View Full Version : [WIP] New usersystem/site habbo layout

19-06-2009, 06:00 PM
This was designed when i was reallyyy bored.
Took me a few hours. Its still in progress as i need ideas on how to improve.
If you want to know what planned functions i have put on there just ask.

All comments appreciated :) Please give constructive comments. :)


19-06-2009, 06:29 PM
Looks intresting. That font would be possible to do in php using GD ;)

19-06-2009, 06:40 PM
Machoo made a generator for that font for Habbio :D So ive been using that for the font haha.

19-06-2009, 08:05 PM
I don't really like it.
Looks too basic I think. Nothing special in there.
Most of a C+P I think?

However, put some more work into that layout and I think it can get better. Dunno what you should change though.

19-06-2009, 08:09 PM
I like it, but far too many content boxes,

19-06-2009, 08:37 PM
Because its for a usersystem
and thank you meti!

21-06-2009, 09:28 AM
Heres some constructive crticism for ya: Make the motto box go from the beginning of the credits icon to the end of the last icon (forgot what the last icon was) and make the menu a drop down, its just easier to get around that way. I, overall, love it. Maybe you should move those three small content boxes ontop to the bottom (if you main content boxe isn't gonna be displayong too big of pages) because it looks a little bit too much . I like how you've made the divs exapandable and despandable on the click of the button, I guess that could help with the three content boxes above the main, because you could always minimize them. +rep (if i haven't +rep'd you lately that is...)

21-06-2009, 10:37 AM
Heres some constructive crticism for ya: Make the motto box go from the beginning of the credits icon to the end of the last icon (forgot what the last icon was) and make the menu a drop down, its just easier to get around that way. I, overall, love it. Maybe you should move those three small content boxes ontop to the bottom (if you main content boxe isn't gonna be displayong too big of pages) because it looks a little bit too much . I like how you've made the divs exapandable and despandable on the click of the button, I guess that could help with the three content boxes above the main, because you could always minimize them. +rep (if i haven't +rep'd you lately that is...)
Thank you, ive taken it on board, i have added/taken away stuff from this layout and using it for a different site, thanks for advice and rep if you repped :) +Rep

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