View Full Version : UK hiring a new hotel manager?

22-06-2009, 04:27 PM
Habbo UK are hiring a new hotel manager
www.sulake.com/careers (http://www.sulake.com/careers)
Is Lost Witness/Bucho6 leaving?!

TEAM LUDUS FOR HOTEL MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eusa_danc:eusa_danc I HOPE HE APPLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i like his humour/sarcasm

22-06-2009, 04:29 PM
i heard cooshie was applying

22-06-2009, 04:34 PM
Its assistant?
Surely one of them is leaving and one is staying otherwise it'll be 'Site producer'
If not, they both are staying and want help :')

22-06-2009, 04:40 PM
totally applying

22-06-2009, 04:49 PM
Its prob lostie becoz hes been working there for a while

22-06-2009, 04:50 PM
doesn't mean he'll go although i personally think he has hinted at it before. when i asked him and he said "you have to move on some day" but that was like 6 months ago and maybe i read into things too much. l_w is by far the best HM i've ever played the hotel on and the current best staff member for UK, imo.

22-06-2009, 05:00 PM
It says Assistant for a reason.

22-06-2009, 05:11 PM
Already been pointed out lauren ;)

Anyway I would say it will be lost because he has spent so much time there and surely hes either being promoted or leaving for a different position.

EDIT: I so want Jibbi to come back ;(

22-06-2009, 05:56 PM
Habbo UK are hiring a new hotel manager
www.sulake.com/careers (http://www.sulake.com/careers)
Is Lost Witness/Bucho6 leaving?!

TEAM LUDUS FOR HOTEL MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eusa_danc:eusa_danc I HOPE HE APPLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i like his humour/sarcasm


I hope that was sarcasm actually - mind you it would get him out of Player Support!

22-06-2009, 06:30 PM
Pls not ludus

22-06-2009, 06:32 PM
i don't really care if any current staff member gets it or anyone new gets it, doesn't affect me in the slightest :3

22-06-2009, 06:35 PM
I want 0rca to apply for it!!

22-06-2009, 06:41 PM
im glad they finally noticed they were missing an assistant.

last one was helkat for crying out loud.

i hope the new one is as fun as helkat

22-06-2009, 06:59 PM
I hope lostie doesn't leave i like him. Ludus is a **** so yeah i really hope he doesn't get it

22-06-2009, 07:16 PM
:O i never even realised that lol
im abit slow :P

22-06-2009, 08:08 PM
Surely if its listed to the public now, they've already advertised the job internally (within sulake) so its doubtful that someone who already works for sulake uk/worldwide would have the job unless no one applies for it outside sulake?
And as many people have said it says assistant for a reason.

22-06-2009, 08:47 PM
I want to apply :P

22-06-2009, 09:21 PM
hope lostie
dnt quit
ill b well sad

22-06-2009, 09:36 PM
Surely if its listed to the public now, they've already advertised the job internally (within sulake) so its doubtful that someone who already works for sulake uk/worldwide would have the job unless no one applies for it outside sulake?
And as many people have said it says assistant for a reason.

The same could be said about Community Manager - That was advertised & an internal candidate got it the end, so not necessarily...

22-06-2009, 09:38 PM
The reason why you all hate ludus is because he won't lift your ban, obviously if he won't lift it you've did something against Habbo way and you're too stubborn to admit it, you're acting as if it's a personal grudge ludus is a GROWN man he gets PAID to work for sulake, why would he care what some preteen has to think about him lol, in my eyes if you're all hating on him that's how you know you're doing your job correctly otherwise it'd be corrupt like 0rca, who lifts peoples bans for knowing certain people, or Callie who was LOVED yet clearly favoured, i REST MY CASE.

The reason why i like him is because he doesn't favour and keeps the idiots permed who are actually scamming and hacking and being overall muppets

anyways yeh i gathered bucho6 is leaving so wooo, i like lostie anyways

22-06-2009, 09:43 PM
Already been pointed out lauren ;)

Anyway I would say it will be lost because he has spent so much time there and surely hes either being promoted or leaving for a different position.

EDIT: I so want Jibbi to come back ;(
Jibbi OR ione, that'd be great!

