View Full Version : [Alteration] Habbo Furniture Exchange

13-07-2009, 01:55 PM
This is a work in process, I'm planning on making some trading rooms etc. But I've got work in a couple of hours and need to get ready, so I'll post this part now and continue with it when I get home.

I've had this idea for a while that you would be able to trade with other people from other hotels. Personally I think it would be a good idea and make it much easier to get what you want.

This is the front window for the HFE, and as I said above, I'll start making example rooms later on tonight.

Available Options:

- Inventory window which you can select which furniture you want to sell, or put on auction.
- Buttons for News, recent trades, and trading rooms which are rooms that connect the hotels, so you are able to chat (with a translator of course) to others if you prefer to trade this way.
- The top tabs are basically filters for expanding/limiting your trading and a 'Your Page' where you can check your trades, sales, auctions and update/cancel them at will.
- Main page which returns you to the front with the news, recent trades and trading rooms buttons.

I've designed it to Beta with the backdrop hotel view, side view and window design.


13-07-2009, 02:44 PM
Seems like runescape grand exchange. You could make this work but obviously the prices for rares are different throughout other hotels so would be complicated to set up.

13-07-2009, 06:06 PM
As kyle said, Prices are Different in other hotels and say for a throne it may be like 100 hcs there, btu only 70 Here.

Also some rares have been released here taht haven't been released on other hotels. Which would mean A load of new rares coming out, meaning a lot of work for rare valuers.

13-07-2009, 06:28 PM
That would be an ace idea, but the people above have pointed out some flaws :(

13-07-2009, 08:07 PM
Maybe just have one for each hotel, but it works the same.
Be much easier to buy/sell stuff

13-07-2009, 08:39 PM
its same as runescape exchange, habbox trading thing and the Habbo-Works usersystem trading thing..
but still i like it! :D

13-07-2009, 08:41 PM
I know about the issues with prices varying with hotels, but it is just an idea :P, a preference, also it means that habbo would have to release all the rares onto every hotel instead of just some, something that quite a lot of people I know who still play on habbo would want to happen.

Also to the person who -Repped me, it is not an idea as in an idea for habbo, otherwise I would have submitted it to habbo using the help tool, not simply posted it on the forum, the idea was meant as an idea for the alt, what I was going to make. If the -Rep was for the last comment you made about it not being very good, fine, but please don't -Rep for thinking its in the wrong forum, state that you think it is, or ask a mod etc. to move it. And just one last thing, alterations are ideas for what people would like on habbo, their ideal view of it as it were, they're aren't suggestions.

Just a last note, I don't try to remove rep of any kind, I accept it all, good or bad, don't take this as a rant as being -Repped, just the reasoning behind hit confuses me considering they gave two reasons, one which doesn't call for -Rep in my opinion and the other which does, just trying to find out which is the reasoning behind it.

13-07-2009, 08:42 PM
Looking at the graphics itself (as it is where this is posted) I think it's very well designed and a lot of thought has been put it, and I think it looks great :)

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