View Full Version : Whats best?

14-06-2009, 06:43 PM
this is for a f2p pure.

1) str pure. 40 att and like as high str as i can. would use rune scim and rune 2her.

2) range pure. just high range everything else 1.

3) str and range. although i dont understand why people use both, 40 att high str and high range.

Please vote.

14-06-2009, 06:51 PM
If you do a range pure, id do high range + high defence instead of everything 1 except range

like 80+ range, and like atleast 40 def maybe even higher if u wanted

14-06-2009, 06:54 PM
That Arch youve been a great help. im totally spamming up this forum. i mite do jst 40atta nd like 80+ str cz then its more effective on mages and ranges so i understand. just doesnt stand a chance with people in full rune. that corrrect?

14-06-2009, 06:57 PM
Well tbh , i think range + mage is only good on mems so meele would prob be best in f2p

and yeah mage hits on meele, meele hits on range, and range hits on mage thats the triangle. But even if they have def if you got high enough str + if you pot you could possibly still kill them.

14-06-2009, 07:02 PM
people who have full rune r they jst mostly an all rounder?

and also whats best for p2p? high range with gd def?

14-06-2009, 07:06 PM
Well it all depends what you like others will say differently.
If you wanted to meele id be GS / DClaws
and if you range High range and high def
and if u wanna use mage veng / barrage

14-06-2009, 07:24 PM
ok tell me what you think of this.

F2p Range + str pure

40 att. good range and good str.
Range range range finsh off with rune 2her.
1 def so im guessing pretty crap armour?

then if i ever wanted to get members get 60 att, dds and crossbow?

wud i not get owned much tho with low def?

14-06-2009, 08:56 PM
Well if you KO fast you wouldnt get owned,
And if ur f2p, Green d'hide chaps, iron pl8 , iron full helm , rune scim/rune 2h, Safety gloves / leather, any cape , the stronghold boots, and str pot

15-06-2009, 02:03 AM

Honestly literally anything.. You can own with either lets say 60 Attack 80 Strength is nice


50 Attack - 80 Strength - 85 Range - Range and then g maul spec always works very efficient

Very nice aswell

16-06-2009, 10:18 AM
I love voting!!!

17-06-2009, 05:14 PM
You should do both, a good combo as range is hard hitting and quick and then pull a 2h for the quick ko, if all fails then go back to ranging until HP is low and once again just 2h.

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