View Full Version : Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. (Post only if you already read)

21-07-2005, 03:08 PM
Warning: This is only for the people who READ it. Please dont post if you didn't finish or got the book yet as it will spoil it for you.

So comments/questions on the book?

22-07-2005, 08:33 AM
hey yeh i have read it. what did you think of it i thiought it was a wkd bk its a shame that she m9ght not be doing another one but she better...... ryt bk plz


22-07-2005, 08:34 AM
That was fab real good drama :p also yay about Ginny and Harry :p

I am a fish
22-07-2005, 12:37 PM
Great book, but it's a shame about Dumbledore :(

22-07-2005, 04:53 PM
Question: What are the Horcruxes of Voldys?
I only remember Slytherin's Locket, Slytherin's Ring, Riddle's Diary, Hufflepuff's Cup, Nagini the Snake and what was the last one?

22-07-2005, 04:55 PM
something from ravenclaw or griffindor

22-07-2005, 05:02 PM
I personally don't like any Harry Potter books ;o

22-07-2005, 05:08 PM
:o *Dies*

There great, you just need patience.

22-07-2005, 05:10 PM
I aint a Bible Basher
I have better things 2 do then stick my head in a book all day
What u gonna read next
The dictionary?

22-07-2005, 05:12 PM
So instead you go on the internet? Which is wasting youre time aswell. Reading a book is alot better than takling about habbo, dont you think?

22-07-2005, 05:14 PM
So instead you go on the internet? Which is wasting youre time aswell. Reading a book is alot better than takling about habbo, dont you think?
I dont spend all my time on the computer
I have better things 2 do than read the dictionary
I am in training at the moment

22-07-2005, 05:17 PM
we dont spend all our time reading the book, all the time youre on the internet were reading, its better. Just because we read doesnt mean we geeks and have no lives.

22-07-2005, 05:20 PM
What do you mean 'ALL'
I am not on as much as some of my friends on habbo
I have a life out side of habbo
and friends i'd rather be with them than read a book

22-07-2005, 05:22 PM
Im almost finished reading it, pmsl.
I like the way it was written =/
I'm not that keen on the whole.. all the characters hooking up with eachother. I prefer just the plot and the action xD I don't care if they have grown up =[
So yeah ^_^

And Rach, come on... they're good :(

22-07-2005, 05:25 PM
No thankyou jasmine
i'l wait for the films
and i dont like readin

22-07-2005, 05:41 PM
i luff to read spesh the harry potter books
aaw so sad bout dumbledore
yayness for harry n ginny getting togevva
no-ness for them breaking up
cant wait for the next one, too bad its supposed to be her last harry potter book :'(
i enjoy reading thm


22-07-2005, 05:42 PM
The next book should be better because there not in hogwarts.. should be more action packed.

22-07-2005, 05:47 PM
The next book should be better because there not in hogwarts.. should be more action packed.

yh i cnt w8 :D


22-07-2005, 06:48 PM
Question: What are the Horcruxes of Voldys?
I only remember Slytherin's Locket, Slytherin's Ring, Riddle's Diary, Hufflepuff's Cup, Nagini the Snake and what was the last one?
The sword from gryffindor in dumbledores office ;)
The book was fantastic, I want the next one out now :p

22-07-2005, 06:54 PM


22-07-2005, 06:57 PM


I know who the new headmaster is. :)

I am a fish
22-07-2005, 07:25 PM
I know who the new headmaster is. :)
Its obviously McGonagel

btw, anyone have any theories on why Dumbledore froze Harry? I've read the part several times and it doesnt make any sense, Harry couldve saved Dumbledore :( The only reason I can come up with is Dumbledore planned on dieing, he's been acting like he was going to die since they were going to the cave :S
And I dont get Snape either, when he killed Dumbledore his face was full of hate and revulsion, but its usually expressionless.

22-07-2005, 11:12 PM
Dumbledore was already weak, As in his reactions and stuff, and the potion weakened him very badly, so thats why he froze Harry, and also thats why he told Harry about the Horcruxes. And I think the sword was a Horcrux.. Can't believe they haven't thought of that..

P.S. In the fake locket.. Who do you think R.A.B is?

Edit: It was page 556 that Snape killed Dumbledore.

23-07-2005, 12:06 AM
btw, anyone have any theories on why Dumbledore froze Harry?

He froze him so he wouldnt stop them because then harry would be killed aswell.

