View Full Version : [Request] Needing a group of team directors for a new project!

27-07-2009, 09:06 PM
I have just begun developing my new site based around teen music, emerging bands, under 18's gigs and worldwide music industry news, and of course I cannot do it all by myself!

I'm looking for a team of 3 directors (There will be more as opportunities arise) to aid myself and the other owner in the development and the future of the site. The current positions are:

Technical Team Director
This person will work closely with their team and myself, ensuring that any technical issues found on the site once released and in development are fixed swiftly. Must have good knowledge with Joomla and know how to manage a small team.

Graphics Team Director
This person will work closely with their team and myself, ensuring that the site is graphically appealing, collecting photography and images to be used in news articles and in reports across the site. Would benefit from knowing the basics of photography [This position may include free tickets to music venues to take photo's for our articles]

Articles Team Director
This person will work closely with most other departments to ensure the content upon the site is kept up to date, and added daily. This will include putting together specials on top bands and may include updating, top 10's, information on gig times and venues and also researching emerging bands in the teen music industry.

Want to apply?
As I have only just brought the domain, I haven't set any emails up as of yet, nor have I sorted the splash page, so if your interested, then just PM me and we'll discuss your position. Where looking for under 21's only, as this site will be pure teen.

Callum :)

27-07-2009, 09:34 PM
I'm the other owner :D

27-07-2009, 11:00 PM
Haha indeed :) Need to get a splash page up tbh!

27-07-2009, 11:37 PM
Sounds good but i don't see why new bands hoping to start off big would use you, instead of youtube, myspace and all the others?

28-07-2009, 07:58 AM
It doesn't work like that :P You'll see when it's released in early September (Y)

29-07-2009, 12:10 AM
It doesn't work like that :P You'll see when it's released in early September (Y)
Ok mb, good luck to you :)

30-07-2009, 07:21 PM
Still looking people :)
Technical Director has been filled.

Release date has been moved to late august, as oppose to september.

30-07-2009, 07:26 PM
I see you're using Joomla.. what a put off for a site of this nature, surely a custom system would be more widely accepted by those "up and coming bands", rather then a Joomla system you've skinned and thrown 600 useless modifications on.

30-07-2009, 07:27 PM
Its not your decision.

30-07-2009, 07:50 PM
Its not your decision.
Well thanks for that Mr. Outstanding! I'm so glad that I finally realized it's not my decision.

It doesn't matter if it's my decision or not; I'm going to be one of the people "viewing" the site, so my opinion, and the rest of our opinion matters.

I don't see why any band would use your site, when there are dozens of other sites, that are built around the sole idea of what they need... not some site that builds the site around Joomla.

I don't see why anyone would want to read articles, or "music industry news", when none of your team are going to be reporters.

Where are they going to get their information? Where? That's right.. other news articles, and other news releases from other news sites.

If you're going to take on something like this; you build the site around the idea, not the idea around the site.

30-07-2009, 09:05 PM
I don't care about the opinion of someone with an ego bigger than his brain.

Edited by :Mobile (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post to cause arguments.

31-07-2009, 01:25 AM
I don't care about the opinion of someone with an ego bigger than his brain.
And comments, like that, along with the level of maturity those comments bring; are the reason that your site will fail.. that simple. ;)

31-07-2009, 01:55 AM
*REMOVED* He doesn't have an ego, just because he said your site will fail doesn't mean he has an ego. He is saying your site will fail, which; it will. A site needs a solid idea to be built on. You are using an idea that has been used many times before. You have nothing unique to offer, you're using Joomla for your system.

I don't have an ego, so you should take my criticism into account right?

Edited by :Mobile (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't insult other members.

31-07-2009, 10:17 AM
How do you lot know the background to this site? I've come here asking for a few staff members. Nothing more. I don't want your advice. This is actually a government funded project in my area from the Youth Board. If it fails, I don't care. Im not paying for it.

31-07-2009, 11:57 AM
If you're playing that game then I myself am funded by the government to create Flash projects and I'm being payed £500 for 5 days work. The government funds loads of stuff, it doesn't mean that it will be successful at all. You clearly can't take constructive criticism on board so yes, it will fail.

31-07-2009, 02:58 PM
How do you lot know the background to this site? I've come here asking for a few staff members. Nothing more. I don't want your advice. This is actually a government funded project in my area from the Youth Board. If it fails, I don't care. Im not paying for it.
Of course, you've waltzed in and acted like this was going to be the next big youth project; and they've gave you money, of course.. and of course that is a flat out lie.

If this is "actually a government funded project", I'm sure that money could go towards a customized site, rather then using an open source CMS. Correct? Correct.

31-07-2009, 03:45 PM
You don't seem to want anyone's advice if it's negative. And why are you even bothering to make this site if "you don't care" if it fails.

31-07-2009, 06:04 PM
Sorry, whats the link guys?

31-07-2009, 07:38 PM
This is actually a government funded project in my area from the Youth Board. If it fails, I don't care. Im not paying for it.

I honestly can't believe you just said that... I'm disgusted. The majority of people (including myself) pay taxes... not for some of the money to be given to people whom don't care if they just throw it away.

Such an idiotic thing to say.

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