23-06-2009, 02:21 AM
The reason why you all hate ludus is because he won't lift your ban, obviously if he won't lift it you've did something against Habbo way and you're too stubborn to admit it, you're acting as if it's a personal grudge ludus is a GROWN man he gets PAID to work for sulake, why would he care what some preteen has to think about him lol, in my eyes if you're all hating on him that's how you know you're doing your job correctly otherwise it'd be corrupt like 0rca, who lifts peoples bans for knowing certain people, or Callie who was LOVED yet clearly favoured, i REST MY CASE.

The reason why i like him is because he doesn't favour and keeps the idiots permed who are actually scamming and hacking and being overall muppets

anyways yeh i gathered bucho6 is leaving so wooo, i like lostie anyways

I can see what you're saying but dealing with him my self, not with a ban issue he wasnt very helpful and i prefer to deal with 0rca and in some situation she actually knows/can relate to it as she used to be a hobba etc. Bucho6 has the position of Site producer not assistant along with lostie.. so they could be staying just hiring more help - but i doubt this very much.

23-06-2009, 06:04 AM
Jibbi OR ione, that'd be great!


sorry but are we going to start this thing up again
"hi i woz made lyk 2 weeks ago, but i rly want iwone to cme bk"

or stuff,
they've left now.

23-06-2009, 06:50 AM
The reason why you all hate ludus is because he won't lift your ban, obviously if he won't lift it you've did something against Habbo way and you're too stubborn to admit it, you're acting as if it's a personal grudge ludus is a GROWN man he gets PAID to work for sulake, why would he care what some preteen has to think about him lol, in my eyes if you're all hating on him that's how you know you're doing your job correctly otherwise it'd be corrupt like 0rca, who lifts peoples bans for knowing certain people, or Callie who was LOVED yet clearly favoured, i REST MY CASE.

The reason why i like him is because he doesn't favour and keeps the idiots permed who are actually scamming and hacking and being overall muppets

anyways yeh i gathered bucho6 is leaving so wooo, i like lostie anyways

I've been scammed 7 norms in two Takeshi Castles in two days - I bet they won't get permed.


And the reason people hate ludus is because he looks about 15, acts about 15 and probably is about 15?


23-06-2009, 07:07 AM
The reason why you all hate ludus is because he won't lift your ban, obviously if he won't lift it you've did something against Habbo way and you're too stubborn to admit it, you're acting as if it's a personal grudge ludus is a GROWN man he gets PAID to work for sulake, why would he care what some preteen has to think about him lol, in my eyes if you're all hating on him that's how you know you're doing your job correctly otherwise it'd be corrupt like 0rca, who lifts peoples bans for knowing certain people, or Callie who was LOVED yet clearly favoured, i REST MY CASE.

Hmm yeah when my account "Clowgon" got compromised it took about 10 emails in a space of a month or so to get my account back. He said i was missing some information/information wasn't correct which i thought was weird as i provided as much detailed information about the account as i could possibly think of.

Anyway, i had enough one day and sent his such an angry email - Demanding him to tell me why he hasn't sent me a retrieving account email.

So i got the email the next day and got the link to get my account back. He was so helpful - He gave me links to an Anti-virus site and gave me information on how i can protect my privacy and how to protect myself from keyloggers. So really he's a nice guy.

Obviously in other cases if you've done something wrong i.e Hacked/Stolen/being rude - Then theres no point in emailing him as he's not going to lift your ban. I don't think he'll put his Job on the online by lifting bans because of angry teenagers who are OBSESSED, in other words, ADDICTIVED to the virtual world of online gaming.

Obviously if you've got a lot of furni which is worth a lot of money then i understand keep trying but if nothing works just wait for 6 months and reply again, saying your sorry for what you've done.

Always best to speak to them on the phone and get your parents to phone up this could turn things around.

Back on Topic!

Yeah it's clearly an assistant role so it's either Lostie's right hand man leaving - Lostie leaving and his assistant taking his role - Sulake looking for a assistant to help him or it could be that they've got to much work load on their hands and their looking for someone to take someone to take the pressure of their hands and give them a bit of breathing space.

23-06-2009, 12:46 PM
Lol, I really doubt Jibbi (Amy Steele) would leave Yahoo! to come back to work for Sulake, haha.

23-06-2009, 01:25 PM
*Removed* he knows nothing about account security let's get that straight.

