View Full Version : The Gamez Thread

16-07-2005, 08:56 PM
Heyalo! My brother Kyle and me really love computer games so I am going to post a thread which will have: cheats ,walkthroughs ,latest realeses etc..

So lets start

Top 5 Building GAMES:

1) Stronghold 2
2) Age of Empires
3) Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
4) Theme Hospital
5) Zoo Tycoon

So heres some tips for roller coaster tycoon 3

Close your park at the start of a game. Build a medium standard (7-15 Rides) 6 Stalls and 2 Gentle rides 1 ROLLERCOASTER. Only 1
By closing the park when you open the guests will 1) Spend more money 2) More things to do = More guests
Build toliets at the entrance , guests when leaving will find it use full
Fence off pools and lakes it makes your guests happy to know there not going to fall in
Never out to much fireworks this will cause the guests havoc and lots of money
Test a ride, it makes the guests more confident to know there safe.
Vary your rides.
Have transport around your park.. guests will be happy not to walk.
So thats some tips on RCT3

Some tips for theme hospital:

Place a plant(s) at the entrance it makes vistors feel welcome
Toliets are must and must have over 2 toliets
Staff rooms need to be big but not allways full , build a snooker/pool table that will keep staff happy
Place a radiotor in every room

Some tips for Zoo Tycoon

Lions send the crowds wild
Place toliets everywere
Place a viewing gallery this is were you put a footpath and place 2 cages of any animals either side then place a canopy of the path with bench's and info boards
Thats all folks Ill update when I can feel free to ask anything or comment.

17-07-2005, 02:29 AM
I have 2 of that games Age of empires And zoo tyccon :D

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