23-07-2005, 12:18 AM
R.A.B Methinks is Sirius' Brother Who Was The Death Eater. Dumbley Dore Froze Harry Because If Harry Could Have Moved He Would Have Tried To Save Him, Which Wouldn't Have Worked Really And Would Have Gotten 'Em Bathe Kilt (Scottish! Lol). I Don't think the Sword was a Horcrux Cause Harry Pulled It Out Of The Hat And Only A True Gryfindor Could Have Gotten To It In the First Place Besided Tom Riddle Didn't Seem Shocked About It When Harry Pulled It Outta The Hat. Mais thats just in my opinion.

23-07-2005, 12:22 AM
Dumbledore knows Harry can beat Voldemort, its obvious that in book 7 both harry and voldemort will die, also he will destroy the 4 remaining horcruxes then go after voldemorts final one ;) Regulus Black is the R.A.B person as jk rowling gave it away during an interview with emerson owner of mugglenet.

23-07-2005, 12:22 AM
Maybe your right Squirted.

23-07-2005, 12:25 AM
lol why thank you xD

23-07-2005, 12:33 AM
Regulus Black is the R.A.B person as jk rowling gave it away during an interview with emerson owner of mugglenet.
I Didn't know JK had confirmed it! Me, My Bro An' My Mum Figured It Out All On Our Own! Now Was Marvolos Daughter A Squib? Cause He Calls Her One But It Just Says Her Magic Wasn't Good When She Lived With Her Brother And Father ?

23-07-2005, 01:22 AM
No, shes too scared of him to do magic, and Marvolo hates Merope because she wont be able to descend the Slytherin's name as when she gets married, her last name changes. So thats why Marvolo like Morfin better. Well thats what I think anyway.

23-07-2005, 09:19 AM
hey yeh i have read it. what did you think of it i thiought it was a wkd bk its a shame that she m9ght not be doing another one but she better...... ryt bk plz

She is doing another one :). Because in the 6th book voldemort didnt win or die did he? So she will have to write another book so that Harry can beat him ;).

Also, I think she has always said that she will do 7... and there has only been 6. But it will take about 3 years I expect.

23-07-2005, 09:26 AM
I aint a Bible Basher
I have better things 2 do then stick my head in a book all day
What u gonna read next
The dictionary?
No you moron, what are you talking about? You have no idea what you are saying. You know what a bible basher is? It is someone who is basically an extremist christian and tries to say that everything that is not stated to be good in the bible is evil.

Now tell me, do you think christians support witchcraft and wizardry? No they do not. Witchcraft and wizardry is supposedly devil like, which is why in that episode of the Simpsons, Ned Flanders chucks the Harry Potter books into his fire.

And that dictionary thing you said is so lame. I actually cant believe someone could say such a lame thing.

Sorry about double post :)

I am a fish
23-07-2005, 01:19 PM
He froze him so he wouldnt stop them because then harry would be killed aswell.
Harry was under his cloak though, and Dumbledore knows he's too smart to get himself killed. And the members of the order where there too.

23-07-2005, 01:36 PM
If he wasn't frozen, he would've been in serious danger and he would've got killed, thats why dumbledore froze him.

23-07-2005, 02:35 PM
Maybe dumbledore wanted to get killed, just think for a moment before you start saying "who would want to get killed?" :)

I am a fish
23-07-2005, 03:42 PM
Maybe dumbledore wanted to get killed, just think for a moment before you start saying "who would want to get killed?" :)
Thats what I've been wondering, he's been kinda acting like it through the book.

23-07-2005, 04:43 PM
Great book, but it's a shame about Dumbledore :(
Ah but!
If you remember, Dumbledore says something like 'Do it Severus'.
Me and my dad reckon it's a plot to thrawt Voldy

23-07-2005, 04:44 PM
I thought he said, dont do it severus, please help me. He was pleading towards the end.

23-07-2005, 04:46 PM
No he didn't ;)

29-07-2005, 12:58 AM
Yeah he did, He's like, " Severus... Please..."

29-07-2005, 02:01 PM
i think its a bit stupid because when harry it left on hogwarts express he says that powerful wizards dont need there ward to perform magic so why dident dumbledore just use acio (or whatever it is) to get his wand back!

29-07-2005, 03:10 PM
That was fab real good drama :p also yay about Ginny and Harry :p
;o What about Ginny and Harry?