Ione / Jibbi have new jobs and I 100% highly doubt they would quit their current jobs and return to Habbo.

Finally, I personally think Bucho6 has been offered a new place within sulake.

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please do not be rude about other members. Thanks

23-06-2009, 02:55 PM
Gosh i hope neither of them leaves
especially not bucho!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
lets hope its just somone to help

23-06-2009, 03:30 PM
Lol, I really doubt Jibbi (Amy Steele) would leave Yahoo! to come back to work for Sulake, haha.

Arn't you cool knowing Jibbi's name :rolleyes:

Edited by Luccy. (Forum Moderator): Please don't troll the forums

23-06-2009, 04:04 PM
The reason why you all hate ludus is because he won't lift your ban, obviously if he won't lift it you've did something against Habbo way and you're too stubborn to admit it, you're acting as if it's a personal grudge ludus is a GROWN man he gets PAID to work for sulake, why would he care what some preteen has to think about him lol, in my eyes if you're all hating on him that's how you know you're doing your job correctly otherwise it'd be corrupt like 0rca, who lifts peoples bans for knowing certain people, or Callie who was LOVED yet clearly favoured, i REST MY CASE.

The reason why i like him is because he doesn't favour and keeps the idiots permed who are actually scamming and hacking and being overall muppets

anyways yeh i gathered bucho6 is leaving so wooo, i like lostie anyways


Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please do not be rude about other members. Thanks

23-06-2009, 04:19 PM
Bucho6 is so annoying.. Lostie is alright but I don't want Ludus to be the manager because I think he's amazing as player support.

0rca never even bothered replying to people emailing her and used favouritism. Took me 3 days to get a reply from Ludus about a ban and I tried to get two unbanned, one remains banned but that was fair enough. But the other one I didn't deserve so he unbanned me.

Also I like his humour and his sarcasm like others have said.

23-06-2009, 06:20 PM
Arn't you cool knowing Jibbi's name :rolleyes:

well ione's name is obiwan konobi, can i has my prize?

23-06-2009, 06:26 PM
Arn't you cool knowing Jibbi's name :rolleyes:

Silly, silly boy. I provided her name so that those who wish, could do a search on her to find out that the information that I provided was in fact, valid information. Stop trying to cause hassle.

23-06-2009, 06:35 PM
Arn't you cool knowing Jibbi's name :rolleyes:

Edited by Luccy. (Forum Moderator): Please don't troll the forums


And at the matter at hand, that sounds interesting

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please don't accuse others of hacking. Thanks

23-06-2009, 07:05 PM
The reason why you all hate ludus is because he won't lift your ban, obviously if he won't lift it you've did something against Habbo way and you're too stubborn to admit it, you're acting as if it's a personal grudge ludus is a GROWN man he gets PAID to work for sulake, why would he care what some preteen has to think about him lol, in my eyes if you're all hating on him that's how you know you're doing your job correctly otherwise it'd be corrupt like 0rca, who lifts peoples bans for knowing certain people, or Callie who was LOVED yet clearly favoured, i REST MY CASE.

The reason why i like him is because he doesn't favour and keeps the idiots permed who are actually scamming and hacking and being overall muppets

anyways yeh i gathered bucho6 is leaving so wooo, i like lostie anyways

That's why ludus got an official warning for being bias against certain members. So that's wrong, he does hold personal grudges, he's not allowed to deal with my accounts for a reason because he permed me 3 times without a reason all times 0rca had to unperm. Then she permed me for something which is at least relatively valid.

0rca > ludus because she actually investigates the case in proper detail using the information she has available rather than ludus who listens to the word of mouth.

24-06-2009, 06:45 AM

And at the matter at hand, that sounds interesting

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please don't accuse others of hacking. Thanks

Yeh keep accusing me of hacking, providing crap information that is untrue - go get yourself banned :l

Silly, silly boy. I provided her name so that those who wish, could do a search on her to find out that the information that I provided was in fact, valid information. Stop trying to cause hassle.

She was habbo staff not the queen :S

24-06-2009, 09:44 AM


No current Habbo UK staff is applying for the job. As stated in the above screenshots, Bucho6 says that it will be a new person. :)

24-06-2009, 10:05 AM


No current Habbo UK staff is applying for the job. As stated in the above screenshots, Bucho6 says that it will be a new person. :)


"newbie" :']

I love bucho sometimes

24-06-2009, 10:59 AM
some 'reorganisation' has gone on - hinthint
either him or lost has been hired into a higher position, promoted basically.

