View Full Version : What to do ?
05-08-2009, 12:35 AM
okay i think most people from hxl know. but i had a car crash on my birthday. it was my dads thought he went through a red light. i feel like i want to change something but what done is done now. everything seems to be getting back on track nows it a couple of weeks after just still feel a bit messed up from it. on the day my dad had just come of night shift from work and had no sleep that night and he only got a few hours sleep and where we going had some new traffic lights and then a car pulled out like it shout of and well crash. anyway what im saying is that my friends that were with me are now drifting from me. one of them is always busy ever since and we are close friends ive known her for a couple of years and the other ive known for 11 years. im so close to her but it almost seems like shes ignoring me since and been having arguements.
05-08-2009, 12:58 AM
give them some time. don't continuously bug them about it all!!
05-08-2009, 01:06 AM
give them some time. don't continuously bug them about it all!!
I haven't though. My friend April who I've known most my life I've only asked her how she is and we seem to be having arguemens easyly and I asked her to go to bluewater and she wouldn't go and I asked jasmine on phone be sometime early next week and she said ok and then textedit me and said I'm busy next week and I asked her a week after and she nothing. They both seem to be avoiding me in some way
05-08-2009, 08:33 AM
It's best to speak to them, face to face about how your feel.
No good speaking to them on the phone.
05-08-2009, 08:37 AM
I agree with Clowgon!
They may need longer to get over it than you. They'll come around I'm sure. Especailly if you was good friends with them.
05-08-2009, 11:32 AM
Just annoying. i mean when i think about the accident i feel depressed and upset just i dont want them to take it out on me. when it wasnt my thought it happend.
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