View Full Version : [Bobba] Personal views on Habbo BETA and more.

19-06-2009, 10:36 PM
It's really stupid, but clever at the same time in my opinion. The source for it is continuously leaked, giving Private Server Development variables, externals and all sorts of things when they want! Several of the BETA tests have been released in proper source, and are even being test-runned on Retro hotels. Now, if they simply a) protected it more or b) released it publicly instead of BETA it would be much, much more simpler.

Yeah it's nice. They've done something, which pleased a lot of Habbo Users in many hotels. By doing so, they've probably went up in reputation, and getting everyone excited. But holding onto it this long is utterly ridiculous. I mean, they don't even have simple bugs fixed, and even people hosting 'retro servers' have managed to compile up some simple programming knowledge and fix them up? Half of the new updates are rubbish, anyways.

Anyways, another thing is (if you haven't already noticed) is that they are no longer running on shockwave, and running on flash player. One downside (for Habbo) to this is the fact that you can pull any Habbo's ID out from the packets, and use it for SessionID, which the infamous Finch used until it was patched. Basically, it means, you pull out the ID of the player, and you can have access to their account. However, I'm sure they'll fix this... Once upon a time.

Another thing. Remember back in August (known as the August Raids to many, 'For Teh Lulz') when 'erroring' habbo's made everything crap themselves, lock their rooms and pick up their furni? Oh yeah, well the thing that stopped that was due to the fact they moved to a dynamic encryption (Diffie-Hellman key exchange). This means, the encryption the scripting tools were hooked onto were basically changing every 10 minutes or so. But now, I think Sulake have forgotten, they've changed it back! So it won't change, it will stay the same. What the hell!??!

I also think Habbo are stepping down with most Habbo retro's now. The fact is, there's too many going, and they don't really do any harm to the Habbo Community. Most they do, if they find someone's retro hotel with quite a sum of users, they contact their host and issue them with a warning e-mail to remove the software. This happened with Dominic (Myrax's) hotel just recently, and he was forced to shut it down. Most retro makers are moving on to creating v5, v1's and even Project Goldfish copies (yes, the 2000 version of habbo!). Check bottom for quote of what the e-mail should contain.

We have received a DMCA, regarding material on this server. I have included it, below.
Please review the accusation and contact us, within 24 hours, to let us know when you have taken the cited material offline.
Be advised that, under the DMCA, a counter notification may be filed. A valid counter notification will allow the material to be reactivated. More information on this may be found at:
http://badwebsite.com is hosted on one of your servers
It contains copyright material of Sulake corporation, including a copy
of the game Habbo Hotel
Thank you,
Abuse Department
Company Name, Inc.

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