24-06-2009, 01:39 PM
That's why ludus got an official warning for being bias against certain members. So that's wrong, he does hold personal grudges, he's not allowed to deal with my accounts for a reason because he permed me 3 times without a reason all times 0rca had to unperm. Then she permed me for something which is at least relatively valid.

0rca > ludus because she actually investigates the case in proper detail using the information she has available rather than ludus who listens to the word of mouth.

well that's not what i heard jakeyboy, supposely you were going round rooms saying how you were unbannable because you kept getting 0rcas sister to get your ban lifted lol, thus why she kept lifting it & you posted

this is what you wrote to 0rca:

I know like we've already found I can outwit you as you've unbanned me like four or five times when I've been guilty and many other ban appeals I write. You seem to unban everything I write which is relatively cute.

therefore those bans that ludus gave you were actually correct :O :O

24-06-2009, 01:48 PM
i don't even know her sister :rolleyes: thats why she permed me because i said i ******* her sister as a joke. that wasn't when ludus banned me but back when disarno was staff. i posted on this forum as and when it happened - before ludus was staff.

it's cute ludus is so obsessed with me and would rather be told off than to do his job properly, that's life huh ;)

24-06-2009, 01:58 PM
lol ya i guess, but i'd probably be the same too
if i worked for habbo i'd probs perm the losers i disliked for the lulz
even though it's a job but w/e lol
is habbo loading for u cos it isnt for me y

24-06-2009, 01:59 PM
dno, only go on when im bored which isnt right now :eusa_danc

24-06-2009, 05:09 PM
I doubt someone will be leaving, since this is only Assistant? Though, prone to taking over as Production Manager. Community Manager is the best job in existance!

Anyways, there's nothing wrong with Ludus. He was the one who was always unbanning me when numerous Moderator's were always ganging up on me, following me around & finding pathetic reasons to ban me again. Though, he can be such a bobba sometimes :)

I never really liked Bucho in the first place, so if anyone leaves, please be him. Jibbi should make a return though, and Ione maybe will? She still works for Sulake, after all.

lol ya i guess, but i'd probably be the same too
if i worked for habbo i'd probs perm the losers i disliked for the lulz
even though it's a job but w/e lol
is habbo loading for u cos it isnt for me y

Quoted, have to send to Sulake for when you apply!

24-06-2009, 05:10 PM
Ione doesn't any more. She has a new job.

25-06-2009, 12:46 AM
I never really liked Bucho in the first place, so if anyone leaves, please be him. Jibbi should make a return though, and Ione maybe will? She still works for Sulake, after all.
Let's start by considering that you work your way up a company, not down.

25-06-2009, 07:00 AM
I haven't read all the previous posts but yh chris is a way better manager than that idiot bucho lmao. I hope there just employing someone to help them.

26-06-2009, 05:47 AM
this axed guy on habboforum is kinda funny, thinking he knows everything about everyone
well mr. axed, you don't

28-06-2009, 12:34 PM
this axed guy on habboforum is kinda funny, thinking he knows everything about everyone
well mr. axed, you don't

Hah. Yeah, I'm thinking I know things about everyone. I know a lot more than you think I do though. :eusa_danc

29-06-2009, 12:11 AM
I hope it's not ludus. The hotel would be a nightmare. I reckon 0rca should be!

29-06-2009, 12:21 PM
this axed guy on habboforum is kinda funny, thinking he knows everything about everyone
well mr. axed, you don't

Thats because he seems to think he's me.

Hah. Yeah, I'm thinking I know things about everyone. I know a lot more than you think I do though. :eusa_danc

Yeah, maybe if you WERE me, then yeah you would know everything, unfortunately you are apparently one of these sad kids who are desperate for people to look up to them, but rather by earning that, you simply pretend to be something you're not. Well congratulations, your lie has just come out into the open. Jeez, sucks to be you eh?

Yours sincerely,

Josh ~ Jeax
Apparently a Fashion Statement

29-06-2009, 12:23 PM
you only like ludus cause you obv fancy him perfect

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