View Full Version : Habbo genres

02-08-2009, 10:48 AM
Ive noticed there is alot of differnt type of people on habbo theres alot of genres of people like what they do so ild thought ild post some so feel free to add to the list :D

The Role players - mostly on the theme and rpg room floor who pertend there in like movies or games and gose -shoots- ect

Forumers - mostly on the disscusion forum on peoples groups who post on them all day but when online mostly in a disscusion room

The Pop stars - not well know but mostly on the other rooms where they pertend to be a real pop star like that @:.BRITNET.:@ and where they have areans , security

HC stuck ups - you know the hc ones in bright neon colours pink or so, females have that blond hair like pony tails and the boys have the spikey hc hair with the big black glasses who in hc clubs

The habbo babys and animals - The ones who pertend to be like a baby or an animal to get adopted

The traders and gamblers - The ones who are allways traiding to get the latest super rare or rare mostly on trade rooms and the gamblers who spend there whole day gambling to make a profit in sinos

The first noobs - the ones who have just joind habbo and are mostly in public spaces and think they know everything

The second noobs - the ones who have got abit of furni and are totaly focused on making a house so theyll work in mafias.

The workers - the people who pertend to work in airports, cinemas, security, shoping centres,

The villagers - this is like a new genre of habbos whats been a craze mostly on the other rooms floor they dress like jeans, a top, and a hat but no glasses or so they go to rooms like >Coffee shop< and ask for coffees and say like ;Takes coffee of you; and they make houses and link to villagers

Staff suck ups - The ones who stalk the staff every where to get a chat, and to be friends with the latest staff

Competioners - The ones who enter every competion to win a new badge or so,

If you can think of anymore add em xD

02-08-2009, 11:17 AM
Old habbos - the habbos who have been members since 2001.
Zeddars - H4BB0S WH0 TALK LiiK3 THiiS
E-celebs - Noobs like -HiLlzDuff,xo who think they're famous but are actually just a bit sad.
Scammers - We all know what they do.

02-08-2009, 11:27 AM
Forumers - mostly on the disscusion forum on peoples groups who post on them all day but when online mostly in a disscusion room

Competioners - The ones who enter every competion to win a new badge or so,

them 2 are me, i'd say their would be a exposed - People who get exposed and become hated by the idiots who take them serious.

02-08-2009, 01:31 PM

Edited by :Mobile (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't be rude.

02-08-2009, 01:34 PM
haha lol at the HC one and the noobs number 2 :D.

02-08-2009, 02:57 PM
The saddos - People that make long lists of different cliques within habbo hotel because they have no friends and nothing better to do with their lives.

LMAO just because i made a list of differnt type of habbos it dose not mean i have no friends? and yes i did have nothing eles to do i was bored. :) and if you said that to make people think your funny to gain populairty i think you epically faild.

02-08-2009, 03:13 PM
Stexual, he trolls every thread. Its all he does

02-08-2009, 04:24 PM
Lol a long and weird list but really is it necessary?

02-08-2009, 06:06 PM
Lol a long and weird list but really is it necessary?

In a way yes. This is a habbo forum and i can disscus all things to relate to habbo :) and i am disscusioning the genre of some people in habbo.

02-08-2009, 06:10 PM
You do Media?:P

03-08-2009, 12:12 AM
The Clingons ~ Those that friend request every 'famous' habbo that they see in a desperate bid to become famous themselves


Ditto - Imitate others by copying their motto, room ideas or habbo clothes


Geeks - These people will sit there coding about 27 habbo fansite layouts per week; they'll probably hang out in gaming rooms trying to shield the fact that they are geeks


03-08-2009, 12:40 AM
theres one thats missing.

Collectors - the ones who go around habbo trying to geta collection of re colours / different types or maybe even all of one iteam on habbo.

i use to be one of them before i quit and gave most of my stuff away all i got now in a collection is a full trax set

03-08-2009, 02:01 AM
The Casual Habboer: those who only come online now and again even if they are very rich and most of their rooms are theme rooms or just normal, somewhat pointless rooms where they've used a mix of supers, rares and norms rather than stacking up all their supers in one casino.

The Veterans: will always be members of Habbo Club but are modest in terms of wearing (what look like) normal non-HC clothes and colours and not displaying any of their badges - even though they probably have dozens of them. You will always find them standing in small groups at the corners of Public Rooms like the Welcome Lounge. They can be borderline stuck-up but are often very nice and approachable :).

theres one thats missing.

Collectors - the ones who go around habbo trying to geta collection of re colours / different types or maybe even all of one iteam on habbo.

i use to be one of them before i quit and gave most of my stuff away all i got now in a collection is a full trax set

oh yeah the ones who try get all of a particular rare lol. Like Junius with Typos :P.

03-08-2009, 02:44 AM
haha, good list. can't believe no one's said gamers. you know, the ones who spent most of their times on the gaming and race floor lmao, or played snowstorm or battleball before their death.

03-08-2009, 07:21 AM
I am: trader and gambler, collecter, :P

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