View Full Version : I really need advice

25-08-2009, 05:02 PM
Well after leaving school and that I've fell out with all my mates, Through Facebook/Msn :L
Tbh I really don't care MUCH but its bit frustrating, because on 30th its a Mates b-day party - I'm still ok with her and that, but don't want to go not because of everyone else being there, so I've decided that I'm not going. But I think everyones gonna be talking about me if Im not there and that :S
And next month theres a reunion, everyones meant to be there too and if I'm not there I miss the last chance to see everyone, as much as I don't want to.
I've planned to miss that too and thats really annoying because its girls I've fell out with, mising some on my guy friends more than girls, so that i'll miss out on. Its ruining my life and I've got like loads of threatening Emails so I really don't know what to do because its making me miss out on loads of things and I really think in like 10 years I'll regret missing the reunion :mad_blue:

Help because I really don't know what to do and no one listens to me in my house,

25-08-2009, 05:15 PM
:( Tbh I'm Still :@

Edited by Catzsy [Forum Super Moderator]: Please do not double post without putting additional information. Just await a reply. Thanks.

25-08-2009, 05:18 PM
You should go to the reunion, you'll get some of your friends back and can use it as an opportunity to settle things with your enemies so they leave you alone.

If all else fails, you can always make some new e-friends on habbs. There's plenty of them!


25-08-2009, 05:27 PM
Report the e-bullying here http://www.ceop.gov.uk/reportabuse/index.asp and what has been sent to you on Facebook to Facebook.

How did you fall out with your friends?

Go to the birthday party and the reunion - You have other friends, the guys. There is no point of hiding away from the world. If you don't go you will regret it.

If they do say anything to you just ignore them, don't let it get to you - if you show them it is getting to you they will keep doing it and if you don't it will stop.

25-08-2009, 05:35 PM
Go to the reuinion and party, coz like you said, if you don't they'll only talk about you if you don't and its the persons party, not theirs, so they cant stop you going. Also, if you miss out on the reuinion that means ur going to miss out on everyone! Just simply ignore them, or if they try to say anything rude to you just say something like "Get over it" and walk off :)

25-08-2009, 05:49 PM
Over A Guy :P
Tbh the main girl was my best mate too :eusa_wall
It was over her jealousy.
Theres a guy. He was going Prom with me after I hinted a bit
About two weeks before Prom he asked my mate out :@
Then they were going out / prom too.
I already fell out with her for that but then we were OK
So on last day of school we had to tidy the Library kk
And I was working with a boy clearing a shelf out and he comes over
And asks if he can help us so I say whatever so then my mate goes into
The corridoor and tells everyone I'm flirting with HIM!
By that time I was off him already so then once we've left school a girl
Comes and tells me what my mate said so I had a go at her, because everyone was against me :L
So its still like that but loads of people have like sent my loads of Emails
And one Facebook my mate keeps like Tagging me and that so when I told
Her to back off she couldn't see why so its so annoying

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