View Full Version : [Bobba] People who think Habbo rares are real.

18-07-2005, 02:17 PM
I am so happy to have no more rares on habbo. People like Specie remind me of how lame it is to think you are so great and special because you have a room full of thrones. Who really cares, all it shows is that you have a huge investment in front of you that is in essence completely worthless. A quick message to Specie who claims in his last thread I was fired for trying to lower the value of the deck. Now, you see this is how losers like Specie start rumours, he made this lie up forgetting the fact that he was playing a game and felt that I was just like one of those kids that throws him in the garbage can at school. I resigned from habbox, I had actually encouraged the Deck values to rise you immature throne loving loser. I simply dont really play the game anymore and felt there was no point in reporting values because quite frankly I dont care. In closing it doesnt matter wether you have 0 rares or 100, they are a dumb investment and when Sulake closes the company all you are left with is memories of flashing lights and red seats. Take some screenshots kids, they will probably last longer.

18-07-2005, 10:36 PM
And plus all they are is Graphics on a Virtual game ;)

19-07-2005, 08:11 AM
And plus all they are is Graphics on a Virtual game ;)

Nice to see that you cottoned on to the point of the thread so quickly.

I also think that a resounding 'hear hear' is in order for TheUnspoken. Self-styled 'richness' equals insecurity, in my experience; and not just on habbo, either.

19-07-2005, 08:12 AM
People actually buy rares for 250 dollars :s....

tbh imo no m8
19-07-2005, 08:27 AM
well most people end up selling them on e-bay now so in some way it is an investment

19-07-2005, 08:30 AM
I am so happy to have no more rares on habbo. People like Specie remind me of how lame it is to think you are so great and special because you have a room full of thrones. Who really cares, all it shows is that you have a huge investment in front of you that is in essence completely worthless. A quick message to Specie who claims in his last thread I was fired for trying to lower the value of the deck. Now, you see this is how losers like Specie start rumours, he made this lie up forgetting the fact that he was playing a game and felt that I was just like one of those kids that throws him in the garbage can at school. I resigned from habbox, I had actually encouraged the Deck values to rise you immature throne loving loser. I simply dont really play the game anymore and felt there was no point in reporting values because quite frankly I dont care. In closing it doesnt matter wether you have 0 rares or 100, they are a dumb investment and when Sulake closes the company all you are left with is memories of flashing lights and red seats. Take some screenshots kids, they will probably last longer.

You are wrong there, I don't think I'm special cause I'm rich I just wanna be like all you guys (well not TheUnspoken). Just like hobbas, rich people don't actually want all the attension they just want to play habbo or help.

tbh imo no m8
19-07-2005, 08:31 AM
yes some people may have got all there rares by trading without paying some people like to show their wealth and it makes nobody different well except hobba who have more rites :p lol

19-07-2005, 08:33 AM
The Unspoken is just sour because I got him fired for invading on my deals in the trading forums.

19-07-2005, 09:07 AM
;l I would never buy Rares for that amount.. :s I wouldn't buy rares full stop.. Id sell them maybe because then atleast your getting Real money out of it if yu do sell them.

19-07-2005, 10:34 AM
I gave away all my furni, just couldnt be bothered having it any more. I had been 'hacked' three times and thought that as long as I had furni, people would want to take it off me. Somehow, people could access my account when I had no logger, viruses and a hard password.

19-07-2005, 11:29 AM
Nice thread Keith :)

19-07-2005, 01:02 PM
i dont bother to buy rares or hc wts the point wot if habbo goes down for good there not gona give you a refund on it all are they no! why would you want to spend 2.50 every time a rare comes out or i you get hc and spend 2.50 a month ide rather go to the shop and spend it on food or save it and get my self a new game if i had enuf. u pay money for a pict that some 1 has sat and made pixel by pixel on your computer. and dont say u have thrones coz u try to be like every one elce u dont its for atention an when u dont get it you just spend more money. i dont care if you have 0 thrones or 1000 thrones know 1 gives a ****
and you think that if you have lots of thrones there gona like u i think you would fell prity in sicure without them. prrsonaly id find it holariosly funny if you got hacked or scripted and all your thrones wnt bye bye.

oh and if you give me bad rep it just tells me that wot im saying it true

Edit by T0X!C-uk: Do not avoid the filter

19-07-2005, 01:28 PM
i dont bother to buy rares or hc wts the point wot if habbo goes down for good there not gona give you a refund on it all are they no! why would you want to spend 2.50 every time a rare comes out or i you get hc and spend 2.50 a month ide rather go to the shop and spend it on food or save it and get my self a new game if i had enuf. u pay money for a pict that some 1 has sat and made pixel by pixel on your computer. and dont say u have thrones coz u try to be like every one elce u dont its for atention an when u dont get it you just spend more money. i dont care if you have 0 thrones or 1000 thrones know 1 gives a ****
and you think that if you have lots of thrones there gona like u i think you would fell prity in sicure without them. prrsonaly id find it holariosly funny if you got hacked or scripted and all your thrones wnt bye bye.

oh and if you give me bad rep it just tells me that wot im saying it true

Haha noob, your bad rep came out grey.

19-07-2005, 01:39 PM
You are wrong there, I don't think I'm special cause I'm rich I just wanna be like all you guys (well not TheUnspoken). Just like hobbas, rich people don't actually want all the attension they just want to play habbo or help.
You're not rich though... No one on Habbo is rich, all you do is own alot of stuff, that doesn't make you rich. You don't own the furni anyway because Habbo can take it away any time they want, it is like they're lending it out to you. In the real world, your room would be the exquivilant to a House with no doors, windows and no burglar alarm.

19-07-2005, 03:12 PM
The Unspoken is just sour because I got him fired for invading on my deals in the trading forums.

God you are so Lame!!!!!!!!! ONCE AGAIN I WILL SAY I DIDNT GET FIRED, I TOLD SIERK I WAS NO LONGER INTERESTED IN WORKING FOR HABBOX.. Make it all up in your head dude, you can mask the truth of what really happened the same way you mask the trauma in your life with your thrones :D

You really think u have some power and you are ultra cool. Your a lame loser, making up rumours, I have no respect for your kind of specie.

19-07-2005, 03:14 PM
You're not rich though... No one on Habbo is rich, all you do is own alot of stuff, that doesn't make you rich. You don't own the furni anyway because Habbo can take it away any time they want, it is like they're lending it out to you. In the real world, your room would be the exquivilant to a House with no doors, windows and no burglar alarm.

I am double posting to comment on these 2 quotes, Gomme I just wanted to say that is an excellent terminology regarding the facts of this game.

19-07-2005, 03:15 PM
Real money
For pixels.

20-07-2005, 01:52 PM
Haha noob, your bad rep came out grey.

whare did u get noob from
**** of go ***** ur mam
you think you can push every one around well you my friend are pure scum get to ***

Edit by T0X!C-uk: This really wasnt called for you have been reported to an admin

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