View Full Version : Children

28-07-2009, 12:28 PM
Don't know where to put the thread so move if it's best suited any where else.

Anyway, do you want kids? How many? Boys or girls? What age do you want them? Names? :D

As some of you know my fiance is pregnant with twins so just want to talk about children :8 jkz i want kids tho

28-07-2009, 12:31 PM
ahhh, I want 3 kids to go boy, girl then boy again. Though I don't mind if they don't comem in that order etc.

28-07-2009, 12:32 PM
Oooo congratulations about the twins! ;o :)

Personally i cant see myself as a parent yet, but im only 16..
I suppose sometime in the distant future, maybe 30? I'll consider having a family but even then im not a big family person so 2 kids maximum, i wouldnt mind two boys :) No idea about names though... except I dont want weird 'original' ones, just common nice names which they wont get bullied about. :P

28-07-2009, 12:35 PM
Oooo congratulations about the twins! ;o :)

Personally i cant see myself as a parent yet, but im only 16..
I suppose sometime in the distant future, maybe 30? I'll consider having a family but even then im not a big family person so 2 kids maximum, i wouldnt mind two boys :) No idea about names though... except I dont want weird 'original' ones, just common nice names which they wont get bullied about. :P
tricked you, i'm not really having kids, i kinda wna tho ¬.¬

and yeah i know it's too early to think about it rly, im 17. i need to finish 6th form first and i want to go to uni etc. i don't want to be 30 when i have kids though, like 25-28 i'd say. i don't want to be 40 and getting old when my kids are only 10 lol.

yeah, everyone is like "im calling my kids blossom or rainbow" what's wrong with jack and jane.

28-07-2009, 12:41 PM
i want one kid called ross jr. or right hand man of ross
ether way i want 1 boy

28-07-2009, 12:43 PM
just one ross :( they will get lonely probably.

28-07-2009, 12:43 PM
Yeah I'd like to have kids, not right now obviously but in the future yes. Ideally a boy and a girl would be nice. I'd like to spend time as a couple with my wife though, before we had kids but again I don't want to wait till I'm really old.

28-07-2009, 12:44 PM
1 boy 1 girl

28-07-2009, 12:45 PM
Yeah I'd like to have kids, not right now obviously but in the future yes. Ideally a boy and a girl would be nice. I'd like to spend time as a couple with my wife though, before we had kids but again I don't want to wait till I'm really old.

1 boy 1 girl
sameeee. or 2 girls cuz i want them to be cool and love shopping with me :8 but it'd be quite cool to have a boy to like take to the football and stuff. so one of each will do.

28-07-2009, 12:49 PM
I'd never have kids, they smell......


28-07-2009, 12:50 PM
lol char. do you want more :O

28-07-2009, 12:51 PM
me, have kids, never????

28-07-2009, 12:52 PM
me, have kids, never????
i take it one is enough for you then :lol:

28-07-2009, 12:54 PM
I want 5 children ~ I come from a big family

28-07-2009, 12:56 PM
i take it one is enough for you then :lol:

haha im kidding :D

i do infact want more, right now i want another but yeah not apropiate.

theres not such thing as benefits in spain, which is good but then bad for me lol.


28-07-2009, 12:59 PM
I want 5 children ~ I come from a big family
as do i.

i have 2 real sisters, 2 steps-sisters, 2 step-brothers, 2 half brothers and 2 half sisters. i'd have for my kids to have the same sort of mucked up family, lol.

28-07-2009, 01:01 PM
One of each would be snazzy - Krystal and Moonshine :D

28-07-2009, 01:02 PM
One of each would be snazzy - Krystal and Moonshine :D
poor children :eusa_whis

28-07-2009, 01:04 PM
haha im kidding :D

i do infact want more, right now i want another but yeah not apropiate.

theres not such thing as benefits in spain, which is good but then bad for me lol.


Cute, how old is your child?

I would like to have 2 children in my 20's, after i've finished my degree, have a well paying stable job and have been saving up for a while, found the perfect person and be married to them. Would be nice to have 2 girls, I would call them Jade and Amber.

28-07-2009, 01:08 PM
Cute, how old is your child?

I would like to have 2 children in my 20's, after i've finished my degree, have a well paying stable job and have been saving up for a while, found the perfect person and be married to them. Would be nice to have 2 girls, I would call them Jade and Amber.
here i am

nah, in all seriousness i agree. i think people who have children before they're independent enough to look after one are foolish. i know that varies from person to person and some teenage couples can handle it and have decent finance and support. however, i'm like you i don't want one until my own life is stable so my child grows up in a decent atmosphere.

28-07-2009, 01:13 PM
Cute, how old is your child?

