View Full Version : Ghostbusters = Awesome

20-06-2009, 12:44 PM
Some people have been moaning the graphics aren't as good as they expected, some have been moaning that the story wasn't all that great.

All I know is that since the age of four when I first watched Ghostbusters it has always been a secret dream of mine to be one and thanks to this game I have come closest to furfilling that dream than ever before. I have never been looking forward to fireing a weapon on a game more than this one and I've gotta say when I first shot that proton pack I felt like a little kid again.

Sure this game isn't the best looking game and it certainly hasn't got the most realistic graphics but me being a massive ghostbusters fan from a young age it bought back major memories. I remember when I was little when that purple ghost woman in the library went 'Raaaaaaaaaaa' and they all ran off screaming I'd jump up and run round the whole house screaming as well.

I know when I go and see my friends who own 360's they are all going to be telling me how much better its going to look and be on the 360 but at the end of the day I don't care about the graphics where this game is concerned I bought this game purely for the fun factor and for me I enjoyed it this more than any game I have bought for a long time... I enjoyed it more than Prototype, GTA 4, and heck I'm going to be blammed for it but I enjoyed it more than Metal Gear solid 4. :8

The only game that which I can say I liked slightly better was Fallout 3 :)

20-06-2009, 12:50 PM
Can't be that good if you prefer fallout 3.

20-06-2009, 02:58 PM
Can't be that good if you prefer fallout 3.

Why whats wrong with Fallout 3? lol

20-06-2009, 03:10 PM
Some people are so ridiculous at the PlayStation forums about Ghostbusters. A lot of them are waiting for the PC version of the game just because the 360 graphics look the smallest bit better than the PS3. As long as the game is fun the graphics don't matter.

I think it's a really good game the only thing that I don't like is the 4GB install mainly because I now only have 5GB left on my PS3 because of it :(

20-06-2009, 03:19 PM
Why whats wrong with Fallout 3? lol

I just found it to be quite a terrible game, boring and slow, having to walk the huge distances got tedious, the fact the only form of travel was to walk was plain stupid when you look at the size of the map, fast travel was obviously a nice addition but again you can't to walk to find places to fast travel too, I found the environment to be really dull and boring to look at, felt no incentive to explore because you could mow just about anything down 30 mins after leaving the vault were you are free to pick up miniguns and heavy explosives.

20-06-2009, 04:21 PM
I was gonna get this for the 360, but i dont think the game looks that good

20-06-2009, 04:22 PM
I just found it to be quite a terrible game, boring and slow, having to walk the huge distances got tedious, the fact the only form of travel was to walk was plain stupid when you look at the size of the map, fast travel was obviously a nice addition but again you can't to walk to find places to fast travel too, I found the environment to be really dull and boring to look at, felt no incentive to explore because you could mow just about anything down 30 mins after leaving the vault were you are free to pick up miniguns and heavy explosives.
Amen brother.

I like this game, although the whole thing can be a little bit clunky and the presentation isn't exactly the greatest thing ever. I'm not a hardcore ghostbusters fan but I'm more than sure it does justice to the films

20-06-2009, 04:22 PM
I find fallout3 boring too.

Also I don't understand why 360 graphics would be better? I would have got this but I have too many games to buy LOL. MAG, modern warfare 2, LA noire (if it comes), uncharted 2 and assassins creed 2 :P pretty much £200 lol.

20-06-2009, 04:52 PM
I'll just leave this here.



20-06-2009, 05:30 PM
Good to hear, hardly any half-decent games are released yet so its great to see that theres new titles that can preform.

20-06-2009, 06:14 PM
I'll just leave this here.


I don't really care about the detail on a rug when I will only see blurs like that for a few seconds and most of the time I don't pay attention to small detail like that. When I did that bit on the game I was too busy randomly shooting the walls and random stuff.

20-06-2009, 07:07 PM
I don't really care about the detail on a rug when I will only see blurs like that for a few seconds and most of the time I don't pay attention to small detail like that. When I did that bit on the game I was too busy randomly shooting the walls and random stuff.
Check the links, it's the whole game not just some rug.

