View Full Version : Something in my foot!

30-06-2009, 09:26 AM
Basically, on Saturday I was running on some concrete outside in bare feet and I stood on something that I assumed was a small stone or something. I couldn't put any pressure on my foot so I've been hobbling around on the side of my foot... Now, the First Aider who got to me on Saturday (as this was at school) said I'd have to wait for my body to reject it. Now, I generally wouldn't mind but I've got my work exp. and I'm doing tennis coaching :|

So, I tried hacking at it this morning with some nail scissors, a needle and some tweesers but I cant get to it. It seems to be really quite deep into my foot and the most disgusting thing of all was when I rubbed past it with the needle it sounded all gritty... And I'm now wondering if it's just loads of grit in there.

Heck, whatever it is it bloody hurts and it's a pain in the ass :( Anyone got any ideas or oldschool remedies to help me get it out?

30-06-2009, 09:39 AM
Go to the Doctor's if it is very deep as they may have to go in and remove it. Equally it's important you keep it clean and sterilised, and the foreign object in your body may be something extremely dirty which may cause an infection which is exactly what you don't want. You don't want to be fiddling around with it, go see a doctor.

30-06-2009, 10:48 AM
Do as Garion said - your best option.

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