View Full Version : Lady Off Space

10-08-2009, 04:34 PM
Lady Of Space

Posted 10-Aug-2009 Events (http://www.habbo.co.uk/articles/category/events)

Located on a distant moon, the frozen lady from space has spoken...
The medical crew on board the Habborella 3000 have been busy thawing out the beautiful and mysterious woman (http://www.habbo.co.uk/articles/666-dreams-can-come-true) that was found in a Cryogenic Bed capsule on a distant moon. We are delighted to inform you that the thawing process has now ended and after spending a long time in the bathroom, she has been found to be perfectly healthy and only a little confused.
It turns out that her spacecraft was attacked not far from the Planet of Thundarra and she was forced to evacuate through the Cryogenic Bed capsule. Drifting endlessly through space, she later landed on a distant moon and it is pure chance that the crew of the Habborella 3000 stumbled across her life sign.
Before her spacecraft was attacked, she claims that she was happily making her way to the Planet of Frogton to meet her Prince and get married. Sadly, she never made it.
The Habborella 3000 crew are still trying to piece together the rest of her story and find out exactly what happened and perhaps more importantly, when it all happened. The Cryogenic Bed creates an impenetrable force field, so not even time can breach it. It's possible that she has been frozen for decades!
The medical team will have more answers on Tuesday and hope to reveal her to us all. Perhaps there is something we can do to help her continue her journey to her prince?
Have a rest in your very own Cryogenic Bed! They are available from the Collectable section of your Catalogue right now for 25 Credits. Don't forget to seal the lid properly though, and to set your alarm clock, else you'll end up like the guy in our image - grey, old and very beardy!
Try out a Cryogenic Bed now >> (http://www.habbo.co.uk/client) (Link Opens Hotel)

No Giveaway off new pets just another crappy story line to flog some pixels LOL!
Bleh Bit Off A disappointment... ;l

10-08-2009, 04:53 PM
Jesus get over it :l it didnt even state it was a differnt pet from a cat , dog or crocdile plus this is only the start of a new story so let it unfold first :l

10-08-2009, 06:02 PM
I did say people we're talking crap lol.

Don't you think Puhekupla/Habbotimes would have found it beforehand?

10-08-2009, 06:42 PM
Obv wasn't going to be a new pet.

10-08-2009, 07:04 PM
Obv wasn't going to be a new pet.

people would say that now? I thought it would be cool to have a new pet but owell :)

10-08-2009, 07:29 PM
I did say people we're talking crap lol.

Don't you think Puhekupla/Habbotimes would have found it beforehand?

Hehe, I'd own up to that but I'll just use the fact this guy has made yet another thread about a topic that there are already other threads on, as an excuse not to :eusa_whis.

10-08-2009, 09:17 PM
people would say that now? I thought it would be cool to have a new pet but owell :)

Well i knew this when it came out, read my post on the 'New pets?!' thread before you say a comment like that thanks.

13-08-2009, 02:53 PM
Something new like i have

14-08-2009, 10:00 PM
Just another attempt to sell the worst collectable/rare ever to enter the hotel

15-08-2009, 11:18 AM
The worst rare to enter the hotel? Surely not, although it doesn't deserve the term "rare" because it is nothing special!

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