I would like to have 2 children in my 20's, after i've finished my degree, have a well paying stable job and have been saving up for a while, found the perfect person and be married to them. Would be nice to have 2 girls, I would call them Jade and Amber.

He's 20 months, it goes so fast. I had him when I was 19 so not too bad of an age :P He wasn't "planned" but what is? Yeah I so want girls but the men's genes overpower most of the time :'(

here i am

nah, in all seriousness i agree. i think people who have children before they're independent enough to look after one are foolish. i know that varies from person to person and some teenage couples can handle it and have decent finance and support. however, i'm like you i don't want one until my own life is stable so my child grows up in a decent atmosphere.

that first bit made me laugh.

its so much harder than it seems. but when they start to walk, and feed themselves then thats when it gets slightly easier. i haven't experienced much tantrums yet, i don't want to either :8

28-07-2009, 01:14 PM
Cute, how old is your child?

I would like to have 2 children in my 20's, after i've finished my degree, have a well paying stable job and have been saving up for a while, found the perfect person and be married to them. Would be nice to have 2 girls, I would call them Jade and Amber.
Jade and Amber are nice names, my friends (who are twins), have those names :) It's good for twins, very popular names for female twins :)

28-07-2009, 02:01 PM
He's 20 months, it goes so fast. I had him when I was 19 so not too bad of an age :P He wasn't "planned" but what is? Yeah I so want girls but the men's genes overpower most of the time :'(

that first bit made me laugh.

its so much harder than it seems. but when they start to walk, and feed themselves then thats when it gets slightly easier. i haven't experienced much tantrums yet, i don't want to either :8
Mwahaha, I'm sure they'll come soon enough :8

28-07-2009, 02:04 PM
Past month I really want children and it's creeping me out how much I want one :'(

28-07-2009, 02:05 PM
have one with luke kellz

28-07-2009, 02:10 PM
I don't want to have a baby with Luke, 'cos it'd be all emoey. nty.

28-07-2009, 02:11 PM
I want 2 boys and a girl at least and anything after that would be great but I really really want the boys to come first so they can look after their little sister :eusa_ange It's how I was brought up and can't think of a better combo (I didn't mind not having a sister:)) that's the ideal but obv aint any promise i'll get that, I really don't mind as long as it's a big family no matter which gender or when :D

28-07-2009, 02:12 PM
yeah i want a boy and a girl and the boy 2 be older :D

28-07-2009, 02:38 PM
I wouldnt plan on having a kid till i was financially stable and sure that i was with a decent bloke. want to have atleast 2 kids though :)

28-07-2009, 02:39 PM
i wna be a proper house husband. sort the kids out in the morning where the wife goes 2 work. drop the kids at skl, clean the house in the day. pick them up from skl :8 help out at skl at dinner time. wud be wkd.

28-07-2009, 02:40 PM
lmao u dinnerlady!

28-07-2009, 02:40 PM
i'd be bare good at it tho makin the kids eat their crusts

28-07-2009, 02:42 PM
i wna be a proper house husband. sort the kids out in the morning where the wife goes 2 work. drop the kids at skl, clean the house in the day. pick them up from skl :8 help out at skl at dinner time. wud be wkd.are you being serious? would you really actually do all that..?

28-07-2009, 02:43 PM
yerrrrrrr. if my partner had a good income why not. it's not realistic though, i guess i'd have to work too :(

28-07-2009, 02:49 PM
Jake, lets get married and have some babies kk. xoxo lmao.

Tbh, I'd rather have a little boy more than a little girl, but then again i'd love to dress up the kid if it was a girl lolol.

28-07-2009, 02:54 PM
kk. u work i look after the kids.

omg imagine ur kids were like all gothy :l i'd die with embarrassment walkin around town with 'em with like all black on in the summet :l

my kids can't be fat either

28-07-2009, 02:57 PM
I'm not going to have little gothy kids. The little girls are gonna be in pink frilly dresses and little shoes with ribbons on their socks. And I'm gonna have that cot I love in the handmade furniture store :love7: the littles boy r gna wear leather jackets nd glasses nd look like little cool dudes.

28-07-2009, 02:58 PM
feel sorry for urs already

28-07-2009, 03:00 PM
they're gna b urs too :S we're gna get married nd u take care of kids nd ill work. ill b boss.

28-07-2009, 03:01 PM
u have 2 cook 2

28-07-2009, 03:03 PM
But I can't really cook. Can we just hire a maid or something?

28-07-2009, 03:17 PM
yeah, i want a couple of kids, probably 2 or 3. but obv i want a gd job and all that.

28-07-2009, 03:46 PM
I don't mind tbh

28-07-2009, 03:52 PM
when i think of names, i always get put off them

i quite like the name jess but then it reminds me of 1 legged ppl etc

29-07-2009, 10:12 AM
you cant only have one child i will be lonely :P

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