29-07-2005, 03:24 PM
They're in love..? God, Ginny at the end said that she never did gave up on him, after since she got Michael Corner as her b.f. Read the last 3 pages again.

29-07-2005, 08:52 PM
Then Harry dumps her lol in a nice way says he can't do it because voldemore mght kill her then he says he is gna go alone then ron n hermoine wanna go with him on the search for the horcruxes n he says no loool

29-07-2005, 10:07 PM
Okay, LOTS of stuff I want to reply to!

1.) Reading is an optional thing, I wonder why you were on this thread if you don't enjoy Harry Potter. We're DISCUSSING Harry Potter, and you are getting off topic.

2.) Dumbledore froze Harry because Dumbledore does not want to risk Harry getting into anything. Harry is no match to fifty deatheaters, and although the Order of the Phoenix was below, there was a barrier.

3.) Dumbledore was begging at the end, for I believe he figured out Severus Snape was an enemy, and hoping for him to remember the nice things Albus did for him.

4.) Remember the kind of person Dumbledore is. Do you think he truly would kill Draco Malfoy for his own sake, or even damage him? Dumbledore is a peaceful and serene person, and he knew Draco was only scared, and that was why he did it, not because he wished to become Voldermort's servant. He was trying to save his family. Dumbledore would NOT kill him for that. He offered to help, in fact.

5.) I thought R.A.B was Regalus Black, I guess I'm correct, if she has confirmed this. I didn't know she did however.

6.) How is it obvious that both of them will die? The prophecy said that one cannot live with the other, that's a clue that only ONE will survive, which I am pretty sure is Harry Potter, though it will not be easy.

7.) Like Jasmine (Infrangible) said, it is written very well, and I am not so keen on all the dating stuff. It's a bit different from the usual theme of Harry Potter, so I don't really like it, even though they are indeed getting older - but JK Rowling sort of squished all the dating into the Sixth Book, don't you think?

8.) I'm pretty sure there will be the seventh (probably last) book to cover the ending of the Harry Potter Series, which is a fabulous series, and is NOT like a dictionary.

29-07-2005, 11:22 PM
Okay, LOTS of stuff I want to reply to!

1.) Reading is an optional thing, I wonder why you were on this thread if you don't enjoy Harry Potter. We're DISCUSSING Harry Potter, and you are getting off topic.

2.) Dumbledore froze Harry because Dumbledore does not want to risk Harry getting into anything. Harry is no match to fifty deatheaters, and although the Order of the Phoenix was below, there was a barrier.

3.) Dumbledore was begging at the end, for I believe he figured out Severus Snape was an enemy, and hoping for him to remember the nice things Albus did for him.

4.) Remember the kind of person Dumbledore is. Do you think he truly would kill Draco Malfoy for his own sake, or even damage him? Dumbledore is a peaceful and serene person, and he knew Draco was only scared, and that was why he did it, not because he wished to become Voldermort's servant. He was trying to save his family. Dumbledore would NOT kill him for that. He offered to help, in fact.

5.) I thought R.A.B was Regalus Black, I guess I'm correct, if she has confirmed this. I didn't know she did however.

6.) How is it obvious that both of them will die? The prophecy said that one cannot live with the other, that's a clue that only ONE will survive, which I am pretty sure is Harry Potter, though it will not be easy.

7.) Like Jasmine (Infrangible) said, it is written very well, and I am not so keen on all the dating stuff. It's a bit different from the usual theme of Harry Potter, so I don't really like it, even though they are indeed getting older - but JK Rowling sort of squished all the dating into the Sixth Book, don't you think?

8.) I'm pretty sure there will be the seventh (probably last) book to cover the ending of the Harry Potter Series, which is a fabulous series, and is NOT like a dictionary.

Comments to Eric:
1.) Yep, I made this thread to discuss about Harry Potter not to get of topic.

2.)Yes thats why I also this Dumbledore froze Harry, there weren't fifty Death Eaters! Lmao.. there was like 7-10. And thats true about the barrier, only people with the dark mark can pass through it.

3.)Yep, but one problem with Dumbledore is, he tries to see the good in everyone.

4.) Yes, Draco had no choice but to do as the Dark Lord wishes, or risk getting his family killed.

5.) Joanne Kathleen Rowling DID admit that R.A.B is Regulus Black in a interview.

6.) Thats perfectly true.

