View Full Version : Nintendo DS

18-07-2005, 06:28 PM
Hello dudes / dudettes..

Its my Brithday on the 22nd July.

And I was wondering if I should get a Nintendo DS.

I get a max of £100 spent on me for my Brithday..

Are Nintendo DS 's any good? What would you rate it out of /10?

And thanks <3.

Please tell me if they're not worth getting!



18-07-2005, 10:32 PM
they are rubbish get a PSP

19-07-2005, 06:52 AM
they are rubbish get a PSP

Lol, can you explain to me why they are rubbish?

And PSPs are too expensive for my Birthday ^^

19-07-2005, 04:35 PM

PSP's are rubbish. Get it with Super Mario 64 DS, and the best other games to get are Project Rub and Wario Ware

23-07-2005, 09:33 AM
YAYAYAY, Its was my birthday yesterday (22nd)

I got a Nintendo DS with Super Mario 64 Ds


23-07-2005, 09:44 AM
they are rubbish get a PSP

:o silly boy!

23-07-2005, 09:46 AM
GET A DS you wont regret it, get mario 64 and wario ware touched

23-07-2005, 12:50 PM
A DS!!!
The best games are yet to come, with the introduction to Wi-Fi!
-Metroid Prime :hunters
-Animal Crossing!

24-07-2005, 08:18 PM
Nintendogs and Animal Crossing <3 Cant wait for these. And of course theres Mario Kart DS and a new Super Mario DS on its way. Or a PSP with OMAGADZ LAUNCH TITLEZ! FIFA SOCCER AND TONY HAWKS UNDERGROUND 2! REMIXED!

How leet :l

24-07-2005, 08:20 PM
Should of got a PSP :rolleyes:

29-07-2005, 03:25 PM
Good choice with the DS, they are much better then the PSP, and alot cheaper. They have microphones and a touch screen, and brilliant games.

You do know the DS sold out more then the PS2 AND PSP in Japan because of the release of Nintendogs, which looks great.

I got a DS on the day it came out at midnight, so I was one of the first in Britain for the official release.

30-07-2005, 01:54 AM
Good choice with the DS, they are much better then the PSP, and alot cheaper. They have microphones and a touch screen, and brilliant games.

You do know the DS sold out more then the PS2 AND PSP in Japan because of the release of Nintendogs, which looks great.
I don't believe a console can sell out "more" or "less" than another. I either does or it doesn't. And the PSP didn't. In Japan and the US the DS has sold about 5 million more units than the PSP. And it wasn't because of Nintendogs, because (despite being a highly popular title) it was released about 6 months after the DS was launched.

I got a DS on the day it came out at midnight, so I was one of the first in Britain for the official release.
Yes, congratulations with that. Your mother should be proud.

I quite agree that, thus far, I prefer the DS. I'm just worried about the lack of support, especially in the UK. We've STILL only got about 10 games to choose from, and it's been out for months. The only real quality games being Super Mario 64 and WarioWare Touched! - I just can't wait for Advanced Wars, Animal Crossing, Viewtiful Joe, Mario Kart and Pokemon. However the PSP has about 25 launch titles; a lot of which look great.

31-07-2005, 12:42 PM
Yes, I do agree. Their is a large lack in games, but some brilliant titles are coming out very soon ;D

31-07-2005, 01:12 PM
DS games wud go online xP
and youch screen is diff :D also its cheaper than PSP xP
and its not easly scaratched seems its micro thingys, smart to keep them in case

04-08-2005, 06:56 PM
I admit the PSP is better. But then again the DS is great as well. Great games are SM64DS, Bomberman and Wario Ware. Bomberman is addictive :D and for the PSP, THUG 2 Remix and the Classic Worms sweeeet! Worms is coming for DS as well. So well yeah. DS is worth it for it's price, and so is the PSP. But the games are more expensive for PSP.

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