View Full Version : [Bulk Norms] Maze Makers' Galore

18-06-2009, 12:55 AM
Holodice - Enough (5 per HC)
Lodge Minibar - 10
Lodge Dining Table - 10
Lodge Double Bed - 10
Lodge Fireplace - 9
Mode Fireplace - 8
Mode Minibar - 10
Mode Dining Chair - 35
Mode Coffee Table - 10
Mode Sofa - 50
Fruit Tree - 15
Cut Roses 10
Cactus 15
Iced Sofa - 25
Iced Chair - 10
Pura Minibar - 30
Bath - 10
Area Sofa - 15
Area Dining Chair - 15
Red Pod - 10
Purple Pod - 8
Digital TV - 15
Candy Sofa - 30
Candy Armchair - 20
Candy Single Bed - 20

18-06-2009, 08:19 PM
15holos for 3hc :)

19-06-2009, 12:51 PM
I'd Buy em All. However, Not 1 cred each.

19-06-2009, 07:32 PM
ta, +rep

19-06-2009, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the trades you two :).

Holodice - 5 per HC
Yukkas - 8 Per HC
Lodge Minibar - 10
Lodge Dining Table - 10
Lodge Double Bed - 10
Lodge Fireplace - 9
Mode Fireplace - 8
Mode Minibar - 10
Mode Dining Chair - 35
Mode Coffee Table - 10
Mode Sofa - 50
Fruit Tree - 15
Cut Roses 10
Cactus 15
Iced Sofa - 25
Iced Chair - 10
Pura Minibar - 30
Bath - 10
Area Sofa - 15
Area Dining Chair - 15
Red Pod - 10
Purple Pod - 8
Digital TV - 15
Candy Sofa - 30
Candy Armchair - 20
Candy Single Bed - 20
Portable TV - 10

25-06-2009, 04:07 AM
Holodice - 5 per HC
Yukkas - 8 Per HC
Lodge Minibar - 10
Lodge Dining Table - 10
Lodge Fireplace - 9
Mode Fireplace - 8
Mode Minibar - 10
Mode Dining Chair - 35
Mode Coffee Table - 10
Mode Sofa - 50
Fruit Tree - 15
Cut Roses 10
Cactus 15
Iced Sofa - 25
Iced Chair - 10
Pura Minibar - 30
Bath - 10
Area Sofa - 15
Area Dining Chair - 15
Red Pod - 10
Digital TV - 15
Candy Sofa - 30
Candy Armchair - 20
Candy Single Bed - 19 (can add a blue one to make it even :P)
Portable TV - 10

27-06-2009, 01:44 AM
C'mon people :(. I'll sell 1c ea, but you have to buy 10 of the item :P.

Yukkas - 8 Per HC
Lodge Minibar - 10
Lodge Dining Table - 10
Lodge Fireplace - 9
Mode Fireplace - 8
Mode Minibar - 10
Mode Dining Chair - 35
Mode Coffee Table - 10
Mode Sofa - 50
Fruit Tree - 15
Cut Roses 10
Cactus 15
Iced Sofa - 15
Iced Chair - 10
Pura Minibar - 30
Bath - 10
Area Sofa - 15
Area Dining Chair - 15
Digital TV - 15
Candy Sofa - 30
Candy Armchair - 20
Candy Single Bed - 19 (can add a blue one to make it even :P)
Portable TV - 10

04-07-2009, 01:01 AM
Yukkas - 8 Per HC
Lodge Minibar - 10
Lodge Dining Table - 10
Lodge Fireplace - 9
Mode Fireplace - 8
Mode Minibar - 10
Mode Dining Chair - 10
Mode Coffee Table - 10
Mode Sofa - 50
Cut Roses 10
Cactus 15
Iced Sofa - 5
Iced Chair - 10
Pura Minibar - 30
Area Sofa - 15
Area Dining Chair - 15
Digital TV - 15
Candy Sofa - 30
Candy Armchair - 20
Candy Single Bed - 19 (can add a blue one to make it even :P)

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: It is not allowed to double post with providing ADDITIONAL information. Thanks.

04-07-2009, 01:12 PM
spamming much? -rep
stop trying to get postcount up

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please do not comment in the trading section and leave the moderating to the moderators. Thanks.

05-07-2009, 05:38 AM
And I would try to get my post count up, why? I'm simply posting what I have left. Good job trying to be a hero though, hypocrite. And yes, like I care about +rep on Habbox, if that even matters here. People these days.. tsk tsk

06-07-2009, 05:22 AM
how much for 15holos? gimme a special offer :p

06-07-2009, 06:07 AM
I don't have any.. :S, thats why I post updates.. which apparently is spam.

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