7.) Yeah, she did jam it in, she should've made like 1 more chapter and spread it.

8.)Yer, It ain't like a dictionary, and I'm thinking there will be like 1 more book after the 7th book, The 8th book might be like 5-10 years after Voldemort's/Harry's death and tell what happened.

29-07-2005, 11:41 PM
I'm not sure if JK Rowling will make an eighth book, becuase she doesn't seem like the writer to make what happens, rather an author who makes people speculate what will happen. Thanks for the comments, and I know that there weren't fifty death eaters, just an exaggeration meaning there were quite a handful. I mean, Ron has not dated the whole series, and all of a sudden he is WAY into it, while Ginny has been dating all along. The dating part of Harry Potter.. just isn't my interest. Anyways, Harry can still talk to Dumbledore through his portrait in the office with all the other headmasters/headmistresses, right? Dumbledore can still help!

29-07-2005, 11:49 PM
Thats true, part of his brain or knowledge is transfered to the portrait, but Harry won't have time to talk to Dumbledore, he's not going to be at Hogwarts, its going to be packed with action.

29-07-2005, 11:51 PM
I wana burn that book ( no offence harry potter's fans.)

30-07-2005, 12:04 AM
What does the thread name say? DONT POST IF YOU HAVENT READ YOU. You dumb noob, are you blind? Keep your rash comments for yourself!

30-07-2005, 12:12 AM
Harry Potter isn't on a time basis though. Uh, I think Kyle might have read the book and didn't like it, but that's a horrible way to express your feelings, Kyle.

30-07-2005, 12:16 AM
What does the thread name say? DONT POST IF YOU HAVENT READ YOU. You dumb noob, are you blind? Keep your rash comments for yourself!
Dude I started reading it and couldn't even bother. I'm not a n00b and in your first posts say;''post comments and questions about the book or something'' so hm.

Btw it was J-O-K-E. :rolleyes:

30-07-2005, 12:39 AM
Pfft yeah right. Why'd you even buy/or whatever the book?

30-07-2005, 12:42 AM
I didn't? I tried to read each book she wrote and I find them extremly boring. No offence but everybody has different opinions ;) and yes I didn't bought I lend it from a mate.

30-07-2005, 01:44 AM
Okay, question: Why did you borrow the book if you found the rest boring? No, I'm not angry, offended, or shooting this question at you as if I'm offended, just a question. Also, I personally think the beginning of each of the books are boring, so try to endure it, and maybe you'll like it as it gets deeper in!

30-07-2005, 03:36 AM
^Exactly what Eric said.^

30-07-2005, 09:22 AM
Okay, question: Why did you borrow the book if you found the rest boring? No, I'm not angry, offended, or shooting this question at you as if I'm offended, just a question. Also, I personally think the beginning of each of the books are boring, so try to endure it, and maybe you'll like it as it gets deeper in!
Mm because I never say like;'' that book is so stupid and boring'' if I never read it? :) I watched the first two movies? and even movies are boring..I came to page 50 something in one of the books and took me ages..I just couldn't read it. For some reason I don't find the book good.

30-07-2005, 10:32 AM
Spamz Joo

Yeah I Read It, 7 Hours :)

30-07-2005, 01:23 PM
I think it was a little disappointing really...

Not much action. Sure, it tells you a lot that you need to know, but I like the action parts :D

I preferred book 5.

That doesn't mean I don't like the book. I did like it :)

30-07-2005, 02:00 PM
Well, Kyle, I guess we all just have different book/theme tastes, and magic isn't your's. :p However, I suggest you don't say 'I want to burn the book' in a thread for HP Fans. :) I agree with you, Acidude, that the book was not as exciting since of all the going into the pensieve (I'd always lay the book down for a few minutes whenever they mentioned private lessons again) and the dating was sort of boring as well, but 'The Cave' and afterwards made up for it. It's just if you can endure that long, then you'll forget all the boring parts at The Cave. :)

30-07-2005, 02:05 PM
So instead you go on the internet? Which is wasting youre time aswell. Reading a book is alot better than takling about habbo, dont you think?

I love the books, but urmm cant make up my mind about this lol, i think when you first get the book, all you wanan do is read it, instead of doing anything else, but after youve read it ... back to habbo :eusa_danc

30-07-2005, 02:51 PM
No The 6th Is The Best Yet

30-07-2005, 02:56 PM
No The 6th Is The Best Yet

Totally agree, JK Rowling wasnt wrong when she sid there was going to be alot of romance in this book, but Dumbldore dying, :( :'(

30-07-2005, 02:59 PM
Last night I sat up from 12 till 7am reading Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix.

