View Full Version : New Summer Giverway!

25-07-2009, 03:07 PM
Hey Guys, Im hosting a summer giverway comming soon with loads of norms! As some of you know i hosted the last giverway in May Which I Didnt Advirtise!

This time while its summer im going to be generous and will host a free giverway with NO DICE! You all should know that i dont scamm. The giverway will ONLY HAVE NORMS and each user is aloud ONLY ONE PIECE while i dont have much!

The Summer Giverway Times And Dates:
Date: Saturday 8th August 2009
Time: 4PM
Hotel: UK!
Owner: Pandalion
Room: Summer Giverway! (Created nearer the time)

Not only will it be a giverway but there will also be competitions aswell!

If theres any problems like if i cant host or anything then ill tell you lot before the time its on!

27-07-2009, 03:33 PM
More Info About The Giverway:

The Doors Will Open At 15:45 (3:45PM) And Giverway Will Start At 4PM!
After the giverway there will be competitions where you can also win great prizes!
Then We Will Have Another Mini Giverway With A Dice Where You Need To Try And Get 6!

It Will hopefully be from 4pm - 7PM but maybe later/before!

Please write a few comments Underneath :D

03-08-2009, 09:05 AM
Nicee, Its Michael541 here

03-08-2009, 09:19 AM
I'll be there and maybe the DJ on HabboxLive could advertise if you wish :D

03-08-2009, 09:36 AM
i'd rather not que up for like half an hour or more for a Z shelf but good luck with it :)

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