20-06-2009, 07:08 PM
I'll just leave this here.



You have to admit, that's pretty poor on the PS3 part, I don't care hugely for graphics but that's just really awful, I'm guessing the game was developed for the 360 and the port went horribly wrong, at least if you have the PS3 version you get it before EU 360 owners, it's timed exclusive in the EU kinda sucks but you can order it from the US as it's region free. xD

20-06-2009, 07:31 PM
Check the links, it's the whole game not just some rug.
I saw that a few days ago. I haven't noticed anything which looks really bad when I played it though. It only looks bad because it's next to a 360 screenshot.

20-06-2009, 07:38 PM
I just found it to be quite a terrible game, boring and slow, having to walk the huge distances got tedious, the fact the only form of travel was to walk was plain stupid when you look at the size of the map, fast travel was obviously a nice addition but again you can't to walk to find places to fast travel too, I found the environment to be really dull and boring to look at, felt no incentive to explore because you could mow just about anything down 30 mins after leaving the vault were you are free to pick up miniguns and heavy explosives.

ah ok everyone is entitled to their opinion :)

I'll just leave this here.



Like I said before the graphics in this game didn't matter for me for other games I would have been annoyed but personally I got this game to have fun with not to brag to everyone about the graphics :)

If you'd prefer to get it on the 360 for this reason fair doos but since I don't own a 360 I really couldn't give two globs of ectoplasmic residue :8

21-06-2009, 09:21 AM
That makes no sense. We have the more powerful console with blu-ray, yet they have a weaker console with hd yet theirs is better?

Just checking, were those screenies taken with like the same resolution and stuff?

21-06-2009, 11:00 AM
That makes no sense. We have the more powerful console with blu-ray, yet they have a weaker console with hd yet theirs is better?

Just checking, were those screenies taken with like the same resolution and stuff?

Ok for a start, the xbox is actually a more powerful console, alot of the games on the xbox and PS3 are easily comparable with the graphics and the 360 is always better, PS3 games on look any good when there is nothing to compare against.

Also I'd like to point out the the PS3 has HD aswell? It'd be pretty pointless having blu-ray then not having a HDMI port now wouldn't it?

The only thing that the PS3 has over the xbox is the fact the disks can hold huge amounts of data, which is all well and good but nearly no games on the PS3 actually use any real amount of what they can hold, the largest game is said to be MGS4 at like 40Gb, somehow I can't see that happening but if so it's probably because the game is cutscene heaven.

21-06-2009, 11:11 AM
This is stupid. Dan posts saying how much he likes Ghostbusters then you guys come along and try to start a console war because the graphics are like 5% better on the 360.

21-06-2009, 12:22 PM
Ok for a start, the xbox is actually a more powerful console, alot of the games on the xbox and PS3 are easily comparable with the graphics and the 360 is always better, PS3 games on look any good when there is nothing to compare against.

Also I'd like to point out the the PS3 has HD aswell? It'd be pretty pointless having blu-ray then not having a HDMI port now wouldn't it?

The only thing that the PS3 has over the xbox is the fact the disks can hold huge amounts of data, which is all well and good but nearly no games on the PS3 actually use any real amount of what they can hold, the largest game is said to be MGS4 at like 40Gb, somehow I can't see that happening but if so it's probably because the game is cutscene heaven.

Excuse me like I have said three times already I have no interest in argueing over which consol is better or who has the best graphics I decided to create a thread because I ENJOYED a game.... isn't that what the whole point of owning a games consol is, to get enjoyment out of it?

This is exactly why I hardly ever post threads about games on this forum because either way you get someone coming along saying 'zomgz my 360 is better than PS3' or 'PS3 owns the 360 because' I don't care if the 360 is more powerful, I don't care if its graphics are better, I didn't create this thread for this purpose. I mean seriously some of you people are so insistant on proving your consol is better anyone would think you have a small penis or something :eusa_eh:

21-06-2009, 01:38 PM
Sorry "big boy" but I was just replying to his post, the post was made so it's only fair to be able to reply, don't get a hissy fit at me because of him complaining. :rolleyes:

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