View Full Version : pet dying

17-07-2009, 12:30 AM
yea this is going to sound soooo stupid, but my boyfriends dog had to be put down today, it was like 15 and wasnt eatting kkkk

thing is, my boyfriend never shows emotion, and when he does, like even when he says 'love you' he gets all embaressed lol.

all thats died in my house is a hamster, so i dont really know what it feels like, so i cant relate at all lol.

he never really crys, but i can tell hes upset, he told me he was in tears, and hes actually unable to even talk to me its that bad and i really dont know what to do, hes like 'i need a hug:(' but wouldnt come to my house eariler, and i cant exactly show up at his after their family pet died because his mum scares me anyway, and id feel like a bit of a tool

what can i say/do to make him feel better?

17-07-2009, 12:43 AM
The best thing to do I guess would be to give him some space and be there for him when he is with you, best not to impose yourself on him as he sounds like hes a bit withdrawn and thats just way some people are, especially when upset.

17-07-2009, 12:45 AM
ive never seen him upset so its annoying me that i dont know what to do :(

i think i might see him breifly after work tomorrow for about an hour, and ill talk about things which arent related to his dog, or his house and try and make him laugh, which should be easyy

17-07-2009, 12:54 AM
If hes staying in, maybe get him out of the house to get his mind off things. :)

17-07-2009, 08:33 AM
Just go over and comfort him really, and do stuff with him to keep his mind off it

17-07-2009, 10:16 AM

Edited by Yoshimtsui (Forum Administrator): Please do not post inappropriate remarks.

17-07-2009, 10:54 AM
Over dramatic.

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please do not make posts that add nothing to the thread and can be considered as pointless. Thanks.

17-07-2009, 11:14 AM
We had to put our dog down and it is really hard to do so I can relate to how he feels. A dog or cat feels more like family rather than a pet especially since the length they live too, you get attached to them. when you have had a pet for so long it feels empty without one, he just needs to get used to a new routein without a dog. He should be fine. Just let him know you will be there for him if he needs to talk or needs a hug.

17-07-2009, 01:09 PM
Over dramatic.

dont post then?

We had to put our dog down and it is really hard to do so I can relate to how he feels. A dog or cat feels more like family rather than a pet especially since the length they live too, you get attached to them. when you have had a pet for so long it feels empty without one, he just needs to get used to a new routein without a dog. He should be fine. Just let him know you will be there for him if he needs to talk or needs a hug.

yeaa he rang me at like 4am and woke me up because he needed to talk about it, like his dog was heavier than me and it was the sort of dog he had to walk everyday, and hes had it all his life so its weird for him!

17-07-2009, 01:11 PM
well tbh i think he might just want some time by himself, i know i would.

17-07-2009, 01:15 PM
Over dramatic.

Not at all. If any of my dogs died I would be absolutely devastated, and they're family dogs. If my own dog died - the puppy I've only had for a few weeks, I seriously do not know what I would do. Losing a dog is like losing a very close member of your family. Only a dog owner can really appreciate that. My advice would be to just be there for him should he need it, as you can't really identify how he is feeling; and indeed it would only annoy him if you tried to identify with him.

17-07-2009, 01:17 PM
or change the subject

when my old dog got put down my mum said it was nice to see him relax so that made it better. i dint really think about at the time but now i do sometimes :( and when we had to give my puppy away was bad but it passes over time

17-07-2009, 01:53 PM
In some ways pets can be better friends than humans in the way they dont judge you and their always kinda there when you come in after you had a bad day.

Id be pretty upset if my cat died so its a lot to cope with for your bf. 15 is a ripe old age for a dog mind you so at least he lived a happy full life, rather that than being run over at half that age which would have been really tragic.

Id jst say celebrate the pooch's life instead of being upset about it, will put a better perspective on things.

17-07-2009, 03:27 PM
put it this way. im really close to my cat and if anything happened to her i would cry for days on end. im her favourite. he proberly had a really strong bond. he will be ok in days to come dont worry i think its more the initial shock that its actually gone. just try and care for him.

17-07-2009, 09:19 PM
I have 2 dogs, i loved them loads, about 2 months ago at the age of 15 one of them died, i was really upset and it was just as bad as someone in my family dying, you cant really imagine what it's like to lose someone you love like a family member or a pet unless you have experienced a loss like it yourself. I would just give him a hug and be a shoulder for him to cry on if he needs it.

17-07-2009, 09:22 PM
Over dramatic.

sorry but you obviously havent lost a pet that you've had for your lifetime...

not over dramatic at all, I loved my dog which died and was incredibly upset, my other one is also really old now and probably doesnt have long left. I dont really appreciate your comment. People act in different ways to bereavement, so even if you dont get upset at people close to you, it doesnt mean that the rest of us cant be upset.

EDIT: sorry for double post :)


17-07-2009, 09:34 PM
What you want to remind him of is all the fun times he has had with his dog and tell him that it was the most humane thing to do. I've had dogs all of my life and the one I have now is the one I'm closest to. I take her out twice a day, feed her, play with her and she sleeps at the bottom of my bed. I know where he's coming from because if I lost my dog, I'd probably get a tad suicidal.

18-07-2009, 01:05 AM
Edited by PaulMacC (Forum Super Moderator): Please dont post inapropriatly.

18-07-2009, 02:15 AM
he came into work, so i like went off til and pretended to do stuff so i could talk to him LOL

awww omg, he was nearly crying in the car aswell telling me about it bless him, but meh, we got a pizza at like 11 then just sat and cuddled!!

18-07-2009, 03:09 AM
I think the best thing you can acctualy do is leave him grieve.

18-07-2009, 04:27 AM
It's just like if a family member dies, once you bond with an animal, especially after a few years it's hard when it gets taken away from you.

Just give him a few days alone, if he needs comforting he'll come to you.

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