived.

Theirs a planet of not many people know of called Gliese 581c which is in the habatil zone on the suns orbit which means it could sustain life & water, problem was with it that only 1 side ever faced the sun so the other side would just be utter death @_@.

15-06-2009, 07:18 PM
Cause theirs not many lesser lifeforms that could create a sustained spaceship that could carry generations of themselves throughout lightyears to our planet >_>

You are too caught up on stereotypes. We are continually scouting planets to find other lifeforms. If, in the future we do discover life and dispatch a space shuttle we would be going to them. Think outside the box. We may even have aliens already on earth, a la The War of the Worlds.

15-06-2009, 07:23 PM
You are too caught up on stereotypes. We are continually scouting planets to find other lifeforms. If, in the future we do discover life and dispatch a space shuttle we would be going to them. Think outside the box. We may even have aliens already on earth, a la The War of the Worlds.

i was not talking as if i didn't believe aliens could reach us, i was reply to the before post who said lesser life forms could reach earth >_>.

Which you would have noticed i could think outside the box on my previous post.

15-06-2009, 07:27 PM
i was not talking as if i didn't believe aliens could reach us, i was reply to the before post who said lesser life forms could reach earth >_>.

Which you would have noticed i could think outside the box on my previous post.

You said if they reached us they wouldn't be less advanced, and from reading each of your posts I thought you were thus ruling out the concept of humans visiting aliens. And your previous post wasn't thinking outside of the box - not that it really matter.

>_> <-- why do you spam this?

15-06-2009, 07:31 PM
I spam this because its a debate and im making quite valid opinions?

And their obviously going to be more advanced lifeforms than us at least in brain state, because you don't see us travelling ligtyears to reach this gliesce 581c, but if their was a more advanced lifeform with the more advance technology they could reach us.

15-06-2009, 07:35 PM
I spam this because its a debate and im making quite valid opinions?

And their obviously going to be more advanced lifeforms than us at least in brain state, because you don't see us travelling ligtyears to reach this gliesce 581c, but if their was a more advanced lifeform with the more advance technology they could reach us.

That's a real facepalm. I asked why you spammed this >_> not the thread. And if I follow your logic in thinking that because Gliesce 581c is a large distance from Earth that makes its inhabitants smarter than us? If they used the same logic as you, then we would be smarter than them. That's totally ridiculous, to be blunt but eloquent.

15-06-2009, 07:53 PM
I didn't once say they would be a lesser life form than us, i said it would take a more advanced lifeform for them to reach us...

15-06-2009, 08:29 PM
If Aliens did come and visit us being human we would automatically assume they are hostile and blow them out of the sky :)

15-06-2009, 08:41 PM
You'd definately get koreans shooting peas at them.

i mean blowing up their own land @_@.

i mean sending pointless satalites at them. Nvm, but the koreans would do something stupid to them.

15-06-2009, 10:14 PM
I personally think American government cover up some of the worlds most secret secrets and I really think this is one of them.

16-06-2009, 11:41 PM
Its almost certain alien life exists, that they have the sufficient technological means and with that would still want to come to are litlle cluster of planets though i find distinctly unlikely.
Roswell is basically just another example of the great cover up work done by the government over experimental planes. All they had to do was hint at aliens and even if they admit what really fell, people still wouldn't believe them. Personally i think its genius on the part of whoever formulated such a great cover-up method.

But alien life, i think not.

17-06-2009, 06:34 AM
I think area 51 is actually a aircraft testing facility, it has all the characteristics A - Hangars B - a very long runway, Thus meening they could be testing high speed aircraft 20-30 years infront of what we have, and that in roswell was a failed attempt that blew away

17-06-2009, 10:19 AM
I believe something happened, considering if you get near you get chased by a black van and god help you if you cross the line, you will get arrested and shot at if you refuse to stop.

17-06-2009, 02:51 PM
I believe something happened, considering if you get near you get chased by a black van and god help you if you cross the line, you will get arrested and shot at if you refuse to stop.

Same can be said for any high-security military facility.

This "incident" happened 2 years after WWII was over and the Cold War was progressing. It's entirely likely that what happened was an accident from one side or the other. If the Americans had crashed something they wouldn't want to admit it because that would be admitting to having spies operating and if it was a Russian craft the Americans would then have to accept that they could be reached - something they have always feared, as proven by how unprepared they were for 9/11 and how much of an impact it had on American morale.

To be honest the American government probably helped spin the alien story to take anything away from the fact that anything malicious was going on. It's better to be thought of as covering up a secret interest than to be covering up an attack plan

17-06-2009, 04:01 PM
Although it's in the public domain that they did know about 9/11 prior to it happening.

17-06-2009, 04:56 PM
Apparently the 2nd plane was a missile, a video that was filmed was fiddled with to make the missile look like a plane, but on its last few frames when hitting the building the missile can apparently be seen. So the plane story is apparently another cover up, + Seeing as thermite was found in the rubble tnt was used to destroy them, so apparently, the americans attacked their own building. But yh thats so off topic.

area 51 supposively has a sign post that if crossed your shot on site, you get prats going on tours their and saying a tree is a agent with a sniper.

21-06-2009, 03:25 PM
hmm tbh i dont belive that it would be a ufo proberly a plane crash or something

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