Poll: Am I mad or am I a determined reader?

30-07-2005, 03:04 PM
When i first got it , i shut myself up in my room to watch it

30-07-2005, 04:14 PM
Omg finished it last night lol i bet she does make another cos he hasnt killed voldermort and that is the wholr point of the book i bet she just wants to make it out that she sint making one then one day youll just see harry potter and blah blah blah >.< i cant wait for next and i cant belive how emotional she make that book makes you really sad

02-08-2005, 12:45 AM
Yeah me too, I just stared at the book for like half an hour, flipping it over, reading the back like a 1000 times, lol. It was a bit boring though. The best Chapter is "The Cave". Worst Chapter is "The Other Minister".

02-08-2005, 12:59 AM
It was more intresting than the order of the phonix, which was easily her worst book. The best scene was when they saw the death eater sign, sent shivers down my spine!

02-08-2005, 01:03 AM
It was a pretty good book boreing in the begginning as it always is but it got good in the middle i didnt want the book to end

02-08-2005, 01:07 AM
I agree, as usual, it gets difficult to look away towards the end, she has a thing about grabbing the reader at the end. And making you read all night long, determined to finish it!

02-08-2005, 09:19 AM
Anyway, i no where the real locket is and who owns it.
Sirius had a brother Regulas A Black. - RAB
In the order of the phoenix when there cleaning out Sirius mother's house they find a heavy gold locket that cant be opend.
Mundungas stole loads of sirius' possesions so i wonder if he's got the locket. Hmmm.

02-08-2005, 03:22 PM
Spankadelic, You figured it out!!!!!!!!!!! THATS IT!!!!!!!!!! Thats where the locket is!!!!!!! It must be still in the house or Mundungus Stole it! That proves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Note to self: Ok. I'm going hyper, Stop.

03-08-2005, 09:55 AM
Yer after finishing the half blood prince i decided to re read order of the phoenix and i noticed it. Its only a little mentioning but it all fits into place and JK said that she left lots of little hints and clues in the other books.

03-08-2005, 05:53 PM
Yeah, she didn't even describe the locket. she just said, "A heavy locket thats no one can open," I re-read that part again. Lol. Very nice find.

P.S. I gave that rep to ya xP

03-08-2005, 05:55 PM
aww thanku <3

03-08-2005, 06:12 PM
Good job, Spanky :d -rep-

03-08-2005, 06:18 PM
I aint a Bible Basher
I have better things 2 do then stick my head in a book all day
What u gonna read next
The dictionary?
oh i perfer collins dictonery they have words like chav in PS i am NOT a chav

04-08-2005, 12:30 AM
I wonder if the last Horcrux is like something alive too. Like Nagini.

04-08-2005, 12:31 AM
Wouldnt be suprised if it was something really unpredictable like malfoy or sumat =P

I mean why would he care about a kid?

04-08-2005, 12:33 AM
i've read it,
it was super sad when dumbledore died at the end though
and the part at the end about harry not going back to hogwarts? then where the heck will he be?
i always knew snape was bad business and that dumbledore was in for trouble trusting him so much. it was maddening really.
cant wait till next book :)

04-08-2005, 03:34 PM
its a FANTASTIC book =D

04-08-2005, 07:38 PM
Yeah i loved it didnt think snape wud get dumblebore

05-08-2005, 03:53 PM
swan0, You got that animation from the same place i got mine. xD But howd you get the first form? I can only get the charged one ;( Btw, Sorry for going off topic xD. Yeah, It must be unpredictable.. The last horcrux. And Harry is going to The Burrow for Bill and Fleur's marriage, then he's going to the dursleys to get his stuff then he'll head out to his old Mom and Dad's House, It said in the last part of the book, read the last chapter again. The White Tomb.

07-08-2005, 06:58 PM
The book was alright. Wonder if Harry will be related to the Weasleys when he gets married.. :D (Ginny)

09-08-2005, 02:26 PM
The book was alright. Wonder if Harry will be related to the Weasleys when he gets married.. :D (Ginny)

Didn't they break up at the end of the 6th book? (due to Harry's fear she would be used again)
And the ending was very good, although kind of predictable.

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